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Last active March 28, 2023 14:24
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  • Save rgl/5d0a03ebd4efd87159997c64cb04b898 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rgl/5d0a03ebd4efd87159997c64cb04b898 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
scrape for a windows server 2022 iso creation pack
// scrape
// NB there's a better way, using the API, e.g.
// see
// see
// see
// each scraped line is a tab separated string with 4 fields alike:
// "Feature update to Microsoft server operating system, version 21H2 (20348.643) amd64\tx64\t2022-04-12 17:04:01 UTC\tb8e204fd-4e2b-4722-95d7-aad633ad7379"
const updateIdEl ='th'), el => el.innerText == "Update ID");
const buildsTableEl = updateIdEl.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
const builds = buildsTableEl.querySelector('tbody').innerText
.map(l => l.split("\t"))
.map(a => {
const name = a[0];
const matches = name.match(/ \((\d+\.\d+)\) [a-z0-9]+$/);
const version = matches[1];
return {
name: name,
version: version,
architecture: a[1],
dateAdded: a[2],
id: a[3],
// then you can use the builds to create the download package at, e.g., to
// get the download package that gets the serverstandard edition:
// NB edition is a semicolon separated list, at most it can be:
// serverdatacenter;serverdatacentercore;serverstandard;serverstandardcore
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