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Created September 22, 2014 13:03
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Subsetting unstructured grid
import datetime
import time
import iris
def time_coord(cube):
"""Return the variable attached to time axis and rename it to time."""
except CoordinateNotFoundError:
timevar = cube.coord('time')
return timevar
def time_near(cube, datetime):
"""Return the nearest index to a `datetime`."""
timevar = time_coord(cube)
time = timevar.units.date2num(datetime)
idx = timevar.nearest_neighbour_index(time)
except IndexError:
idx = -1
return idx
def time_slice(cube, start, stop=None):
"""TODO: Re-write to use `iris.FUTURE.cell_datetime_objects`."""
istart = time_near(cube, start)
if stop:
istop = time_near(cube, stop)
if istart == istop:
raise ValueError('istart must be different from istop!'
'Got istart {!r} and '
' istop {!r}'.format(istart, istop))
return cube[istart:istop, ...]
return cube[istart, ...]
iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote = True
print 'Initial load...'
t = time.time()
url = (''
cube = iris.load_cube(url, 'sea_water_potential_temperature')
print ' ...done in {} s'.format(time.time() - t)
print `cube`
print 'Slicing...'
t = time.time()
start = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
cube = time_slice(cube, start, None)
print ' ...done in {} s'.format(time.time() - t)
print `cube`
print 'Converting units...'
t = time.time()
units = iris.unit.Unit('Kelvin')
print ' ...done in {} s'.format(time.time() - t)
print `cube`
print 'Intersecting...'
t = time.time()
bbox = [-70.8, 41.4, -69.9, 42.3]
cube = cube.intersection(longitude=(bbox[0], bbox[2]),
latitude=(bbox[1], bbox[3]))
print ' ...done in {} s'.format(time.time() - t)
print `cube`
Initial load...
...done in 134.799810886 s
<iris 'Cube' of sea_water_potential_temperature / (degrees_C) (time: 145; -- : 10; -- : 98432)>
...done in 0.0312080383301 s
<iris 'Cube' of sea_water_potential_temperature / (degrees_C) (-- : 10; -- : 98432)>
Converting units...
...done in 8.565335989 s
<iris 'Cube' of sea_water_potential_temperature / (Kelvin) (-- : 10; -- : 98432)>
...done in 0.0781300067902 s
<iris 'Cube' of sea_water_potential_temperature / (Kelvin) (-- : 10; -- : 44575)>
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