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Created May 9, 2019 03:15
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Japanese Era in Edo period.
KanjiEraName RomanAlphabetEraName StartDate
元和 Genna 1615-09-05
寛永 Kan'ei 1624-04-17
正保 Shouhou 1645-01-13
慶安 Keian 1648-04-07
承応 Jouou 1652-10-20
明暦 Meireki 1655-05-18
万治 Manji 1658-08-21
寛文 Kanbun 1661-05-23
延宝 Enpou 1673-10-30
天和 Tenna 1681-11-09
貞享 Joukyou 1684-04-05
元禄 Genroku 1688-10-23
宝永 Houei 1704-04-16
正徳 Shoutoku 1711-06-11
享保 Kyouhou 1716-08-09
元文 Genbun 1736-06-07
寛保 Kanpou 1741-04-12
延享 Enkyou 1744-04-03
寛延 Kan'en 1748-08-05
宝暦 Houreki 1751-12-14
明和 Meiwa 1764-06-30
安永 An'ei 1772-12-10
天明 Tenmei 1781-04-25
寛政 Kansei 1789-02-19
享和 Kyouwa 1801-03-19
文化 Bunka 1804-03-22
文政 Bunsei 1818-05-26
天保 Tenpou 1831-01-23
弘化 Kouka 1845-01-09
嘉永 Kaei 1848-04-01
安政 Ansei 1855-01-15
万延 Man'en 1860-04-08
文久 Bunkyuu 1861-03-29
元治 Genji 1864-03-27
慶応 Keiou 1865-05-01
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