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Last active May 29, 2023 19:10
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ROS2: Retrieve the total number of laser rays using the python interpreter (adjust topic name if neccesary)
import rclpy
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from rclpy.qos import ReliabilityPolicy, QoSProfile
def scan_callback(msg):
global g_node
g_node.get_logger().info('Number of rays: "%d"' % len(msg.ranges))
g_node.get_logger().info('Angle of first ray: "%.2f"' % msg.angle_min)
g_node.get_logger().info('Angle of last ray: "%.2f"' % msg.angle_max)
g_node.get_logger().info('Total angular area of coverage: "%.2f"' % (msg.angle_max-msg.angle_min))
g_node = None
global g_node
qos_policy = rclpy.qos.QoSProfile(reliability=rclpy.qos.ReliabilityPolicy.BEST_EFFORT,history=rclpy.qos.HistoryPolicy.KEEP_LAST,depth=1)
g_node = rclpy.create_node('minimal_subscriber')
subscription = g_node.create_subscription(LaserScan, '/scan', scan_callback, qos_profile=qos_policy)
if rclpy.ok():
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rfzeg commented Nov 28, 2022

How to use it:

  1. In your terminal start the python interpreter by typing:

  2. Copy the lines of code shown above and paste them in the python interpreter prompt. Hit enter two times.
    You should see the total number of laser rays printed to the screen.

  3. Exit the python interpreter by typing: exit()

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rfzeg commented Dec 21, 2022

Alternatively you can run from the command line:

ros2 topic echo --full-length --once

ros2 topic echo -f --once

Which will output all elements for the ranges arrays. By default the length of arrays gets truncated to 128 elements. (--once option for ros2 humble and above).

example: ros2 topic echo -f --once /scan > scan.txt

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rfzeg commented Dec 30, 2022

Alternatively you can consult the data sheet or the gazebo plugin.

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rfzeg commented May 29, 2023

ROS1 version:

import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan

def scan_callback(msg):
  rospy.loginfo('Number of rays: "%d"' % len(msg.ranges))
  rospy.loginfo('Angle of first ray: "%.2f"' % msg.angle_min)
  rospy.loginfo('Angle of last ray: "%.2f"' % msg.angle_max)
  rospy.loginfo('Total angular area of coverage: "%.2f"' % (msg.angle_max - msg.angle_min))

def main():
  subscription = rospy.Subscriber('/kobuki/laser/scan', LaserScan, scan_callback)
  except KeyboardInterrupt:
    rospy.loginfo("Ctrl+C detected. Stopping the script.")

if __name__ == '__main__':

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