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Last active December 22, 2020 11:00
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integration_tests_first commit (SetQuantities.cs)
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.eShopWeb.ApplicationCore.Entities.BasketAggregate;
using Microsoft.eShopWeb.ApplicationCore.Interfaces;
using Microsoft.eShopWeb.ApplicationCore.Services;
using Microsoft.eShopWeb.Infrastructure.Data;
using Microsoft.eShopWeb.UnitTests.Builders;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.eShopWeb.IntegrationTests.Repositories.BasketRepositoryTests
public class SetQuantities
private readonly CatalogContext _catalogContext;
private readonly IAsyncRepository<Basket> _basketRepository;
private readonly BasketBuilder BasketBuilder = new BasketBuilder();
public SetQuantities()
// Create a fresh service provider, and therefore a fresh
// Npgsql database instance.
var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
// Create a new options instance telling the context to use an
// Npgsql database and the new service provider.
// var postgresConnectionString = string.Format(Configuration.GetConnectionString("IntegrationTestsDb"), dbSuffix);
const string postgresConnectionString = "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=integration_tests;Username=postgres;Password=reallyStrongPwd123;Maximum Pool Size=1";
var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<CatalogContext>();
.UseSnakeCaseNamingConvention(); //
var dbOptions = builder.Options;
_catalogContext = new CatalogContext(dbOptions);
// EnsureCreated totally bypasses migrations and just creates the schema for you, you can't mix this with migrations.
// EnsureCreated is designed for testing or rapid prototyping where you are ok with dropping and re-creating the database each time.
// If you are using migrations and want to have them automatically applied on app start, then you can use context.Database.Migrate() instead.
_basketRepository = new EfRepository<Basket>(_catalogContext);
public async Task RemoveEmptyQuantities()
var basket = BasketBuilder.WithOneBasketItem();
var basketService = new BasketService(_basketRepository, null);
await _basketRepository.AddAsync(basket);
await _catalogContext.SaveChangesAsync();
await basketService.SetQuantities(BasketBuilder.BasketId, new Dictionary<string, int>() { { BasketBuilder.BasketId.ToString(), 0 } });
Assert.Equal(0, basket.Items.Count);
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