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Last active May 15, 2021 16:25
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Maven Build and Docker Push Jenkinsfile
node {
string(name: 'dockerRegistry',
defaultValue: '',
description: 'The docker registry to use (DNS name only)',),
string(name: 'dockerRepository',
defaultValue: 'apache/struts-showcase',
description: 'The repository to push to',),
string(name: 'dockerRegistryCredentialsId',
defaultValue: 'dockerhub-struts-credentials',
description: 'The Jenkins credentials id for docker registry to use',)
stage('Checkout') {
checkout scm
docker.image('maven:3.6.1-jdk-8').inside {
withMaven() {
stage('Maven Build') {
sh '"$MVN_CMD" clean package'
stage('Maven Deploy') {
sh '"$MVN_CMD" -DskipTests deploy'
docker.withRegistry("https://${dockerRegistry}", "${dockerRegistryCredentialsId}") {
stage('Docker Build') {
image ="${dockerRegistry}/$(dockerRepository)", "--pull --no-cache .")
stage('Docker Push') {
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