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Created June 16, 2012 02:12
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A simple R script containing functions to generate solutions to monic polynomials
MonicSolve = function(
order = 5, # the order of the monic polynomials being solved
n = 5, # n, in (n,n-1,...,-n), the acceptable coefficient values
iterations = 1000, # the number of equations to solve
random = FALSE # if m!= FALSE, use randomly generated polynomial coefficients
# Ryan Grannell, 2012
# A function to generate a set of eigenvalues
pos = 1
size = order - 1
polynomial = matrix(0, size, size)
vector = rep(-n, size)
storeX = storeY = rep(0,
size * order * iterations
for(i in 1:(size - 1)){
polynomial[i+1,i] = 1
# 1. Generate each set of coefficients for the
# monic polynomials
if(random == FALSE){
polyCoefficients = AutoLoop(
polyCoefficients = matrix(0, iterations, size)
for(i in 1:iterations){
polyCoefficients[i,] = sample(-n:n,
replace = TRUE
startTime = Sys.time()
for(i in 1:nrow(polyCoefficients)){
#2. basic time estimation function
if(i %/% 1000 == i/1000){
timeTaken = difftime(Sys.time(), startTime, unit = "mins")
estimate = round((timeTaken/(i)) * ((iterations - i)+1),3)
paste("iteration", i, "of", iterations, "; ~ ",
estimate, "minutes left")
polynomial[,size] = -1* polyCoefficients[i,]
#3. solve the polynomial and store its
# eigenvalues z. storeX = Re(z), storeY = Im(z)
roots = eigen(polynomial,
only.values = TRUE)$values
storePositions = pos:(pos + (size - 1))
storeX[storePositions] = Re(roots)
storeY[storePositions] = Im(roots)
pos = pos + order
storeX = storeX[1:(pos + (size-1))]
storeY = storeY[1:(pos + (size-1))]
rbind(storeX, storeY)
AutoLoop = function(
vector = c(-5,-5,-5,-5), # vector, a vector representing an integer, each position containing a digit
m = 5, # m, in (m,m-1, ... -m), the acceptable values for a coefficient
iterations = 1000 # iterations, the amount to be added to vector in base m arithmetic
# Ryan Grannell, 2012
# A function to generate the coefficients for MonicSolve()
range = (2*m) + 1
startVector = vector
low <- rep(-m, length(vector))
iterations = min(range^length(vector), iterations)
store = matrix(0, iterations, length(vector))
for(i in 1:iterations){
j = length(vector)
vector[j] = vector[j] + 1
if(vector[j] > m && j != 1){
vector[j] = low[j]
j = j - 1
}else break
store[i,] = vector
if(store[nrow(store),1] > m){
store = store[-nrow(store),]
store = rbind(startVector, store)
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