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Created January 2, 2011 13:56
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Save rgieseke/762546 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modified snapopen to use shortened filenames, requires common.display_filename.
-- Copyright 2007-2011 Mitchell mitchell<att> See LICENSE.
-- Modified to use shortened filenames
local L = _G.locale.localize
-- Snapopen for the textadept module.
module('_m.textadept.snapopen', package.seeall)
if WIN32 then
pattern = os.getenv('USERPROFILE')..'\\'
replacement = ''
pattern = '^'..os.getenv('HOME')
replacement = '~'
-- Markdown:
-- ## Settings
-- * `PATHS`: Table of default paths to search.
-- * `DEFAULT_DEPTH`: Maximum directory depth to search (defaults to 4).
-- * `MAX`: Maximum number of files to list (defaults to 1000).
-- ## Examples
-- local snapopen =
-- -- Show all files in PATHS.
-- snapopen()
-- -- Show all files in the current file's directory.
-- snapopen(buffer.filename:match('^(.+)[/\\]'), nil, true)
-- -- Show all Lua files in PATHS.
-- snapopen(nil, '!%.lua$')
-- -- Ignore the .hg folder in the local Mercurial repository.
-- local project_dir = '/path/to/project'
-- snapopen(project_dir, { folders = { '%.hg' } }, true)
-- settings
PATHS = {}
MAX = 1000
-- end settings
local lfs_dir, lfs_attributes = lfs.dir, lfs.attributes
-- Determines whether or not the given file matches the given filter.
-- @param file The filename.
-- @param filter The filter table.
-- @return boolean true or false.
local function exclude(file, filter)
if not filter then return false end
local string_match, string_sub = string.match, string.sub
for i = 1, #filter do
local patt = filter[i]
if string_sub(patt, 1, 1) ~= '!' then
if string_match(file, patt) then return true end
if not string_match(file, string_sub(patt, 2)) then return true end
return false
-- Adds a directory's contents to a list of files.
-- @param dir The directory to open.
-- @param list The list of files to add dir's contents to.
-- @param depth The current depth of nested folders.
-- @param filter The filter table.
local function add_directory(dir, list, depth, filter)
local string_match, string_gsub, MAX = string.match, string.gsub, MAX
for file in lfs_dir(dir) do
if not string_match(file, '^%.%.?$') then
file = dir..(not WIN32 and '/' or '\\')..file
if lfs_attributes(file).mode == 'directory' then
if not exclude(file, filter.folders) and depth < DEPTH then
add_directory(file, list, depth + 1, filter)
elseif not exclude(file, filter) then
if #list >= MAX then return end
list[#list + 1] = string_gsub(file, '^%.[/\\]', '')
-- Quickly open a file in set of directories.
-- @param paths A string directory path or table of directory paths to search.
-- @param filter A filter for files and folders to exclude. The filter may be
-- a string or table. Each filter is a Lua pattern. Any files matching a
-- filter are excluded. Prefix a pattern with '!' to exclude any files that
-- do not match the filter. Directories can be excluded by adding filters to
-- a table assigned to a 'folders' key in the filter table.
-- @param exclusive Flag indicating whether or not to exclude PATHS in the
-- search. Defaults to false.
-- @param depth Number of directories to recurse into for finding files.
-- Defaults to DEFAULT_DEPTH.
-- @usage
-- @usage'^.+/'), nil, true)
-- @usage, '!%.lua$')
-- @usage, { folders = { '%.hg' } })
function open(paths, filter, exclusive, depth)
if not paths then paths = {} end
if type(paths) == 'string' then paths = { paths } end
if not filter then filter = {} end
if type(filter) == 'string' then filter = { filter } end
if not exclusive then
for _, path in ipairs(PATHS) do paths[#paths + 1] = path end
local list = {}
for _, path in ipairs(paths) do add_directory(path, list, 1, filter) end
if #list >= MAX then
'--title', L('File Limit Exceeded'),
string.format('%d %s %d', MAX,
L('files or more were found. Showing the first'),
local display_list = {}
for i=1, #list do
display_list[i] = list[i]:gsub(pattern, replacement)
local out = gui.dialog('filteredlist',
'--title', L('Open'),
'--button1', 'gtk-ok',
'--button2', 'gtk-cancel',
'--columns', 'File',
'--items', display_list)
local response, index = out:match('^(%d+)[\r\n]+(%d+)')
if response == '1' then io.open_file(list[tonumber(index) + 1]) end
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