Looking for workshop teachers to teach on the following topics!
For introductions please tweet @frontendmasters, @1marc or email: marc at FrontendMasters.com. Thanks!
You can propose other topics too.
Published blog post detailing topics and allowed people to vote on priority: 2016 Frontend Masters topic poll
Bolded topics are very highly requested.
- JavaScript Design Patterns TBD Stoyan Stefanov
- Advanced Debugging - profiling, heap dump etc Recorded Todd Gardner & Jon Kuperman
- Node.js (lots of topics) - Streams / IO / APIs & Scaling / Microservices Scheduled Substack, Recorded Kevin Whinnery
- Transpiled Flavors of JS:
ELMRecorded Richard Feldman, PureScript, ClojureScript, etc - Typed JS: TypeScript / Flow
- Redux recorded Brian Holt / MobX
- Advanced React & Redux
- Relay / GraphQL / Falcor
- Frameworks: Vue, Cycle
- Hands-on build an application with latest features in ES6/7
- Working with Client-Side APIs (Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, OAuth2.js, etc)
- Immutable data - Immutable.js / Mori / Immutable concepts and patterns
- Unit Testing JS
- Progressive Web Apps: Offline APIs / Web Workers / Service Workers / Local Storage
- Geo Data Vis / Mapping (leaflet, google maps)
- Security Launched Douglas Crockford Recorded Ryan Chenkie
- Progressive Enhancement / RWD Performance
- Polymer / Web Components
- Mobile design patterns
- Data driven design
- UI design / Material Design
- CSS preprocessors LESS/Sass/compass/stylus
- Usability (Desktop, mobile, etc)
- Form Design / UX
- CSS Frameworks: Foundation / Bootstrap
- Hybrid applications: Ionic 2 Framework / NativeScript
- Electron Recorded Steve Kinney / Native Apps with JS
- Three.js / WebGL libraries
- Canvas
- Document Databases - MongoDB / LevelDB / CouchDB
- Accessibility Recorded Jon Kuperman
- iOT / Hardware Hacking in Node.js
- A/B testing
- Analytics
- WebKit/Blink internals - How browser work
- Diagramming / UML / code explanations
- Introduction to Git/Github
- Text editors: VS Code / Sublime / vim
For introductions please email marc at FrontendMasters dot com.
P.S. You can propose other topics too.
Dev Tools / Rendering Performance (Hardware Accel, Painting, etc)Launched Jon KupermanReact NativeLaunched Scott MossAngular 2Launched Scott Moss and Lukas RuebbelkeAPI Design in NodeLaunched Scott MossReact.jsLaunched with Ryan Florence and Brian HoltES6Launched with Aaron Frost and Scheduled Kyle SimpsonDOM ScriptingLaunched Justin MeyerAsynchronous JavaScriptLaunched Jafar Husain and Kyle SimpsonAlgorithms and Data StructuresRecorded Bianca Gandolfo and Launched Brian HoltEmber.jsLaunched Mike NorthOrganizing a large JavaScript applicationLaunched both Kyle Simpson and Henrik JoretegMeteor.jsRecorded Chris Mather (in production)Animation Engines - GreenSockLaunched Sarah DrasnerSVG / vectorLaunched Sarah DrasnerJSON APIs / API designLaunched Scott MossHtml/RWD emailsLaunched Justine JordanTypographyLaunched Jason PamentalCSS structure (oocss, smass)Launched Jonathan SnookUI prototyping / FramerLaunched Jay StakelonReact NativeRecorded Scott MossWebpackRecorded Kent C DoddsHow to Create an Open Source JavaScript LibraryRecorded Kent C DoddsFirebase + ReactRecorded Steve KinnyHapi.jsRecorded Ryan Chenkied3.js v4Recorded Shirley WuDebugging JavaScriptRecorded Todd GardnerSASSRecorded Michael NorthModern SEORecorded Michael NorthAdvanced JavaScript v2, Deep FoundationsRecorded Kyle SimpsonFunctional JavaScript v2Recorded Kyle Simpson
- April 25th -zUnit Testing JavaScript with Kent C Dodds
- April 26th - Manipulating and linting JavaScript using ASTs with Kent C Dodds
- May 2nd through 5th - Lots of topics James Halliday (Substack)
- May 20th - Advanced Asynchronous Programming with Jafar Husain
- May 24th, 25th & 26th - React v3 with Brian Holt
- July 14th - Vue with Sarah Drasner
- July 27-28 - Progressive Web Applications and Offline with Steve Kinney and Mike North
- August 4th - JavaScript on Wordpress with Zac Gordon
- Late September - Upgrading from AngularJS to Angular (2.x-4.x+)
- Mid September - Elixir & Pheonix (2 days each) with Mike North
- March 1st, 2018 - Build a Website with Chris Coyier
- Early March, 2018 - Elm (Reshoot) with Richard Feldman
- To be scheduled - JavaScript Built-Ins with Kent C Dodds
- To be scheduled - Responsive Web Design (Reshoot)
- To be scheduled - Flexbox and Latest CSS3 with Estelle Weyl
- To be scheduled - Hardcore Functional JS Part 2 with Brian Lonsdorf
- To be scheduled - JavaScript Design Patterns with Stoyan Stefanov
- To be scheduled - Progressive Web Apps with Aditya Punjani
- To be scheduled - Introduction to Web Development (Reshoot) with Brian Holt
- To be scheduled - GraphQL with Lukas Ruebbelke
- To be scheduled - Angular 2 Testing with Lukas Ruebbelke