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Last active July 8, 2022 15:43
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Save rhaberkorn/5728733 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Small helper script parsing gtimelog's timelog.txt to summarize the time spent on specific tasks. It takes a SNOBOL4/Lua pattern and optional start date and prints the sum of all timelog entries after the start date matching the pattern.Requires CSNOBOL4 or Lua 5.2
local function parse_date(str)
local t = {hour = 0, min = 0}, t.month, t.year = str:match("^(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)$")
return os.time(t)
local pattern = arg[1] or ""
local time_begin = arg[2] and parse_date(arg[2]) or 0
local time_end = arg[3] and parse_date(arg[3]) or os.time()
local log ="HOME").."/.local/share/gtimelog/timelog.txt")
local entries = {}
for line in log:lines() do
local t, date_str, msg = {}
date_str, t.year, t.month,, t.hour, t.min, msg = line:match("^((%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)) (%d+):(%d+): (.*)$")
if msg then table.insert(entries, {date_str = date_str, time = os.time(t), msg = msg}) end
local sum, sum_day, arrived = 0, 0
for i, entry in ipairs(entries) do
if entry.msg:sub(-2) ~= "**" and os.difftime(entry.time, time_begin) >= 0 then
if i > 1 and entry.date_str ~= entries[i-1].date_str and sum_day > 0 then
-- print stats of last day
-- FIXME: Does not always print last day
print(string.format("%s: %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds",
sum_day / (60*60), (sum_day % (60*60))/60, sum_day % 60))
sum_day = 0
if entry.msg:sub(1, 7) == "arrived" then
arrived = true
elseif arrived then
if os.difftime(entry.time, time_end + 24*60*60) >= 0 then break end
if entry.msg:lower():find("^"..pattern) then
sum_day = sum_day + os.difftime(entry.time, entries[i-1].time)
sum = sum + os.difftime(entry.time, entries[i-1].time)
print(string.format("Sum: %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds",
sum / (60*60), (sum % (60*60))/60, sum % 60))
#!/usr/local/bin/snobol4 -b
# ./gtimelog-stats.sno <pattern> <begin> <end>
-INCLUDE 'time.sno'
input(.log, 100,, host(4, "HOME") "/.local/share/gtimelog/timelog.txt")
param.pattern = eval(host(2, host(3))) :f(end)
param.begin = (mktime(strptime(host(2, host(3) + 1), "%d.%m.%Y")), 0)
param.end = (mktime(strptime(host(2, host(3) + 2), "%d.%m.%Y")),
+ tv_sec(gettimeofday()))
* Length of day in seconds
day_length = 24 * 60 * 60
entries = table()
entries[0] = 0
next line = log :f(next.end)
line pos(0) (break(" ") . date " " arb) . date_time ": " rem . msg :f(next)
entries[entries[0] = entries[0] + 1] = entry(date, strptime(date_time, "%Y-%m-%d %R"), msg) :(next)
i = 2
* Skip slack lines and arrived lines
l entry_msg(entries[i]) "**" rpos(0) :s(l.c)
* Skip entries not containing <keywords> and before <begin> or after <end>
lt(mktime(entry_date(entries[i])), param.begin) :s(l.c)
ident(entry_date_str(entries[i]), entry_date_str(entries[i - 1])) :s(l.f)
eq(stats.sum_day) :s(l.f)
* Print stats of last day
* FIXME: does not always print last day
output = entry_date_str(entries[i - 1]) ": "
+ (stats.sum_day / (60 * 60)) " hours, "
+ (remdr(stats.sum_day, 60 * 60) / 60) " minutes, "
+ remdr(stats.sum_day, 60) " seconds"
stats.sum_day = 0
* Skip "arrived" lines
l.f entry_msg(entries[i]) pos(0) "arrived" :s(l.c)
ge(mktime(entry_date(entries[i])), param.end + day_length) :s(print_total)
replace(entry_msg(entries[i]), &ucase, &lcase) pos(0) param.pattern :f(l.c)
* output = tm_yday(entry_date(entries[i])) ": " mktime(entry_date(entries[i])) ": " entry_msg(entries[i])
stats.sum_day = stats.sum_day + mktime(entry_date(entries[i])) -
+ mktime(entry_date(entries[i - 1]))
stats.sum = stats.sum + mktime(entry_date(entries[i])) -
+ mktime(entry_date(entries[i - 1]))
l.c le(i = i + 1, entries[0]) :s(l)
output = "Sum: " (stats.sum / (60 * 60)) " hours, "
+ (remdr(stats.sum, 60 * 60) / 60) " minutes, "
+ remdr(stats.sum, 60) " seconds"
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