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Last active May 8, 2017 18:41
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Pixi circle animation example
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// init Pixi for fullscreen rendering
const doc = document.body;
const docWidth = window.innerWidth;
const docHeight = window.innerHeight;
const aspectRatio = docHeight / docWidth;
const app = new PIXI.Application(docWidth, docHeight);
const { view, renderer } = app; = 0; = 'absolute';
// helper that generates a bitmap texture containing
// a circle of the required radius and color
const generateCircleTexture = (renderer, radius, color) => {
const gfx = new PIXI.Graphics();
const tileSize = radius * 3;
const texture = PIXI.RenderTexture.create(tileSize, tileSize);
gfx.drawCircle(tileSize / 2, tileSize / 2, radius);
renderer.render(gfx, texture);
return texture;
// create a grid of circles based on screen dimensions
const stage = new PIXI.Container();
const colCount = 50;
const colWidth = docWidth / colCount;
const rowCount = parseInt(colCount * aspectRatio);
const rowHeight = docHeight / rowCount;
const circleCount = rowCount * colCount;
const maxRadius = Math.min(colWidth, rowHeight) / 3;
const tileCenter = {
x: maxRadius * 3/2,
y: maxRadius * 3/2
const circleTexture = generateCircleTexture(renderer, maxRadius, 0xFFFFFF);
const centroids = Array.from(Array(circleCount)).map((d,i) => {
const col = i % colCount;
const row = parseInt(i / colCount);
const x = (col * colWidth) + (colWidth / 2);
const y = (row * rowHeight) + (rowHeight / 2);
return { col, row, x, y };
const circles ={ x, y }) => {
const circleSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(circleTexture);
circleSprite.x = x;
circleSprite.y = y;
return circleSprite;
const minScale = 1e-6;
const maxScale = 1;
const randomScale = () => minScale + ((maxScale - minScale) * Math.random());
const palette = chroma.brewer.YlGnBu;
const paletteRGB = => chroma(c).rgb())
const randomColor = () => paletteRGB[Math.floor(palette.length * Math.random())];
// create a series of animation states for each circle
const numStates = 50;
const allStates =, c) => {
const states = Array(numStates);
for (var i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
states[i] = [randomScale(), randomColor()];
return states;
// animate the changes between states over time
const fps = 60;
const tweenTime = 2;
const tweenFrames = fps * tweenTime;
let state = 0, frame = 0, progress = 0;
const animate = () => {
// track circles, states and scales
let circle, c;
let currScale, nextScale, scale;
let currColor, nextColor, color;
let r, g, b;
// track progress as proportion of frames completed
frame = ++frame % tweenFrames;
progress = (frame / tweenFrames) || 1e-6;
// increment state counter once we've looped back around
if (frame === 0) {
state = ++state % numStates;
// update scale and color of all circles by
// interpolating current state and next state
for (c = 0; c < circleCount; c++) {
circle = circles[c];
[currScale, currColor] = allStates[c][state];
[nextScale, nextColor] = allStates[c][(state + 1) % numStates];
r = currColor[0] + ((nextColor[0] - currColor[0]) * progress);
g = currColor[1] + ((nextColor[1] - currColor[1]) * progress);
b = currColor[2] + ((nextColor[2] - currColor[2]) * progress);
scale = currScale + ((nextScale - currScale) * progress);
color = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
circle.tint = color;
// cue up next frame then render the updates
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