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Last active September 25, 2015 09:47
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Save rgarcia/901854 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script to tell us when the lollapalooza front page changes, so that we can get in on ticket deals quickly
# script to tell us when the lollapalooza front page has changed, presumably to get ticket deals
import urllib2
import time
import md5
import smtplib
import random
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
people = [ ] # put people to notify here
urltowatch = ''
smtpserverURL = ''
smtpserverLogin = ''
smtpserverPass = 'yourpassword'
pagehash = None
while True:
page = urllib2.urlopen(urltowatch)
print page.geturl()
oldpagehash = pagehash
pagehash =
if oldpagehash != None and oldpagehash != pagehash:
msg = MIMEText(urltowatch)
msg['Subject'] = urltowatch + ' has changed!!'
msg['From'] = smtpserverLogin
msg['To'] = ''
# send the message
print 'connecting to smtp server...'
server = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserverURL)
print 'connected'
server.login(smtpserverLogin, smtpserverPass)
server.sendmail(smtpserverLogin, people, msg.as_string())
time.sleep(60 + random.randrange(4, 16)) # every minute + human noise
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