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Forked from davidbarber/E.m
Last active May 31, 2022 15:55
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Variational Optimisation
# Python version of:
# as per blog post:
# also see
from __future__ import print_function
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os, sys
png1 = 'variational-optimisation1.png'
png2 = 'variational-optimisation2.png'
def E(W,x,y):
return (0.5*( - y)**2).mean()
def gradE(W,x,y):
G = np.tile(, (W.shape[1], 1))*x
g = G.sum(axis=1) / G.shape[1]
g = g.T[None,:]
return g
# Variational Optimisation
# f(x) is a simple quadratic objective function (linear regression sq loss)
# p(x|theta) is a Gaussian
# Create the dataset:
N=10 # Number of datapoints
D=2 # Dimension of the data
W0 = np.random.randn(1,D) / D**0.5 # true linear regression weight
x = np.random.randn(D,N) # inputs
y = # outputs
# plot the error surface:
NW = 50
w_low = -5
w_high = 5
w1 = np.linspace(w_low,w_high,NW); w2=w1
Esurf = np.zeros((NW, NW))
for i in range(NW):
for j in range(NW):
Esurf[i,j] = E(np.c_[w1[i], w2[j]],x,y)
Winit = np.array([-4, 4])[None,:] # initial starting point for the optimisation
# standard gradient descent:
Nloops = 150 # number of iterations
eta = 0.1 # learning rate
W = Winit + 0
Whist = []
for i in range(Nloops):
gradE_curr = gradE(W,x,y)
W = W - eta * gradE_curr
Whist = np.array(Whist)
def plot_history(Whist, aspect):
plt.imshow(Esurf.T, interpolation='None', origin='lower',
aspect = aspect,
extent=[w_low, w_high, w_low, w_high])
plt.plot(Whist[:,0], Whist[:,1], '.r')
plt.grid(); plt.axis([w_low,w_high,w_low,w_high])
extent=[x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()]
plot_history(Whist, 1)
# Variational Optimisation:
Nsamples = 10 # number of samples
sd = np.array([[5]]) # initial standard deviation of the Gaussian
beta = 2 * np.log(sd) # parameterise the standard variance
mu=Winit + 0 # initial mean of the Gaussian
EvalVarOpt = np.zeros(Nloops)
f = np.zeros(Nloops)
mu_hist = [mu[0,:]]
for i in range(Nloops):
EvalVarOpt[i] = E(mu,x,y) # error value
xsample = np.tile(mu, (Nsamples, 1)) + sd * np.random.randn(Nsamples,D) # draw samples
g = np.zeros((1,D)) # initialise the gradient for the mean mu
gbeta = 0 # initialise the gradient for the standard deviation (beta par)
for j in range(Nsamples):
f[j] = E(xsample[[j],:],x,y) # function value (error)
g = g + (xsample[[j],:] - mu)*f[j]/sd**2
gbeta = gbeta + 0.5*f[[j]].dot(np.exp(-beta)*np.sum((xsample[[j],:]-mu)**2) - D)
g = g / Nsamples
gbeta = gbeta / Nsamples
mu = mu - eta * g # Stochastic gradient descent for the mean
beta = beta - 0.01 * gbeta # Stochastic gradient descent for the variance par
# comment the line above to turn off variance adaptation
sd = np.exp(beta)**0.5
sdvals = np.r_[sdvals,sd]
mu_hist = np.array(mu_hist)
plot_history(mu_hist, 2)
plt.savefig(png2, dpi=80)
print('Done. Check the PNG files:')
print(' %s\n %s' % (png1, png2))
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rh314 commented Apr 5, 2017

Example of variational-optimisation2.png that this generates:
(see original article for what it means etc)


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