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Created May 24, 2013 12:00
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* Handle file upload
exports.upload = function(req, res){
// req.body is the raw image buffer.
// or maybe even req is the image buffer, dunno
var body,
dataHandler = function(chunk) {
body += chunk;
//console.log("chunk", chunk);
// now you have the entire request body in var body :)
var params = body.split('&') ;
for ( param in params ){
var pair = params[param].split('=') ;
//response.write("Name: " + pair[0] + " = " + pair[1] + "\n") ;
console.log("Name: " + pair[0]);
res.end() ;
console.log('type of body:', typeof body);
req.headers['x-file-name'] // image.jpg
req.headers['x-file-size'] // 130312
req.headers['content-length'] // 130312
req.headers['content-type'] // application/x-www-from-urlencoded
req.headers['x-file-type'] // image/jpeg
// hmz, maar waar is de content.
res.send({ success: true});
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