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Created March 14, 2016 21:21
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Save rgarcia/cf553169c4832543a0a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
mocking a vendored dependency
// $GOPATH/src/a/vendor/b/b.go
package b
import "log"
type Type int
type Interface interface {
type Implementation struct {
func (b Implementation) InterfaceMethod(Type) {
log.Println("in b implementation")
// Automatically generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT!
// Source: b (interfaces: Interface)
package mock_b
import (
b "b"
gomock ""
// Mock of Interface interface
type MockInterface struct {
ctrl *gomock.Controller
recorder *_MockInterfaceRecorder
// Recorder for MockInterface (not exported)
type _MockInterfaceRecorder struct {
mock *MockInterface
func NewMockInterface(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockInterface {
mock := &MockInterface{ctrl: ctrl}
mock.recorder = &_MockInterfaceRecorder{mock}
return mock
func (_m *MockInterface) EXPECT() *_MockInterfaceRecorder {
return _m.recorder
func (_m *MockInterface) InterfaceMethod(_param0 b.Type) {
_m.ctrl.Call(_m, "InterfaceMethod", _param0)
func (_mr *_MockInterfaceRecorder) InterfaceMethod(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "InterfaceMethod", arg0)
// $GOPATH/src/a/main.go
package main
import "b"
func main() {
bobj := b.Implementation{}
var btyp b.Type
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rgarcia commented Mar 14, 2016

bmocks.go generated by mockgen -destination bmocks.go b Interface from this PR golang/mock#28

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