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Last active March 25, 2018 18:41
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dcos marathon cli
dcos package --config-schema
dcos package --help
dcos package --info
dcos package describe <package-name>
[(--app [--render]) --cli --config --options=<file>]
dcos package describe <package-name> --package-versions
dcos package install <package-name>
[(--cli [--global]) | --app]
dcos package list [<package-name> --json --app-id=<app-id> --cli]
dcos package repo add <repo-name> <repo-url> [--index=<index>]
dcos package repo import <repos-file>
dcos package repo list [--json]
dcos package repo remove <repo-names>...
dcos package search [<query> --json]
dcos package uninstall <package-name>
[--cli | [--app [--app-id=<app-id> | --all] --yes]]
dcos marathon --config-schema
dcos marathon --help
dcos marathon --info
dcos marathon --version
dcos marathon about
dcos marathon app add [<app-resource>]
dcos marathon app list [--json|--quiet]
dcos marathon app remove [--force] <app-id>
dcos marathon app restart [--force] <app-id>
dcos marathon app show [--app-version=<app-version>] <app-id>
dcos marathon app start [--force] <app-id> [<instances>]
dcos marathon app stop [--force] <app-id>
dcos marathon app kill [--scale] [--host=<host>] <app-id>
dcos marathon app update [--force] <app-id> [<properties>...]
dcos marathon app version list [--max-count=<max-count>] <app-id>
dcos marathon deployment list [--json|--quiet] [<app-id>]
dcos marathon deployment rollback <deployment-id>
dcos marathon deployment stop <deployment-id>
dcos marathon deployment watch [--max-count=<max-count>]
[--interval=<interval>] <deployment-id>
dcos marathon group add [<group-resource>]
dcos marathon group list [--json]
dcos marathon group scale [--force] <group-id> <scale-factor>
dcos marathon group show [--group-version=<group-version>] <group-id>
dcos marathon group remove [--force] <group-id>
dcos marathon group update [--force] <group-id> [<properties>...]
dcos marathon leader delete
dcos marathon leader show [--json]
dcos marathon ping [--once]
dcos marathon plugin list [--json]
dcos marathon pod add [<pod-resource>]
dcos marathon pod kill <pod-id> [<instance-ids>...]
dcos marathon pod list [--json|--quiet]
dcos marathon pod remove [--force] <pod-id>
dcos marathon pod show <pod-id>
dcos marathon pod update [--force] <pod-id>
dcos marathon debug list [--json]
dcos marathon debug summary <app-id> [--json]
dcos marathon debug details <app-id> [--json]
dcos marathon task list [--json|--quiet] [<app-id>]
dcos marathon task stop [--wipe] <task-id>
dcos marathon task kill [--scale] [--wipe] [--json] [<task-ids>...]
dcos marathon task show <task-id>
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