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Last active April 15, 2020 22:53
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Compare the rumored device size of a 5.4" iPhone 12 to the beloved first-
generation iPhone SE.
Assumes that the iPhone 12 will have the same screen aspect ratio as the
iPhone 11.
class iPhone:
def __init__(self, body_width, body_height, screen_size, aspect_ratio):
self.body_width, self.body_height = body_width, body_height
self.screen_size, self.aspect_ratio = screen_size, aspect_ratio
def screen_height(self):
return ((self.screen_size**2) / (self.aspect_ratio**2 + 1.0))**0.5
def screen_width(self):
return self.aspect_ratio * self.screen_height
def bezel_width(self):
return self.body_width - self.screen_width
def bezel_height(self):
return self.body_height - self.screen_height
def body_area(self):
return self.body_width * self.body_height
def screen_area(self):
return self.screen_width * self.screen_height
iPhoneSE = iPhone(2.31, 4.87, 4.0, 640.0/1136.0)
iPhoneX = iPhone(2.79, 5.65, 5.8, 1125.0/2436.0)
iPhoneXS = iPhone(2.79, 5.65, 5.8, 1125.0/2436.0)
iPhoneXSMax = iPhone(3.05, 6.20, 6.5, 1242.0/2688.0)
iPhoneXR = iPhone(2.98, 5.94, 6.1, 828.0/1792.0)
iPhone11 = iPhone(2.98, 5.94, 6.1, 828.0/1792.0)
iPhone11Pro = iPhone(2.81, 5.67, 5.8, 1125.0/2436.0)
iPhone11ProMax = iPhone(3.06, 6.22, 6.5, 1242.0/2688.0)
# ----- Speculation ------------------------------------------------------------
import sympy
iPhone12 = iPhone(*sympy.symbols('body_width body_height'),
5.4, iPhone11.aspect_ratio)
# Solve for body size assuming same display bezels as iPhone 11 Pro, which is
# expected to use the same display technology (OLED)
iPhone12.body_width, iPhone12.body_height = next(iter(sympy.nonlinsolve((
sympy.Eq(iPhone12.bezel_width, iPhone11Pro.bezel_width),
sympy.Eq(iPhone12.bezel_height, iPhone11Pro.bezel_height),
), (iPhone12.body_width, iPhone12.body_height))))
print(f'iPhone 12 ({iPhone12.screen_size}") is '
print('Body size is',
f'{100.0 * ((iPhone12.body_area / iPhoneSE.body_area) - 1.0):.2f}%',
'larger than iPhone SE')
print('Screen size is',
f'{100.0 * ((iPhone12.screen_area / iPhoneSE.screen_area) - 1.0):.2f}%',
'larger than iPhone SE')
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