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Last active October 12, 2016 18:11
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use this to generate portmanteaus, or maybe celebrity couple names for your friends
from optparse import OptionParser
import sys
vowels = 'aeiou'
def is_vowel(c):
return len(c) == 1 and c in vowels
def is_consonant(c):
return not is_vowel(c)
def indices(s, substr):
'''Find indices of all occurrences of `substr` in `s`'''
start = 0
L = []
while True:
start = s.find(substr, start)
if start < 0:
start += 1
return L
def lcs(x, y):
find longest common substrings with DP
:returns: set of LCSs
L = [[0]*len(y)]*len(x)
longest = 0 # len of longest common substring found so far
ret = set() # strings of length `longest`
for i in xrange(len(x)):
for j in xrange(len(y)):
if x[i] == y[j]:
# update table
if i == 0 or j == 0:
L[i][j] = 1
L[i][j] = L[i-1][j-1] + 1
# found new best
if L[i][j] > longest:
longest = L[i][j]
ret = set([ x[(i - longest + 1):i+1] ])
elif L[i][j] == longest:
ret.update(set([ x[(i - longest + 1):i+1] ]))
return ret
def find_last_index(s, c):
'''Find last index of char `c` in string `s`'''
i = s[::-1].find(c)
if i == -1:
return -1
return len(s) - i - 1
def join_near(x, y, join_on_vowel=True, reverse=False):
'''join x to y on a vowel. order matters'''
if reverse:
(x,y) = (y,x)
diff = len(x) + len(y)
smush = None
for i in xrange(len(y)):
if is_vowel(y[i]) == join_on_vowel:
char_i = find_last_index(x, y[i])
if char_i > -1 and (len(x) - char_i + 1) < diff:
diff = len(x) - char_i + i
smush = x[:char_i] + y[i:]
return smush
def first(listy, index=0, default=None):
'''get if exists, else default'''
if isinstance(listy, set):
listy = list(listy)
return listy[index] if len(listy) > index else default
def score(x, y, port, verbose=False):
'''score portmanteau based on original words'''
# TODO: ML this instead of jankily guessing weights yourself
score = 0
for word in [x, y]:
# longest substring length up to 7
ss_len = len(first(lcs(word, port), default=''))
score += min(ss_len, 7)
# penalize length > 12
if len(port) > 12:
score -= (len(port) - 12)
# at least substr n>=3 represented from both
if all(len(first(lcs(w, port), default='')) >= 3 for w in [x,y]):
score += len(x+y) / 2
# slight preference for order
if port.startswith(x[:3]):
score += 3
return score
def smooth_join(x, y):
joins while alternating vowels and consonants to make strings roll off
the tongue. prioritize first string.
if len(x) == 0 or len(y) == 0:
return None
if is_consonant(x[-1]):
if is_consonant(y[0]):
y = y[1:]
return x + y
return x + y
def join_on_substr(x, y, substr):
Return all solutions of two strings joined on common substring.
Works for multiple occurrences of `substr`.
sslen = len(substr)
solutions = set()
# todo minimize dist
for i in indices(x, substr):
for j in indices(y, substr):
# if substring is only one consonant from the end, incorporate it
if i+sslen == len(x) - 1 and is_consonant(x[-1]):
solutions.add(smooth_join(x[:i] + substr + x[-1], y[j+sslen:]))
solutions.add(smooth_join(x[:i] + substr, y[j+sslen:]))
if j+sslen == len(y) - 1 and is_consonant(y[-1]):
solutions.add(smooth_join(y[:j] + substr + y[-1], x[i+sslen:]))
solutions.add(smooth_join(y[:j] + substr, x[i+sslen:]))
return solutions
def portmanteau(x, y, verbose=False):
x = x.lower()
y = y.lower()
solutions = set()
# Join on longest common substring
substrs = list(lcs(x, y))
# Remove standalone vowels
substrs = [s for s in substrs if is_consonant(s)]
#print 'substrings', substrs
for substr in substrs:
solutions.update(join_on_substr(x, y, substr))
# Try joining along syllables near ends
solutions.add(join_near(x, y))
solutions.add(join_near(x, y, join_on_vowel=False))
solutions.add(join_near(y, x))
solutions.add(join_near(y, x, join_on_vowel=False))
# TODO: this would be a lot better if we knew about syllable boundaries,
# but detecting them is actually a phd thesis
# Clean & print best
if verbose:
for s in solutions:
print s, score(x,y,s, verbose=verbose)
return (max(solutions, key=lambda s: score(x,y,s, verbose=verbose))
if solutions
else None)
def main():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
action="store_true", default=False,
help="print debug info")
(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 2:
print (portmanteau(args[0], args[1], verbose=options.verbose)
or 'does not make a good portmanteau')
barrage = [
('joshua', 'noah'),
('glen', 'noah'),
('brad', 'angelina'),
('tep', 'tetazoo'),
('beef', 'buffalo'),
('camel', 'leopard'),
('sheep', 'people'),
('california', 'fornication'),
('rock', 'documentary'),
('mock', 'documentary'),
('sacrilege', 'delicious'),
('literature', 'erotica'),
('scan', 'translation'),
('flavor', 'favorite'),
('mock', 'cocktail'),
('anachronism', 'acronym'),
('back', 'acronym'),
('bro', 'romance'),
('cocacola', 'colonization'),
('motor', 'cavalcade'),
('sex', 'expert'),
for x, y in barrage:
port = portmanteau(x, y) or 'does not make a good portmanteau'
print '%s + %s: %s' % (x, y, port)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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