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Thinking Architecturally

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  • AaaS - Architecture-as-a-Service
  • many competing agendas
  • technology change is a constant
  • nobody wants to be on legacy platform
    • java foundational tech for aws, google, twitter, netflix, etc.
  • how to evaluate technology
  • chasing the new things
  • computer science - lifetime learning
  • education doesn't end. lifetime of learning.
  • developers have strong opinions
  • new and old tech
  • new - unfinished, unbuggy, unproven
  • old - refined, stable, tested
  • predictable hype cycle
  • how do we know where not to use tech. takes trial and error.
  • asked to build something never built before, using tools we got a few weeks ago, shocked we don't know how long it takes
  • developer get bored quickly
  • learning keeps it fresh
  • commit at some point. can't constantly experiment
  • bleeding edge ... means you will bleed
  • pioneers ... ones with arrows in back
  • hope is not a strategy
  • need to be deliberate when it comes to technology choices
  • challenge is how to keep up ("technology merry go round")
  • make it part of routine to learn
    • "morning coffee" - peruse the tech news
  • attention is most precious resource you have
    • attention is a resource. it doesn't scale.
    • don't waste your attention. have to be selective.
  • if its a big enough deal, you will hear about it.
  • how do we know where to invest our time?
    • be aware of bias
    • skating to where the puck was
  • thoughtworks technology radar
    • 20% projects are good space, but fallen out of favor in some circles
  • innovation fridays
  • architectural briefing - one person does research, presents back to team. short ~45min
    • briefing pans out -> workshop/invest more in it
  • greenfield always works. need to use in target env to understand constraints
  • start with low risk capability / not company core
  • security - want to stay safe, need to go fast. time feeds black hats
  • policy needed. measure and enforce, hard part
  • pros and cons - always trade-offs
  • "it depends" means -> tell me more. not a stopper.
  • ack the negatives. the most insight is learned from this question
  • "You haven't mastered a tool until you understand when it should not be used" - Kelsey
  • what is the appropriate scale for evaluation. e.g. 1-5
    • harvey balls. images to remove the "hard number" focus effect
    • nobody tells you which criteria to use, up to you, need to make with incomplete information
  • architects spread thin, need to scale with principles, north stars, etc.
  • arch agile backlash.
  • chose tech that can evolve - evolutionary arch
    • create arch with expectation of change. à la werner "everything fails, all the time"
    • "evolutionary arch supports guided, incremental change across multiple dimensions"
  • [arch]fitness functions
    • 0: make arch change, 1: eval result, 2: closer to goal? yes -> keep, no -> trash, 3: -> goto 0 (basic regression iterations as in stats/ML)
    • set of tests we exec to validate arch. (arch unit tests)
    • reminds everyone on the team what's important for your arch
    • informs discussions around tradeoffs
    • need to be visible to team
    • need to be reviewed on regular basis
  • just because you can measure it doesn't mean it matters
  • avoid resume driven design
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