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Created July 15, 2016 18:57
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type csv
(* Note that all of the types here are context passing types *)
val ingest : Time.t -> csv -> Client_dep.t Or_error.t Context.t list
(* This step has to be compounded unfortunately.
This is b/c:
- you need the jc to apply client hacks (for multicare)
- to apply client hacks, you only do it for specific jc's
val client_hacks : Bling.t -> Client_dep.t -> job_category * Client_indep.t
val split : Client_indep.t -> Hire_or_term.t list Or_error.t
val to_entities : Hire_or_term.t -> Entity_pack.t Or_error.t
val insert : Pgocaml_async.t -> Entity_pack.t -> Deferred.Or_error.t
(* The way our context is threaded goes like this:
* wrap a value with a context
* pass the value inside to a function
if the function:
* always succeeds, this is the equivalent of
* returns Or_error, in this case if it's an error we toss the value,
let all () =
let client = failwith "" in
let context = ingest time csv in
let bling = find_bling client in
let v = context.Context.value in
(* Entity_pack.t Or_error.t Context.t list *)
let packs =
List.concat_map ~f:( ~f:(fun x ->
x >>= fun client_dep ->
client_hacks bling client_dep >>= fun client_indep ->
split client_indep >>= fun hire_terms ->
hire_terms |> ~f:to_entities
|> ( ~f:(fun ep ->
insert dbh ep
)) >>= fun all ->
let eeids = collect_eeids all in
insert_tps eeids >>= fun errors ->
let all_errors = (extract_errors all) @ errors in
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