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Created September 6, 2012 16:38
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My .jshintrc
// enforcing options (true means potentially more warnings)
"bitwise": true, // true if bitwise operators should not be allowed
"curly": true, // true if curly braces should be required around blocks in loops and conditionals
"eqeqeq": true, // true if === should be required (for ALL equality comparisons)
"forin": false, // true if unfiltered 'for in' statements should be forbidden
"immed": true, // true if immediate function invocations must be wrapped in parens
"newcap": true, // true if Initial Caps must be used with constructor functions
"noarg": true, // true if arguments.caller and arguments.callee should be forbidden
"noempty": true, // true if empty blocks should be forbidden
"nomen": false, // true if initial or trailing underscore in identifiers should be forbidden
"onevar": false, // true if only one var statement per function should be allowed
"plusplus": false, // true if ++ and -- should not be allowed
"regexp": false, // true if . and [^...] should not be allowed in RegExp literals
"strict": false, // true if the ES5 "use strict"; pragma is required
"trailing": true, // true if trailing whitespace should be forbidden
"undef": true, // true if variables must be declared before used
"unused": true, // true to warn on variables that are defined but never used
"white": false, // true if strict whitespace rules apply (see also 'indent' option)
// relaxing options (false means potentially more warnings)
"asi": false, // true to suppress warnings about missing semicolons
"boss": false, // true if assignments should be allowed when comparison is expected
"debug": false, // true if debugger statements should be allowed (set to false before going into production)
"eqnull": false, // true to suppress warnings about `== null` comparisons
"es5": false, // true if ECMAScript 5 syntax should be allowed
"esnext": false, // true if features like `const` and `let` should be allowed
"evil": false, // true if eval should be allowed
"expr": true, // true if expressions should be allowed where an assignment or function call is expected
"funcscope": false, // true to suppress warnings about variables declared inside control structures
"globalstrict": false, // true to suppress warnings about the use of global strict mode
"iterator": false, // true to suppress warnings about the `__iterator__` property
"lastsemic": false, // true to suppress warnings about semicolons only when the semicolon is omitted on the last line of a block
"laxbreak": true, // true if statement breaks should not be checked
"laxcomma": false, // true to suppress warnings about the comma-first style
"loopfunc": false, // true to suppress warnings about creating functions inside loops
"multistr": false, // true to suppress warnings about multi-line strings
"onecase": false, // true to suppress warnings about switch statements with only a single case
"proto": false, // true to suppress warnings about the `__proto__` property
"regexdash": false, // true to suppress warnings about unescaped `-` as the end of a regular expression
"scripturl": false, // true to suppress warnings about script-targeted URLs such as `javascript:...`
"shadow": false, // true to suppress warnings about variable shadowing
"smarttabs": false, // true to suppress warnings about mixed tabs and spaces
"sub": false, // true if subscript notation may be used for expressions better expressed in dot notation
"supernew": false, // true to suppress warnings about "weird" constructions like `new function () { ... }`
// other options
"indent": 4, // number of spaces that should be used for indentation - used only if 'white' option is set
"maxerr": 50, // maximum number of warnings reported (per file)
"maxlen": 150, // maximum line length
"passfail": false, // true if the scan should stop on first error (per file)
// following are relevant only if undef = true
"predef": [ // names of predefined global variables (as an array of strings)
"Y", "YUI"
// environments
"browser": true, // true if the standard browser globals should be predefined
"devel": false, // true if functions like alert, confirm, console, prompt etc. are predefined
"node": false, // true if Node.js globals should be predefined
"nonstandard": true, // true to allow nonstandard but widely adopted globals like `escape` and `unescape`
"rhino": false // true if the Rhino environment globals should be predefined
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