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relationship rpg dice simulators
Simulate 'Cumulative' type relationshipRPG trials.
import csv
import math
import random
import time
import unittest
from util import *
def generate(filename):
"""Play a lot of Cumulative Trials, write the outcomes to CSV"""
with open(filename, 'w') as csvfile:
fieldnames = ['dice', 'threshold', 'pass_probability']
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for dice in xrange(1, MAX_STAT + MAX_ENERGY_USE + 1):
for threshold in xrange(10, 31): # [10..30] inclusive
passes = [
play(threshold, dice) # lol this is so lazy/redundant
for _ in xrange(TRIALS_PER_CELL)
prob = float(len(filter(lambda x: x, passes))) / TRIALS_PER_CELL
if prob == 0.0 or prob == 1.0:
'dice': dice,
'threshold': threshold,
'pass_probability': prob
def play(threshold, num_dice):
Randomly play one "Cumulative" type trial, and return whether it passed
return sum(roll_dice(num_dice)) >= threshold
if __name__ == "__main__":
Simulate 'Match' type relationshipRPG trials so that we can get a probability
distribution to use to balance Trial difficulties.
It was too inelegant to find the pure closed form solution.
We would like to solve for match value given a desired energy input and
expected stat value, so we are generating a probability distribution of
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import csv
import math
from operator import itemgetter
import random
import time
import unittest
from util import *
def generate(filename):
"""Play a lot of Match Trials, write the outcomes to CSV"""
with open(filename, 'w') as csvfile:
fieldnames = ['match', 'stat', 'energy_allocated', 'pass_probability']
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for stat in xrange(1, 8): # [1..7] inclusive
for match_val in xrange(2, 6): # [2..5] inclusive
energies = [
play_match(match_val, stat)
for _ in xrange(TRIALS_PER_CELL)]
energy_counts = Counter(energies)
#print "<%d,%d>" % (stat, match_val), energy_counts
# Individual probabilities are for the amount of energy used on success.
# Get cumulative probabilities so we can write the probability of
# success with X energy allocated prior to roll.
cum = 0
for nrg, c in energy_counts.iteritems():
if nrg == -1:
cum += c
#print nrg, float(cum)/TRIALS_PER_CELL
'match': match_val,
'stat': stat,
'energy_allocated': nrg,
'pass_probability': float(cum)/TRIALS_PER_CELL,
def play_match(match_value, stat):
Randomly play one "Match" type trial, and return the amount of Energy used
to pass it.
:param match_value <int>: the number of dice you must match to pass this trial
:param stat <int>: the value that came out of your stat formula
:returns <int>: the number of Energy it took to reach the desired match value.
Returns -1 if we exceeded max energy usage.
The structure of a Match trial:
1. Start by rolling `stat` dice.
2. Reroll any subset for free.
2b. For each successive Energy, may add one additional die, and reroll any
subset of available dice. You have `stat`+k dice on the `k`th Energy use.
# 1. Start by rolling `stat` dice.
dice = roll_dice(stat)
if is_success(match_value, dice):
return 0
# 2. Rerolls. First one costs 0 energy.
energy_used = 0
while energy_used < MAX_ENERGY_USE:
dice = match_reroll(dice, stat+energy_used)
if is_success(match_value, dice):
return energy_used
energy_used += 1
return -1
def match_reroll(current_dice, reroll_dice_allowed):
"""Rerolls and returns new dice values."""
kept_value, kept_count = winnow_dice(current_dice)
return [kept_value]*kept_count + roll_dice(reroll_dice_allowed-kept_count)
def winnow_dice(dice):
Select dice to keep from a Match roll.
If multiple options are equally good, randomly selects one of them.
:returns: a tuple of ints - (value of kept dice, number of dice kept)
assert len(dice) > 0
counter = Counter(dice)
# `most_common` deterministically orders by value, so let's randomly select
# one of the top most common values.
most_matched = counter.most_common(1)[0][1]
return random.choice(
filter(lambda tup: tup[1] == most_matched, counter.items())
def is_success(match_value, dice):
Evaluate whether this set of dice values passed a Match trial.
:returns <bool>: true if at least `match_value` dice are a match.
assert len(dice) > 0
return Counter(dice).most_common(1)[0][1] >= match_value
class TestMatchMethods(unittest.TestCase):
"""unit tests"""
def test_match_reroll(self):
"""Just a sanity check; not actually inspecting dice values."""
stat = 5
dice = roll_dice(stat)
dice = match_reroll(dice, stat)
self.assertEqual(len(dice), stat)
dice = match_reroll(dice, stat+1)
self.assertEqual(len(dice), stat+1)
def test_winnow_dice(self):
cases = [ # <dice, expected number kept>
([1,2,3,4], 1),
([1,1,3,4], 2),
([3,3,4,4], 2),
([3,3,3,4], 3),
([3,3,3,3], 4),
for (dice, kept_cnt) in cases:
val,cnt = winnow_dice(dice)
self.assertEqual(cnt, kept_cnt)
def test_is_success(self):
self.assertEqual(is_success(1, [1, 2, 3]), True)
self.assertEqual(is_success(2, [1, 2, 3]), False)
self.assertEqual(is_success(2, [1, 3, 1]), True)
self.assertEqual(is_success(2, [4, 4, 4]), True)
self.assertEqual(is_success(3, [1, 2, 2]), False)
self.assertEqual(is_success(3, [2, 2, 2]), True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Simulate 'Pass/Fail' type relationshipRPG trials.
import csv
import math
from util import *
def generate(filename):
"""Write pass/fail probabilities to CSV"""
with open(filename, 'w') as csvfile:
fieldnames = ['stat', 'energy', 'pass_probability']
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for stat in xrange(1, MAX_STAT+1):
for energy in xrange(1, MAX_ENERGY_USE+1):
prob = 1.0 - math.pow(((6-stat)/6.0), energy)
'stat': stat,
'energy': energy,
'pass_probability': prob if prob <= 1.0 else 1.0,
if __name__ == "__main__":
import random
MAX_ENERGY_USE = 10 # Much more Energy than players will ever spend
MAX_STAT = 7 # Output from formula
def roll_die():
"""One random die roll."""
return random.randint(1, 6)
def roll_dice(n):
"""Randomly roll `n` dice."""
return [roll_die() for _ in xrange(n)]
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