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Created April 20, 2021 16:28
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Composable window maps for vim
let g:window_key_prefix = "<space>"
" the first value is the key and the second is the new window command
let g:window_key_mappings = [
\ ["h", "aboveleft vsplit"],
\ ["j", "belowright split"],
\ ["k", "aboveleft split"],
\ ["l", "belowright vsplit"],
\ [",",
\ "let buf = bufnr('%') <bar> tabnew <bar> execute 'buffer' buf"],
\ [".", ""],
\ ["H", "topleft vsplit"],
\ ["J", "botright split"],
\ ["K", "topleft split"],
\ ["L", "botright vsplit"],
\ ]
" Create an additional set of window maps for some command.
" If user_enter is truthy (typically 1), then the command won't be automatically
" executed; the user will have to press enter. This is useful for commands
" which require user input (edit for example).
function! MapWinCmd(key, command, user_enter)
if a:user_enter
let suffix = ""
let suffix = "<cr>"
for key_mapping in g:window_key_mappings
execute "nnoremap " . g:window_key_prefix . key_mapping[0] . a:key .
\ " <Cmd>" . key_mapping[1] . "<cr>:<c-u>" . a:command .
\ suffix
" new window edit (:edit)
call MapWinCmd("e", "e ", 1)
" new scratch
call MapWinCmd("w", "enew <bar> setlocal bufhidden=hide nobuflisted " .
\ "buftype=nofile", 0)
" new view into the current buffer
call MapWinCmd("c", "", 0)
" new terminal (neovim)
call MapWinCmd("t", "terminal", 0)
" example mapping for fzf.vim:
call MapWinCmd("f", "Files", 0)
" or dirvish
call MapWinCmd("D", "Dirvish", 0)
" or startify
call MapWinCmd("s", "Startify", 0)
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