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Last active May 7, 2021 02:50
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miscellaneous useful Flask things
Flask application response handlers.
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify
errors = Blueprint('errors', __name__)
class MyException(Exception):
def handle_generic_error(error):
"""App handler for expected server errors."""
message = [str(x) for x in error.args]
status_code = 500
success = False
response = {
'success': success,
'error': {
'type': error.__class__.__name__,
'message': message
return jsonify(response), status_code
def handle_unexpected_error(error): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""App handler for unexpected errors."""
status_code = 500
success = False
response = {
'success': success,
'error': {
'type': 'UnexpectedException',
'message': 'An unexpected error has occurred.'
return jsonify(response), status_code
useful routing & view functionality for Flask app
import os
import flask
from my_app_name.flask_app import app
def docs(subpath):
"""Reroute /docs to static files in generated doc subpath"""
if subpath == '' or subpath is None:
subpath = 'index.html'
return flask.send_from_directory(
os.path.join(app.static_folder, 'my_app_name'), subpath)
@app.route('/docs', strict_slashes=False)
def docs_root():
"""Reroute to docs index"""
return docs('')
# Helpers
def dump_html_safe_db_list(db_obj_list):
"""Get an HTML safe string representation of a list of DB objects."""
return ', '.join(get_html_safe_db_repr(o) for o in db_obj_list)
def get_html_safe_db_repr(db_obj):
"""Get an HTML safe string representation of a DB object."""
return convert_html_brackets(repr(db_obj))
def convert_html_brackets(s):
"""Convert repr <> brackets to HTML-plaintext-compatible [] brackets."""
return s.replace('<', '[').replace('>', ']')
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