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Last active December 12, 2015 06:08
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Save rgchris/4726905 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
EBNF Notation describing the REBOL (and family) Message Format
REBOL Syntax
2012 by Christopher Ross-Gill
Based in Part on REBOLSource / REBOL Syntax by Earl, Ladislav and Steeve
Designed for use with:
For Future Ref:
Values ::= WhiteSpace? (Value (WhiteSpace? Value)*)? WhiteSpace?
Value ::= Number | OtherValue | AnyString | Path | AnyWord | Paren | Block
WhiteSpace ::= (Space | Comment)+
Space ::= CharSpace+
CharSpace ::= [#x9#xA#xD#x20#x7F]
Term ::= #x0 [#x0-#xFFFFFF]*
Comment ::= ';' [^#x0#xA#xD]*
Number ::= Percent | Decimal | Integer
OtherValue ::= Char | Date | Money | Pair | Time | Tuple | Literal /* | Range */
AnyString ::= Binary | Email | File | Issue | String | Tag | Url
AnyWord ::= GetWord | SetWord | LitWord | Word | Refinement
Path ::= AnyWord ("/" (Number | String | OtherValue | AnyWord | Paren))+
Paren ::= "(" Values ")"
Block ::= "[" Values "]"
Integer ::= Sign? Digit (Digit | ThousandSeparator)*
Decimal ::= Sign? (
Digit (Digit | ThousandSeparator)* (DecimalExponent | DecimalSeparator (Digit | ThousandSeparator)* DecimalExponent?)
| DecimalSeparator Digit (Digit | ThousandSeparator)* DecimalExponent?
Percent ::= (Decimal | Integer) '%'
Money ::= Sign? (Alpha (Alpha Alpha?)?)? '$' (
(Digit | ThousandSeparator)+ '.'?
| (Digit | ThousandSeparator)* '.' (Digit | ThousandSeparator)+
) DecimalExponent
Char ::= '#"' (CharQuoted | CharEscaped) '"'
Binary ::= BinaryBase2 | BinaryBase16 | BinaryBase64
Email ::=
':' (CharEmail | ':' | '<')* '@' (CharEmail | ':' | '<')*
| CharEmail (CharEmail | '<')* '@' (CharEmail | '<')*
File ::= '%' (StringQuoted | CharFile*)
Issue ::= '#' CharIssue?
String ::= StringQuoted | StringBraced
Tag ::= '<' CharTagFirst CharTag* '>'
Url ::= CharUrlFirst CharUrl* ':' (CharUrl | ':' | '/' | '@')+
Date ::= DateDate ('/' Time DateZone?)?
Pair ::= (Decimal | Integer) 'x' (Decimal | Integer)
Time ::= TimeHour ':' TimeMinute (':' TimeSecond)? (([aA]|[pP])[mM])?
Tuple ::= CharTuple CharTupleN CharTupleN (
CharTupleN (CharTupleN (CharTupleN (CharTupleN (CharTupleN (CharTupleN (CharTupleN)?)?)?)?)?)?
Word ::= WordSlash | WordCompare | CharSign | WordBase
GetWord ::= ':' WordBase
SetWord ::= WordBase ':'
LitWord ::= "'" WordBase
Refinement ::= '/' (Digit | CharWordFirst) Word
Literal ::= '#' Block
CharOK ::= [^#x00#x09#x0A#x0D#x20#x22#x28#x29#x2F#x5B#x5D#x7B#x7D#x7F]
CharTerm ::= [#x00#x09#x0A#x0D#x20#x22#x28#x29#x2F#x5B#x5D#x7B#x7D#x7F]
/* invalid path issue:
words containing the slash character are exceptional:
they can contain only slashes
they do not have a lit-word syntax
they do not have a set-word syntax
they do not have a get-word syntax
they do not have a refinement syntax
they do not have a path syntax */
WordSlash ::= '/'+
/* words containing #"<" or #">" are exceptional:
there are only a few words like this
the words don't have a set-word syntax
the words don't have a refinement syntax */
WordCompare ::= ('<' ('<' | '>' | '=')? | '>' ('=' | '>')?)
/* the :x:y get-words don't have a word-syntax
the //x refinements don't have a word-syntax */
/* words starting with #"+" or #"-" are exceptional:
the second character cannot be a digit
if the second character is #".", the third character cannot be a digit
the second character cannot be the apostrophe
they do not have a refinement syntax
words starting with #"." are exceptional:
the second character cannot be a digit
they do not have a refinement syntax
word followed by a tag */
CharWordFirst ::= [a-zA-Z?!.*&|=_~`]
CharWord ::= CharWordFirst | [0-9+-']
WordBase ::= (CharSign ('.' "'"?)? | '.' "'"?)? CharWordFirst CharWord
Sign ::= "+" | "-"
CharSign ::= Sign
Alpha ::= [a-zA-Z]
Digit ::= [0-9]
HexDigit ::= [0-9a-fA-F]
ThousandSeparator ::= "'"
DecimalSeparator ::= '.' | ','
DecimalExponent ::= 'e' | 'E' Sign? Digit+
StringQuoted ::= '"' (CharQuoted | CharEscaped)* '"'
StringBraced ::= '{' (CharBraced | CharEscaped | StringBraced)
CharQuoted ::= [^#x0#xA"^]
CharBraced ::= [^#x0{}^]
CharEscaped ::= '^' (
'^' | '@' | '-' | '\' | '[' | ']' | '/' | '_' | [A-HK-Z]
| '(' (
'line' | 'tab' | 'page' | 'back' | 'null' | 'escape'
| HexDigit HexDigit (HexDigit (HexDigit)?)?
) ')'
BinaryBase2 ::= '2#{' Space? (
CharBase2 CharBase2 CharBase2 CharBase2 CharBase2 CharBase2 CharBase2 CharBase2
)* '}'
BinaryBase16 ::= '16'? '#{' Space? (CharBase16 CharBase16)* '}'
BinaryBase64 ::= '64#{' Space? (
CharBase64 CharBase64 CharBase64 CharBase64
CharBase64 CharBase64 CharBase64 [=] Space?
| CharBase64 CharBase64 [=] Space? [=] Space?
) '}'
CharBase2 ::= [0-1] Space?
CharBase16 ::= HexDigit Space?
CharBase64 ::= [0-9+/a-yA-Z] Space?
CharTuple ::= Digit | '0' Digit | Digit Digit | [0-1] Digit Digit | '2' ([0-4] Digit | '5' [0-5])
CharTupleN ::= '.' CharTuple
CharIssue ::= [^#x0#x9#xA#xD#x20#x22#x28#x29#x2F#x5B#x5D#x7B#x7D#x7F@$%:<>\#]
/* Issue ::= '#' CharIssue+ */
CharTagFirst ::= [^#x0#x9#xA#xD#x20#x7F=<>"#x5D]
CharTag ::= [^>#x0]
CharUrlEscape ::= '%' CharHex CharHex
CharEmail ::= [^#x0#x9#xA#xD#x20#x22#x28#x29#x2F#x5B#x5D#x7B#x7D#x7F%@:<] | CharUrlEscape
CharUrlFirst ::= [a-zA-Z?!.*&|=_~]
CharUrl ::= CharUrlFirst | [0-9'+-,] | CharUrlEscape
CharFile ::=
[^#x0#x9#xA#xD#x20#x22#x28#x29#x5B#x5D#x7B#x7D#x7F%:@^] | CharUrlEscape
| '^' ('^' | '-' | '\' | '/' | '_' | [A-HK-Z])
TimeHour ::= Sign Digit* | Sign? Digit+
TimeMinute ::= Sign? Digit Digit?
TimeSecond ::= Sign? (Digit Digit? '.'? | (Digit Digit?)? '.' Digit*)
DateZone ::= Sign Digit Digit? ':' ('0' | '3') '0'
DateMonthName ::=
'Jan' ('u' ('a' ('r' 'y'?)?)?)? |
'Feb' ('r' ('u' ('a' ('r' 'y'?)?)?)?)? |
'Mar' ('c' 'h'?)? |
'Apr' ('i' 'l'?)? |
'May' |
'Jun' 'e'? |
'Jul' 'y'? |
'Aug' ('u' ('s' 't'?)?)? |
'Sep' ('t' ('e' ('m' ('b' ('e' 'r'?)?)?)?)?)? |
'Oct' ('o' ('b' ('e' 'r'?)?)?)? |
'Nov' ('e' ('m' ('b' ('e' 'r'?)?)?)?)? |
'Dec' ('e' ('m' ('b' ('e' 'r'?)?)?)?)? |
'1' ('0' | '1' | '2') | '0'? Digit
DateDay ::= '3' ('0' | '1' | '2') | ('0' | '1' | '2')? Digit
DateYear ::= digit (digit (digit (digit digit?)?)?)?
DateDate ::=
DateDay ('-' | '/') DateMonth ('-' | '/') DateYear
| DateYear ('-' | '/') DateMonth ('-' | '/') DateDay
Range ::= (Decimal | Integer) '..' (Decimal | Integer)
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