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Forked from davidvandusen/roman_numerals.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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["M", 1000],
# ["CM", 900],
["D", 500],
# ["CD", 400,],
["C", 100],
# ["XC", 90],
["L", 50],
# ["XL", 40],
["X", 10],
# ["IX", 9],
["V", 5],
# ["IV", 4],
["I", 1]
def to_roman(num)
# Your code here
roman = ""
VALUES.each do |pair|
letter = pair[0]
value = pair[1]
roman += letter*(num / value)
num = num % value
return roman
# Drive code... this should print out trues.
puts "My totally sweet testing script"
puts ""
puts "input | expected | actual"
puts "------|----------|-------"
puts "4 | IV | #{to_roman(4)}"
puts "9 | IX | #{to_roman(9)}"
puts "13 | XIII | #{to_roman(13)}"
puts "1453 | MCDLIII | #{to_roman(1453)}"
puts "1646 | MDCXLVI | #{to_roman(1646)}"
# TODO: what other cases could you add to ensure your to_roman method is working?
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