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Created January 24, 2018 16:47
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open Import
open Jbuild
type scope =
{ mutable libs : Lib.Internal.t String_map.t
; scope : Scope.t
type t =
{ findlib : Findlib.t
; (* This include both libraries from the current workspace and external ones *)
by_public_name : (string, Lib.t) Hashtbl.t
; (* This is to implement the scoping described in the manual *)
by_internal_name : (Path.t, scope) Hashtbl.t
; (* This is to filter out libraries that are not installable because of missing
dependencies *)
instalable_internal_libs : Lib.Internal.t String_map.t
; (* this is to resolve the scope of ppx derivers *)
by_scope_name : (string, Path.t) Hashtbl.t
; local_public_libs : Path.t String_map.t
let local_public_libs t = t.local_public_libs
let rec internal_name_scope t ~dir =
match Hashtbl.find t.by_internal_name dir with
| Some scope -> scope
| None ->
(* [create] ensures that [Hashtbl.find t.by_internal_name Path.root] is [Some _] so
this [Path.parent dir] is never called with [Path.root] *)
let scope = internal_name_scope t ~dir:(Path.parent dir) in
Hashtbl.add t.by_internal_name ~key:dir ~data:scope;
let find_by_internal_name t ~from name =
let scope = internal_name_scope t ~dir:from in
String_map.find name scope.libs
let find_exn t ~from name =
match find_by_internal_name t ~from name with
| Some x -> Lib.Internal x
| None ->
Hashtbl.find_or_add t.by_public_name name
~f:(fun name ->
External (Findlib.find_exn t.findlib name
~required_by:[Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir:from]))
let find t ~from name =
match find_exn t ~from name with
| exception _ -> None
| x -> Some x
let find_internal t ~from name =
match find_by_internal_name t ~from name with
| Some _ as some -> some
| None ->
match Hashtbl.find t.by_public_name name with
| Some (Internal x) -> Some x
| _ -> None
module Local_closure = Top_closure.Make(String)(struct
type graph = t
type t = Lib.Internal.t
let key ((_, lib) : t) =
let deps ((dir, lib) : Lib.Internal.t) graph =
List.concat_map lib.buildable.libraries ~f:(fun dep ->
List.filter_map (Lib_dep.to_lib_names dep) ~f:(find_internal ~from:dir graph)) @
List.filter_map lib.ppx_runtime_libraries ~f:(fun dep ->
find_internal ~from:dir graph dep)
let top_sort_internals t ~internal_libraries =
match Local_closure.top_closure t internal_libraries with
| Ok l -> l
| Error cycle ->
die "dependency cycle between libraries:\n %s"
( cycle ~f:(fun lib -> Lib.describe (Internal lib))
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n-> ")
let lib_is_available t ~from name =
match find_internal t ~from name with
| Some (_, lib) -> String_map.mem t.instalable_internal_libs
| None -> Findlib.available t.findlib name ~required_by:[Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir:from]
let choice_is_possible t ~from { Lib_dep.required; forbidden; _ } =
String_set.for_all required ~f:(fun name -> lib_is_available t ~from name ) &&
String_set.for_all forbidden ~f:(fun name -> not (lib_is_available t ~from name))
let dep_is_available t ~from dep =
match (dep : Lib_dep.t) with
| Direct s -> lib_is_available t ~from s
| Select { choices; _ } -> List.exists choices ~f:(choice_is_possible t ~from)
let compute_instalable_internal_libs t ~internal_libraries =
List.fold_left (top_sort_internals t ~internal_libraries) ~init:t
~f:(fun t (dir, lib) ->
if not lib.Library.optional ||
(List.for_all (Library.all_lib_deps lib) ~f:(dep_is_available t ~from:dir) &&
List.for_all lib.ppx_runtime_libraries ~f:(lib_is_available t ~from:dir))
{ t with
instalable_internal_libs =
String_map.add t.instalable_internal_libs ~data:(dir, lib)
let create findlib ~scopes internal_libraries =
let local_public_libs =
List.fold_left internal_libraries ~init:String_map.empty ~f:(fun acc (dir, lib) ->
match lib.Library.public with
| None -> acc
| Some { name; _ } -> String_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:dir)
let t =
{ findlib
; by_public_name = Hashtbl.create 1024
; by_internal_name = Hashtbl.create 1024
; by_scope_name = Hashtbl.create 1024
; instalable_internal_libs = String_map.empty
; local_public_libs
(* Initializes the scopes, including [Path.root] so that when there are no <pkg>.opam
files in parent directories, the scope is the whole workspace. *)
let root_scope = { libs = String_map.empty; scope = Scope.empty } in
Hashtbl.add t.by_internal_name ~key:Path.root ~data:root_scope;
Hashtbl.add t.by_scope_name ~key:"" ~data:root_scope.scope.Scope.root;
List.iter scopes ~f:(fun (scope : Scope.t) ->
Hashtbl.add t.by_internal_name ~key:scope.root
~data:{ libs = String_map.empty
; scope
List.iter internal_libraries ~f:(fun ((dir, lib) as internal) ->
let scope = internal_name_scope t ~dir in
Hashtbl.add t.by_scope_name ~key:( scope.scope) ~data:dir;
scope.libs <- String_map.add scope.libs ~data:internal;
Option.iter lib.public ~f:(fun { name; _ } ->
match Hashtbl.find t.by_public_name name with
| None
| Some (External _) ->
Hashtbl.add t.by_public_name ~key:name ~data:(Internal internal)
| Some (Internal dup) ->
let internal_path (path, _) = Path.relative path "jbuild" in
die "Libraries with identical public names %s defined in %a and %a."
name Path.pp (internal_path internal) Path.pp (internal_path dup)
compute_instalable_internal_libs t ~internal_libraries
let internal_libs_without_non_installable_optional_ones t =
String_map.values t.instalable_internal_libs
let interpret_lib_dep t ~dir lib_dep =
match lib_dep with
| Lib_dep.Direct name -> begin
match find_exn t ~from:dir name with
| x -> Inl [x]
| exception _ ->
(* Call [find] again to get a proper backtrace *)
Inr { fail = fun () ->
ignore (find_exn t ~from:dir name : Lib.t);
assert false }
| Select { choices; loc; _ } ->
List.find_map choices ~f:(fun { required; forbidden; _ } ->
if String_set.exists forbidden ~f:(lib_is_available t ~from:dir) then
match (String_set.elements required) ~f:(find_exn t ~from:dir)
| l -> Some l
| exception _ -> None)
| Some l -> Inl l
| None ->
Inr { fail = fun () -> loc "No solution found for this select form"
let interpret_lib_deps t ~dir lib_deps =
let libs, failures =
List.partition_map lib_deps ~f:(interpret_lib_dep t ~dir)
let internals, externals =
List.partition_map (List.concat libs) ~f:(function
| Internal x -> Inl x
| External x -> Inr x)
(internals, externals,
match failures with
| [] -> None
| f :: _ -> Some f)
let best_lib_dep_names_exn t ~dir lib_deps =
List.concat_map lib_deps ~f:(fun lib_dep ->
match interpret_lib_dep t ~dir lib_dep with
| Inl libs -> libs ~f:Lib.best_name
| Inr fail -> ())
let ppx_runtime_deps_for_deprecated_method_exn t ~dir lib_deps =
let seen = ref String_set.empty in
let result = ref String_set.empty in
let lib_is_available name =
String_set.mem name !seen || lib_is_available t ~from:dir name
let rec loop dir lib_dep =
match lib_dep with
| Lib_dep.Direct name ->
if not (String_set.mem name !seen) then begin
let lib = find_exn t ~from:dir name in
process lib
| Select { choices; loc; _ } ->
List.find_map choices ~f:(fun { required; forbidden; _ } ->
if String_set.exists forbidden ~f:lib_is_available then
String_set.fold required ~init:[] ~f:(fun name acc ->
if String_set.mem name !seen then
(* It's available and already processed *)
find_exn t ~from:dir name :: acc)
| l -> Some l
| exception _ -> None)
| Some l -> List.iter l ~f:process
| None -> loc "No solution found for this select form"
and process (lib : Lib.t) =
match lib with
| Internal (dir, lib) ->
seen :=
(let set = String_set.add !seen in
match lib.public with
| None -> set
| Some p -> String_set.add set);
result := String_set.union !result
(String_set.of_list lib.ppx_runtime_libraries);
List.iter lib.buildable.libraries ~f:(loop dir)
| External pkg ->
seen := String_set.add !seen;
result := String_set.union !result
( pkg.ppx_runtime_deps ~f:(fun p ->
List.iter lib_deps ~f:(loop dir);
type resolved_select =
{ src_fn : string
; dst_fn : string
let resolve_selects t ~from lib_deps =
List.filter_map lib_deps ~f:(function
| Lib_dep.Direct _ -> None
| Select { result_fn; choices; _ } ->
let src_fn =
match List.find choices ~f:(choice_is_possible t ~from) with
| Some c -> c.file
| None -> "no solution found"
Some { dst_fn = result_fn; src_fn })
let unique_library_name t (lib : Lib.t) =
match lib with
| External pkg ->
| Internal (dir, lib) ->
match lib.public with
| Some x ->
| None ->
let scope = internal_name_scope t ~dir in
match with
| None -> ^ "@"
| Some s -> ^ "@" ^ s
let find_scope_dir_by_name_exn t ~name =
match Hashtbl.find t.by_scope_name name with
| None -> raise (Code_error (sprintf "Invalid scope '%s'" name))
| Some path -> path
let find_scope_by_dir t ~dir = (internal_name_scope t ~dir).scope
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