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Created June 21, 2012 03:50
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An R implementation of Game of Life
AutonomaGenerate = function(
dims = 25 # the size of the autonomaton
# Ryan Grannell, 2012
# A function to generate random autonoma (tend to be square,
# or hazy clouds)
on = sample(1:dims^2, size =
sample(1:dims^2, size = 1)
newCreature = matrix(0, dims, dims)
newCreature[on] = 1
kIndex = which(newCreature == 1)
ID = c(dims,kIndex)
GameOfLife = function(
creatureID = c(4,1,2,3), # the starting autonoma, in ID form
iterations = 10, # how many times the autonomaton is updated
size = 75 # the size of the torus we are playing on
# Ryan Grannell, 2012
# A function to generate an array with each slice showing one step of
# the Game of Life
creature = matrix(0,creatureID[1], creatureID[1])
creature[creatureID[-1]] = longevity = 1
border = rep(0, 4)
stepList = list()
neighboursI = neighboursJ = rep(0,8)
names(border) = c(
"left", "right",
"top", "bottom"
neighbourNames = c(
"topleft", "top", "topright",
"left", "right",
"bottomleft", "bottom", "bottomleft"
#1. add the creature to the grid
grid = array(0,
dim = c(size, size, iterations+1)
tempGrid = matrix(0,
size, size
] = creature
nonZero = which(grid[,,1] == 1)
#2. update the grid based on Conway's rules
for(step in 1:iterations){
longevity = longevity + 1
paste("STEP",step,";", length(nonZero), "active cells")
for(i in 1:size){
for(j in 1:size){
#3. make two vectors containing the i,j positions of the neighbours
neighboursI[c("topleft", "top", "topright")] = i - 1
neighboursI[c("left", "right")] = i
neighboursI[c("bottomleft", "bottom", "bottomright")] = i + 1
neighboursJ[c("topleft", "left", "bottomleft")] = j - 1
neighboursJ[c("top", "bottom")] = j
neighboursJ[c("topright", "right", "bottomright")] = j + 1
neighboursI == 0
] = size
neighboursI == size + 1
] = 1
neighboursJ == 0
] = size
neighboursJ == size + 1
] = 1
#4. check the array at these positions (at the appropriate time dimension)
noNeighbours = sum(
grid[neighboursI["topleft"], neighboursJ["topleft"], step],
grid[neighboursI["top"], neighboursJ["top"], step],
grid[neighboursI["topright"], neighboursJ["topright"], step],
grid[neighboursI["left"], neighboursJ["left"], step],
grid[neighboursI["right"], neighboursJ["right"], step],
grid[neighboursI["bottomleft"], neighboursJ["bottomleft"], step],
grid[neighboursI["bottom"], neighboursJ["bottom"], step],
grid[neighboursI["bottomright"], neighboursJ["bottomright"], step]
#5. turn on or off cells accordingly
if(noNeighbours < 2) tempGrid[i, j] = 0
if(noNeighbours > 3) tempGrid[i, j] = 0
if(noNeighbours == 3) tempGrid[i, j] = 1
grid[,,step + 1] = tempGrid
tempGrid = matrix(0, size, size)
nonZero = which(grid[,,step+1] == 1)
if(length(nonZero) == 0){
stepList$steps = grid
stepList$longevity = longevity
stepList$dimension = size
ScaleUp = function(
gridData, # the object created by GameOfLife()
scale = 5 # an integer denoting how many times larger to make the
# array
# Ryan Grannell, 2012
dimension = gridData$dimension
scaledArray = array(0,
dim = c(scale * dimension,
scale * dimension,
for(i in 1:dimension){
toFillI = c(
(((i - 1) * scale) + 1):
(((i - 1) * scale) + scale)
for(j in 1:dimension){
toFillJ = c(
(((j - 1) * scale) + 1):
(((j - 1) * scale) + scale)
for(k in 1:gridData$longevity){
scaledArray[toFillI, toFillJ, k] = gridData$steps[i,j,k]
GameOfLifePlot = function(
gridData, # the object created by GameOfLife()
filename = "defaultFilename", # a filename fot the GIF, excluding the extension
scale = 5 # an integer denoting how many times larger to make the
# array
# Ryan Grannell, 2012
# A .gif visualisation function
#1. scale the image, so that the .gif is a suitable size
gridArray = ScaleUp(gridData, scale)
paste(filename, ".gif"),
col = c(0,1), delay = 75
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