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Last active August 26, 2021 01:02
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  • Save rheinardkorf/ac51dc37ec65a9326d75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rheinardkorf/ac51dc37ec65a9326d75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Very rough code that grabs MCC/MCN data from and turns it into a PHP Array for IMSI comparisons (saves it to mcc_list.php, also attached)
require "nokogiri"
require "open-uri"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
$country_codes = {
"AF" => "Afghanistan",
"AX" => "Aland Islands",
"AL" => "Albania",
"DZ" => "Algeria",
"AS" => "American Samoa",
"AD" => "Andorra",
"AO" => "Angola",
"AI" => "Anguilla",
"AQ" => "Antarctica",
"AG" => "Antigua And Barbuda",
"AR" => "Argentina",
"AM" => "Armenia",
"AW" => "Aruba",
"AU" => "Australia",
"AT" => "Austria",
"AZ" => "Azerbaijan",
"BS" => "Bahamas",
"BH" => "Bahrain",
"BD" => "Bangladesh",
"BB" => "Barbados",
"BY" => "Belarus",
"BE" => "Belgium",
"BZ" => "Belize",
"BJ" => "Benin",
"BM" => "Bermuda",
"BT" => "Bhutan",
"BO" => "Bolivia",
"BA" => "Bosnia And Herzegovina",
"BW" => "Botswana",
"BV" => "Bouvet Island",
"BR" => "Brazil",
"IO" => "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"BN" => "Brunei Darussalam",
"BG" => "Bulgaria",
"BF" => "Burkina Faso",
"BI" => "Burundi",
"KH" => "Cambodia",
"CM" => "Cameroon",
"CA" => "Canada",
"CV" => "Cape Verde",
"KY" => "Cayman Islands",
"CF" => "Central African Republic",
"TD" => "Chad",
"CL" => "Chile",
"CN" => "China",
"CX" => "Christmas Island",
"CC" => "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"CO" => "Colombia",
"KM" => "Comoros",
"CG" => "Congo",
"CD" => "Congo, Democratic Republic",
"CK" => "Cook Islands",
"CR" => "Costa Rica",
"CI" => "Côte d'Ivoire",
"HR" => "Croatia",
"CU" => "Cuba",
"CY" => "Cyprus",
"CZ" => "Czech Republic",
"DK" => "Denmark",
"DJ" => "Djibouti",
"DM" => "Dominica",
"DO" => "Dominican Republic",
"EC" => "Ecuador",
"EG" => "Egypt",
"SV" => "El Salvador",
"GQ" => "Equatorial Guinea",
"ER" => "Eritrea",
"EE" => "Estonia",
"ET" => "Ethiopia",
"FK" => "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"FO" => "Faroe Islands",
"FJ" => "Fiji",
"FI" => "Finland",
"FR" => "France",
"GF" => "French Guiana",
"PF" => "French Polynesia",
"TF" => "French Southern Territories",
"GA" => "Gabon",
"GM" => "Gambia",
"GE" => "Georgia",
"DE" => "Germany",
"GH" => "Ghana",
"GI" => "Gibraltar",
"GR" => "Greece",
"GL" => "Greenland",
"GD" => "Grenada",
"GP" => "Guadeloupe",
"GU" => "Guam",
"GT" => "Guatemala",
"GG" => "Guernsey",
"GN" => "Guinea",
"GW" => "Guinea-Bissau",
"GY" => "Guyana",
"HT" => "Haiti",
"HM" => "Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands",
"VA" => "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
"HN" => "Honduras",
"HK" => "Hong Kong",
"HU" => "Hungary",
"IS" => "Iceland",
"IN" => "India",
"ID" => "Indonesia",
"IR" => "Iran, Islamic Republic Of",
"IQ" => "Iraq",
"IE" => "Ireland",
"IM" => "Isle Of Man",
"IL" => "Israel",
"IT" => "Italy",
"JM" => "Jamaica",
"JP" => "Japan",
"JE" => "Jersey",
"JO" => "Jordan",
"KZ" => "Kazakhstan",
"KE" => "Kenya",
"KI" => "Kiribati",
"KR" => "Korea",
"KW" => "Kuwait",
"KG" => "Kyrgyzstan",
"LA" => "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
"LV" => "Latvia",
"LB" => "Lebanon",
"LS" => "Lesotho",
"LR" => "Liberia",
"LY" => "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
"LI" => "Liechtenstein",
"LT" => "Lithuania",
"LU" => "Luxembourg",
"MO" => "Macao",
"MK" => "Macedonia",
"MG" => "Madagascar",
"MW" => "Malawi",
"MY" => "Malaysia",
"MV" => "Maldives",
"ML" => "Mali",
"MT" => "Malta",
"MH" => "Marshall Islands",
"MQ" => "Martinique",
"MR" => "Mauritania",
"MU" => "Mauritius",
"YT" => "Mayotte",
"MX" => "Mexico",
"FM" => "Micronesia, Federated States Of",
"MD" => "Moldova",
"MC" => "Monaco",
"MN" => "Mongolia",
"ME" => "Montenegro",
"MS" => "Montserrat",
"MA" => "Morocco",
"MZ" => "Mozambique",
"MM" => "Myanmar",
"NA" => "Namibia",
"NR" => "Nauru",
"NP" => "Nepal",
"NL" => "Netherlands",
"AN" => "Netherlands Antilles",
"NC" => "New Caledonia",
"NZ" => "New Zealand",
"NI" => "Nicaragua",
"NE" => "Niger",
"NG" => "Nigeria",
"NU" => "Niue",
"NF" => "Norfolk Island",
"MP" => "Northern Mariana Islands",
"NO" => "Norway",
"OM" => "Oman",
"PK" => "Pakistan",
"PW" => "Palau",
"PS" => "Palestinian Territory, Occupied",
"PA" => "Panama",
"PG" => "Papua New Guinea",
"PY" => "Paraguay",
"PE" => "Peru",
"PH" => "Philippines",
"PN" => "Pitcairn",
"PL" => "Poland",
"PT" => "Portugal",
"PR" => "Puerto Rico",
"QA" => "Qatar",
"RE" => "Reunion",
"RO" => "Romania",
"RU" => "Russian Federation",
"RW" => "Rwanda",
"BL" => "Saint Barthelemy",
"SH" => "Saint Helena",
"KN" => "Saint Kitts And Nevis",
"LC" => "Saint Lucia",
"MF" => "Saint Martin",
"PM" => "Saint Pierre And Miquelon",
"VC" => "Saint Vincent And Grenadines",
"WS" => "Samoa",
"SM" => "San Marino",
"ST" => "Sao Tome And Principe",
"SA" => "Saudi Arabia",
"SN" => "Senegal",
"RS" => "Serbia",
"SC" => "Seychelles",
"SL" => "Sierra Leone",
"SG" => "Singapore",
"SK" => "Slovakia",
"SI" => "Slovenia",
"SB" => "Solomon Islands",
"SO" => "Somalia",
"ZA" => "South Africa",
"SS" => "South Sudan",
"GS" => "South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.",
"ES" => "Spain",
"LK" => "Sri Lanka",
"SD" => "Sudan",
"SR" => "Suriname",
"SJ" => "Svalbard And Jan Mayen",
"SZ" => "Swaziland",
"SE" => "Sweden",
"CH" => "Switzerland",
"SY" => "Syrian Arab Republic",
"TW" => "Taiwan",
"TJ" => "Tajikistan",
"TZ" => "Tanzania",
"TH" => "Thailand",
"TL" => "Timor-Leste",
"TG" => "Togo",
"TK" => "Tokelau",
"TO" => "Tonga",
"TT" => "Trinidad And Tobago",
"TN" => "Tunisia",
"TR" => "Turkey",
"TM" => "Turkmenistan",
"TC" => "Turks And Caicos Islands",
"TV" => "Tuvalu",
"UG" => "Uganda",
"UA" => "Ukraine",
"AE" => "United Arab Emirates",
"GB" => "United Kingdom",
"US" => "United States",
"UM" => "United States Outlying Islands",
"UY" => "Uruguay",
"UZ" => "Uzbekistan",
"VU" => "Vanuatu",
"VE" => "Venezuela",
"VN" => "Socialist Republic of Vietnam",
"VG" => "Virgin Islands, British",
"VI" => "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"WF" => "Wallis And Futuna",
"EH" => "Western Sahara",
"YE" => "Yemen",
"ZM" => "Zambia",
"ZW" => "Zimbabwe",
'00' => "International"
def get_country_code( country_name )
code = ''
$country_codes.each do |k,v|
if v.upcase.eql? country_name.upcase
code = k
return code
def correct_name( old_name )
case old_name
when 'Afganistan'
new_name = 'Afghanistan'
when 'Virgin Islands, British'
new_name = 'Virgin Islands, British'
when 'Comoros and Mayotte'
new_name = 'Comoros'
when 'Czech Rep.'
new_name = 'Czech Republic'
when 'Democratic Rep. of Congo'
new_name = 'Congo, Democratic Republic'
when 'Hongkong, China'
new_name = 'Hong Kong'
when 'Iran'
new_name = 'Iran, Islamic Republic Of'
when 'Korea (North)'
new_name = 'Korea'
when 'Korea (South)'
new_name = 'Korea'
when 'Laos'
new_name = "Lao People's Democratic Republic"
when 'Libya'
new_name = 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya'
when 'Macao China'
new_name = 'Macao'
when 'Martinique & Guadeloupe'
new_name = 'Martinique'
when 'Micronesia'
new_name = 'Micronesia, Federated States Of'
when 'Puerto Rico (US)'
new_name = 'Puerto Rico'
when 'Quatar'
new_name = 'Qatar'
when 'Republic of Congo'
new_name = 'Congo, Democratic Republic'
when 'Russia'
new_name = 'Russian Federation'
when 'St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan'
new_name = 'Saint Helena'
when 'St. Pierre and Miquelon'
new_name = 'Saint Pierre And Miquelon'
when 'Timor-Leste (East Timor)'
new_name = 'Timor-Leste'
when 'Turks and Caicos Islands (UK)'
new_name = 'Turks And Caicos Islands'
when 'UK'
new_name = 'United Kingdom'
when 'Vietnam'
new_name = 'Socialist Republic of Vietnam'
new_name = old_name
return new_name
tables = doc.xpath("//table[@class='dataLists']")
# Build the raw list... will reprocess this after
raw_list = []
tables.each do |node|
# Country
country_name = correct_name( node.previous_element.text )
country_code = get_country_code( country_name )
country = { name: country_name, code: country_code }
# MCCs
entries = []
rows = node.css('tr')
rows.each do |row|
cols = row.css('td')
if 0 < cols.size
entries << {
mcc: cols[0].text,
mnc: cols[1].text,
network: cols[2].text,
brand: cols[3].text,
status: cols[4].text
raw_list << { country: country, operators: entries }
mcc_list = {}
# Build MCC list from raw list
raw_list.each do |entry|
mcc = entry[:operators][0][:mcc]
opp_list = {}
operators = entry[:operators]
operators.each do |operator|
mnc = operator[:mnc]
mnc = mnc.gsub(/\D/, '')
if mnc.length == 1
mnc = "0#{mnc}"
opp_list[mnc] = {
"network" => operator[:network],
"brand" => operator[:brand],
"status" => operator[:status]
mcc_list[ mcc ] = {
"country" => entry[:country][:name],
"country_code" => entry[:country][:code],
"operators" => opp_list
# Build the PHP Array
php_string = "$mcc = array(\n"
mcc_list.each do |key,mcc|
php_string += "\t'#{key}' => array(\n"
php_string += "\t\t'country' => '#{mcc["country"]}',\n"
php_string += "\t\t'country_code' => '#{mcc["country_code"]}',\n"
php_string += "\t\t'operators' => array(\n"
mcc["operators"].each do |k, opp|
php_string += "\t\t\t'#{k}' => array(\n"
php_string += "\t\t\t\t'network' => '#{opp["network"]}',\n"
php_string += "\t\t\t\t'brand' => '#{opp["brand"]}',\n"
php_string += "\t\t\t\t'status' => '#{opp["status"]}',\n"
php_string += "\t\t\t),\n" #k
php_string += "\t\t),\n" #operators
php_string += "\t),\n" #key
php_string += ");\n"
File.write('./mcc_list.php', php_string)
$mcc = array(
'289' => array(
'country' => 'Abkhazia',
'country_code' => '',
'operators' => array(
'67' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Aquafon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'68' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'A-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'412' => array(
'country' => 'Afghanistan',
'country_code' => 'AF',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Afghan Wireless Communication Company',
'brand' => 'AWCC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Roshan',
'status' => 'Operational',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'MNT Group Afganistan ',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat Afghanistan',
'brand' => 'Etisalat',
'status' => 'Operational',
'276' => array(
'country' => 'Albania',
'country_code' => 'AL',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Albanian Mobile Communications',
'brand' => 'AMS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Albania ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Eagle Mobile ',
'brand' => 'Eagle Mobile ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Plus Communcation',
'brand' => 'Plus Communication',
'status' => 'Operational',
'603' => array(
'country' => 'Algeria',
'country_code' => 'DZ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'ATM Mobilis',
'brand' => 'Mobilis',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Orascom Telecom Algerie Spa',
'brand' => 'Djezzy',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Wataniya Telecom Algerie',
'brand' => 'Nedjma',
'status' => 'Operational',
'544' => array(
'country' => 'American Samoa',
'country_code' => 'AS',
'operators' => array(
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Blue Sky Communications',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'213' => array(
'country' => 'Andorra',
'country_code' => 'AD',
'operators' => array(
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Servei De Tele. DAndorra',
'brand' => 'Mobiland ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'631' => array(
'country' => 'Angola',
'country_code' => 'AO',
'operators' => array(
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Unitel S.a.r.l.',
'brand' => 'Unitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Movicel',
'brand' => 'Movicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Movicel',
'brand' => 'Movicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'365' => array(
'country' => 'Anguilla',
'country_code' => 'AI',
'operators' => array(
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Mossel Ltd (Digicel)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Weblinks Limited ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'840' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'344' => array(
'country' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
'country_code' => 'AG',
'operators' => array(
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Antigua Public Utilities Authority',
'brand' => 'APUA',
'status' => 'Operational',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Antigua Wireless Ventures Limited',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'920' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless (Antigua) ',
'brand' => 'Lime',
'status' => 'Operational',
'930' => array(
'network' => 'Antigua Wireless Ventures Limited',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'722' => array(
'country' => 'Argentina',
'country_code' => 'AR',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telefonica Móviles Argentina SA',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Nll Holdings',
'brand' => 'Nextel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Telefonica Móviles Argentina SA',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Telefonica Móviles Argentina SA',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Nll Holdings',
'brand' => 'Nextel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'34' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Personal S.A.',
'brand' => 'Personal',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'35' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison Telecommunications Argentina S.A.',
'brand' => 'Port-Hable',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'36' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Personal S.A.',
'brand' => 'Personal',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'TE.SA.M Argentina S.A',
'brand' => 'Globalstar',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'Telefonica Móviles Argentina SA',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'310' => array(
'network' => 'AMX Argentina S.A',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'320' => array(
'network' => 'AMX Argentina S.A',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'330' => array(
'network' => 'AMX Argentina S.A',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'340' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Personal S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Personal',
'status' => 'Operational',
'341' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Personal S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Personal',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'350' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison Telecommunications Argentina S.A.',
'brand' => 'Port-Hable',
'status' => 'Operational',
'283' => array(
'country' => 'Armenia',
'country_code' => 'AM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'ArmenTel',
'brand' => 'Beeline (telecommunications)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Karabakh Telecom',
'brand' => 'Karabakh Telecom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'K Telecom CJSC',
'brand' => 'VivaCell-MTS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Armenia',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'K Telecom ',
'brand' => 'VivaCell-MTS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'363' => array(
'country' => 'Aruba',
'country_code' => 'AW',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Servicio di Telecomunicacio di Aruba',
'brand' => 'SETAR',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'505' => array(
'country' => 'Australia',
'country_code' => 'AU',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telstra Corporation Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Telstra',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Optus Mobile Pty. Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Optus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Network Pty. Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Department of Defence ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'The Ozitel Network Pty. Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Ozitel',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison 3G Australia Pty. Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Hi3G',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty. Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'One.Tel',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Airnet Commercial Australia Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Airnet',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Telstra Corporation Ltd. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison 3G Australia Pty. Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Hi3G',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Rail Corporation New South Wales',
'brand' => 'Railcorp',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom New Zealand',
'brand' => 'AAPT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => '3GIS Pty Ltd. (Telstra & Hutchison 3G) ',
'brand' => '3GIS',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'TPG Telecom Limited',
'brand' => 'SOUL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'24' => array(
'network' => 'Advanced Communications Technologies Pty. Ltd. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'38' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited',
'brand' => 'Crazy John`s',
'status' => 'Operational',
'71' => array(
'network' => 'Telstra Corporation Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Telstra',
'status' => 'Operational',
'72' => array(
'network' => 'Telstra Corporation Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Telstra',
'status' => 'Operational',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'Localstar Holding Pty. Ltd. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'90' => array(
'network' => 'Optus Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Optus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty. Ltd. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'232' => array(
'country' => 'Austria',
'country_code' => 'AT',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'A1 Telekom Austria',
'brand' => 'A1',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'A1 Telekom Austria',
'brand' => 'A1',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Orange',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'tele.ring ',
'brand' => 'Tele.ring',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'A1 Telekom Austria',
'brand' => 'A1',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison 3G Austria',
'brand' => '3 (Drei)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'A1 Telekom Austria',
'brand' => 'Bob',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Yesss (Orange)',
'brand' => 'Yesss',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison 3G Austria',
'brand' => '3 (Drei)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Barablu Mobile Ltd',
'brand' => 'Barablu',
'status' => 'Operational',
'91' => array(
'network' => 'ÖBB',
'brand' => 'GSM-R A',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'400' => array(
'country' => 'Azerbaijan',
'country_code' => 'AZ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Azercell Limited Liability Joint Venture ',
'brand' => 'Azercell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Bakcell Limited Liabil ity Company ',
'brand' => 'Bakcell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Catel',
'brand' => 'FONEX',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Azerfon',
'brand' => 'Nar Mobile (Azerfon)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'364' => array(
'country' => 'Bahamas',
'country_code' => 'BS',
'operators' => array(
'39' => array(
'network' => 'The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd',
'brand' => 'BaTelCo',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'390' => array(
'network' => 'The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd',
'brand' => 'BaTelCo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'426' => array(
'country' => 'Bahrain',
'country_code' => 'BH',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Bahrain Telecommunications Company',
'brand' => 'Batelco',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Zain Bahrain',
'brand' => 'Zain BH',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'STC Bahrain',
'brand' => 'Viva',
'status' => 'Operational',
'470' => array(
'country' => 'Bangladesh',
'country_code' => 'BD',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'GrameenPhone Ltd',
'brand' => 'GramenPhone ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Axiata Bangladesh Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Robi',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Orascom Telecom Holding',
'brand' => 'Banglalink',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'TeleTalk',
'brand' => 'TeleTalk',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Citycell',
'brand' => 'Citycell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Airtel',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Aritel',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'342' => array(
'country' => 'Barbados',
'country_code' => 'BB',
'operators' => array(
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel Barbados',
'brand' => 'DigiCel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'600' => array(
'network' => 'Lime (Cable & Wireless)',
'brand' => 'Lime (Cable & Wireless)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'750' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel',
'brand' => 'DigiCel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'810' => array(
'network' => 'Cingular Wireless',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'820' => array(
'network' => 'Sunbeach Communications ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'257' => array(
'country' => 'Belarus',
'country_code' => 'BY',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'MDC Velcom ',
'brand' => 'Velcom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile TeleSystems',
'brand' => 'MTS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'BelCel',
'brand' => 'DIALLOG',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Belarussian Telecommunications Network',
'brand' => 'life :)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'501' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'BelCel JV',
'status' => 'Operational',
'206' => array(
'country' => 'Belgium',
'country_code' => 'BE',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Belgacom Mobile',
'brand' => 'Proximus ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Telenet',
'brand' => 'Telenet',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Lyca Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'France Telecom',
'brand' => 'Mobistar ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'KPN',
'brand' => 'Base ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'702' => array(
'country' => 'Belize',
'country_code' => 'BZ',
'operators' => array(
'67' => array(
'network' => 'Belize Telemedia',
'brand' => 'DigiCell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'68' => array(
'network' => 'International Telecommunications Ltd. (INTELCO) ',
'brand' => 'IntelCo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'SpeedNet Communications Ltd',
'brand' => 'Smart',
'status' => 'Operational',
'616' => array(
'country' => 'Benin',
'country_code' => 'BJ',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'BBCOM',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Benin Telecoms Mobile',
'brand' => 'Libercom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telecel Benin',
'brand' => 'Moov',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Spacetel Benin ',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Bell Benin Communications',
'brand' => 'BBCOM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Glo Communications',
'brand' => 'Glo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'350' => array(
'country' => 'Bermuda',
'country_code' => 'BM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Cingular GSM 1900',
'brand' => 'Digicel Bermuda',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'M3 Wireless',
'brand' => 'Mobility',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Cingular Wireless',
'brand' => 'Cellular One (Cingular)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'38' => array(
'network' => 'Mossel (Digicel)',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'402' => array(
'country' => 'Bhutan',
'country_code' => 'BT',
'operators' => array(
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Bhutan Telecom Ltd ',
'brand' => 'B-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'B-Mobile of Bhutan Telecom ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'Tashi InfoComm Limited',
'brand' => 'TashiCell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'736' => array(
'country' => 'Bolivia',
'country_code' => 'BO',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Nuevatel S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Nuevatel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'ENTEL S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Entel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telefonica Celular De Bolivia S.A',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Entel BOlivia',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'218' => array(
'country' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
'country_code' => 'BA',
'operators' => array(
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Public Enterprise Croatian Telecom Ltd.',
'brand' => 'HT-Eronet',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'RS Telecommunications JSC Banja Luka',
'brand' => 'm:tel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'90' => array(
'network' => 'BH Telecom',
'brand' => 'BH Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'652' => array(
'country' => 'Botswana',
'country_code' => 'BW',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Mascom Wireless (Pty) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Mascom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Botswana (Pty) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Botswana Telecommunications Corporation',
'brand' => 'BTC Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'724' => array(
'country' => 'Brazil',
'country_code' => 'BR',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Nll Holdings, INC.',
'brand' => 'Nextel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'CRT Cellular ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Italia Mobile',
'brand' => 'TIM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Italia Mobile',
'brand' => 'TIM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Italia Mobile',
'brand' => 'TIM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Claro',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Vivo S.A',
'brand' => 'Vivo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'CTBC Telecom',
'brand' => 'CTBC Celular',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Italia Mobile',
'brand' => 'TIM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Telepar Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Vivo S.A',
'brand' => 'Vivo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Vivo S.A',
'brand' => 'Vivo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Americel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Telesp Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Maxitel BA ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Sercomtel Celular',
'brand' => 'Sercomtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'Brasil Telecom Celular S.A',
'brand' => 'Oi',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'Ceterp Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'Norte Brasil Tel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'Telemig Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'Telerj Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'Vivo S.A',
'brand' => 'Oi',
'status' => 'Operational',
'24' => array(
'network' => 'Amazonia Celular S/A',
'brand' => 'Oi / Brasil Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'Telebrasilia Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'27' => array(
'network' => 'Telegoias Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'29' => array(
'network' => 'Telemat Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'31' => array(
'network' => 'TNL PCS',
'brand' => 'Oi',
'status' => 'Operational',
'32' => array(
'network' => 'CTBC Celular',
'brand' => 'CTBC Celular',
'status' => 'Operational',
'33' => array(
'network' => 'CTBC Celular',
'brand' => 'CTBC Celular',
'status' => 'Operational',
'34' => array(
'network' => 'CTBC Celular',
'brand' => 'CTBC Celular',
'status' => 'Operational',
'35' => array(
'network' => 'Telebahia Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'37' => array(
'network' => 'Unicel Do Brasil',
'brand' => 'Aeiou',
'status' => 'Operational',
'39' => array(
'network' => 'NII Holdings Inc',
'brand' => 'Nextel',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'41' => array(
'network' => 'Telpe Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'43' => array(
'network' => 'Telepisa Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'45' => array(
'network' => 'Telpa Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'47' => array(
'network' => 'Telern Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'48' => array(
'network' => 'Teleceara Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'51' => array(
'network' => 'Telma Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'53' => array(
'network' => 'Telepara Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'55' => array(
'network' => 'Teleamazon Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'57' => array(
'network' => 'Teleamapa Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'59' => array(
'network' => 'Telaima Cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'348' => array(
'country' => 'British Virgin Islands',
'country_code' => '',
'operators' => array(
'170' => array(
'network' => 'Cabel & Wireless (west Indies)',
'brand' => 'Cabel & Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'570' => array(
'network' => 'Caribbean Cellular Telephone, Boatphone Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'CCT Boatphone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'770' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel (BVI) Limited',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'528' => array(
'country' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
'country_code' => 'BN',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Jabatan Telekom Brunei',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'B-Mobile Communications Sdn Bhd',
'brand' => 'B-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'DST Com ',
'brand' => 'DSTCom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'284' => array(
'country' => 'Bulgaria',
'country_code' => 'BG',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'M-Tel GSM BG ',
'brand' => 'M-Tel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'BTC Mobile',
'brand' => 'Vivacom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Globul ',
'brand' => 'GLOBUL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'BTC Mobile',
'brand' => 'Vivacom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'613' => array(
'country' => 'Burkina Faso',
'country_code' => 'BF',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Onatal',
'brand' => 'Telmob',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Celtel Burkina Faso',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telcel Faso SA',
'brand' => 'Telcel Faso',
'status' => 'Operational',
'642' => array(
'country' => 'Burundi',
'country_code' => 'BI',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Econet Wireless Burundi PLC',
'brand' => 'Spacetel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Africell PLC',
'brand' => 'Africell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Onatel',
'brand' => 'Onatel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'LACELL SU',
'brand' => 'Smart Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'HiTs Telecom',
'brand' => 'HiTs Telecom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'82' => array(
'network' => 'U-COM Burundi S.A.',
'brand' => 'U-COM Burundi',
'status' => 'Operational',
'456' => array(
'country' => 'Cambodia',
'country_code' => 'KH',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'CamGSM',
'brand' => 'Mobitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telekom Malaysia International (Cambodia) Co. Ltd',
'brand' => 'Hello',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'S Telecom (reserved) ',
'brand' => 'S Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Cambodia Advance Communications Co. Ltd',
'brand' => 'QB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Applifone Co. Ltd',
'brand' => 'Star-Cell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Latelz Co. Ltd',
'brand' => 'Smart Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Viettel',
'brand' => 'Mefone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Sotelco Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Beeline',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Excell',
'brand' => 'Excell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'Camshin (Shinawatra) ',
'brand' => 'Mfone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'624' => array(
'country' => 'Cameroon',
'country_code' => 'CM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile Telephone Networks Cameroon ',
'brand' => 'MTN Cameroon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Cameroun ',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'302' => array(
'country' => 'Canada',
'country_code' => 'CA',
'operators' => array(
'220' => array(
'network' => 'Telus Mobility',
'brand' => 'Telus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'221' => array(
'network' => 'Telus Mobility (Unknown)',
'brand' => 'Telus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'290' => array(
'network' => 'Aurtek Wurekess',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'320' => array(
'network' => 'Dave Wireless',
'brand' => 'Mobilicity',
'status' => 'Operational',
'350' => array(
'network' => 'FIRST Networks Operations',
'brand' => 'FIRST',
'status' => 'Operational',
'360' => array(
'network' => 'Telus Mobility',
'brand' => 'MiKE',
'status' => 'Operational',
'361' => array(
'network' => 'Telus Mobility',
'brand' => 'Telus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'370' => array(
'network' => 'Fido Solutions (Rogers Wireless)',
'brand' => 'Fido',
'status' => 'Operational',
'380' => array(
'network' => 'Dryden Mobility',
'brand' => 'DMTS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'490' => array(
'network' => 'Globalive Communications',
'brand' => 'WIND Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'500' => array(
'network' => 'Videotron',
'brand' => 'Videotron',
'status' => 'Operational',
'510' => array(
'network' => 'Videotron',
'brand' => 'Videotron',
'status' => 'Operational',
'610' => array(
'network' => 'Bell Mobility',
'brand' => 'Bell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'620' => array(
'network' => 'ICE Wireless',
'brand' => 'ICE Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'640' => array(
'network' => 'Bell Mobility',
'brand' => 'Bell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'651' => array(
'network' => 'Bell Mobility',
'brand' => 'Bell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'652' => array(
'network' => 'BC Tel Mobility',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'653' => array(
'network' => 'Telus Mobility',
'brand' => 'Telus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'654' => array(
'network' => 'Sask Tel Mobility',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'655' => array(
'network' => 'MTS Mobility',
'brand' => 'MTS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'656' => array(
'network' => 'Thunder Bay Telephone Mobility',
'brand' => 'TBay',
'status' => 'Operational',
'657' => array(
'network' => 'Telus Mobility',
'brand' => 'Telus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'680' => array(
'network' => 'SaskTel Mobility',
'brand' => 'SaskTel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'701' => array(
'network' => 'MB Tel Mobility',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'702' => array(
'network' => 'MT&T Mobility (Aliant)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'703' => array(
'network' => 'New Tel Mobility (Aliant',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'710' => array(
'network' => 'Globalstar Canada',
'brand' => 'Globalstar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'720' => array(
'network' => 'Rorges Communications',
'brand' => 'Rogers Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'780' => array(
'network' => 'SaskTel Mobility',
'brand' => 'SaskTel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'880' => array(
'network' => 'Shared Telus, Bell, and SaskTel',
'brand' => 'Bell / Telus / SaskTel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'625' => array(
'country' => 'Cape Verde',
'country_code' => 'CV',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'CVMovel, S.A.',
'brand' => 'CVMOVEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'T+Telecomunicaçôes ',
'brand' => 'T+',
'status' => 'Operational',
'346' => array(
'country' => 'Cayman Islands',
'country_code' => 'KY',
'operators' => array(
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel Cayman Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'140' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless (Cayman) Limited',
'brand' => 'Cable & Wireless (Lime)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'623' => array(
'country' => 'Central African Republic',
'country_code' => 'CF',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Atlantique Telecom Centrafrique SA',
'brand' => 'MOOV',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telecel Centrafrique (TC)',
'brand' => 'TC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Orange RCA',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Nationlink Telecom RCA',
'brand' => 'Nationlink',
'status' => 'Operational',
'622' => array(
'country' => 'Chad',
'country_code' => 'TD',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'CelTel Tchad SA',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Tchad Mobile',
'brand' => 'Tawali',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Millicom Tchad',
'brand' => 'Millicom Tchad',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Sotel Mobile',
'brand' => 'Salam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'730' => array(
'country' => 'Chile',
'country_code' => 'CL',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Entel PCS Telecomunicaciones S.A.',
'brand' => 'entel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Móvil de Chile',
'brand' => 'movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Claro Chile S.A.',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Centennial Cayman Corp. Chile S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Nextel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'VTW S.A.',
'brand' => 'VTR Móvil',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Centennial Cayman Corp. Chile',
'brand' => 'Nextel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Entel Telefonia Móvil S.A.',
'brand' => 'entel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'WILL Telefonia',
'brand' => 'Will',
'status' => 'Operational',
'460' => array(
'country' => 'China',
'country_code' => 'CN',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'China Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'China Unicom ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Liaoning PPTA',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'China Unicom CDMA ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'China Satellite Global Star Network ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'China Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'China Unicom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'China Mobile',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'China Tietong (GSM-R)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'732' => array(
'country' => 'Colombia',
'country_code' => 'CO',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A.',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Edatel S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Edatel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Emtelsa ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'Emcali ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'101' => array(
'network' => 'Comcel S.A. Occel S.A./Celcaribe ',
'brand' => 'Comcel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'102' => array(
'network' => 'Bellsouth Colombia S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'103' => array(
'network' => 'Colombia Móvil S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'111' => array(
'network' => 'Colombia Móvil S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'123' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Móviles Colombia',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'130' => array(
'network' => 'Avantel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'654' => array(
'country' => 'Comoros',
'country_code' => 'KM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'HURI - SNPT ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'548' => array(
'country' => 'Cook Islands',
'country_code' => 'CK',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Cook ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'712' => array(
'country' => 'Costa Rica',
'country_code' => 'CR',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad - ICE ',
'brand' => 'ICE',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad - ICE ',
'brand' => 'ICE',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Gruop ICE',
'brand' => 'ICE',
'status' => 'Operational',
'612' => array(
'country' => 'Côte d'Ivoire',
'country_code' => 'CI',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Cora de Comstar',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Moov',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Orange',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Koz',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'MTN',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'OriCel',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'219' => array(
'country' => 'Croatia',
'country_code' => 'HR',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Tele2',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'VIPnet',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'368' => array(
'country' => 'Cuba',
'country_code' => 'CU',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba, SA',
'brand' => 'Cubacel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'280' => array(
'country' => 'Cyprus',
'country_code' => 'CY',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Areeba Ltd.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'CYTA ',
'brand' => 'Cytamobile-Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Areeba Ltd',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Primetel PLC',
'brand' => 'Primetel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'230' => array(
'country' => 'Czech Republic',
'country_code' => 'CZ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. ',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s. ',
'brand' => 'O2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Mobilkom a.s. ',
'brand' => 'U:fon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Travel Telecomunication s.r.o.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Osno Telecomunication s.r.o.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s. ',
'brand' => 'O2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'98' => array(
'network' => 'Sprava Zeleznicni Dopravni Cesty ',
'brand' => 'SŽDC s.o.',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. R&D Centre ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'630' => array(
'country' => 'Congo, Democratic Republic',
'country_code' => 'CD',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodacom Congo RDC sprl ',
'brand' => 'Vodacom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Airtel sprl',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Cellco',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Supercell sprl ',
'brand' => 'Supercell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Libertis Telecom',
'brand' => 'Libertis',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'86' => array(
'network' => 'Orange RDC sarl',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'Yozma Timeturns',
'brand' => 'YTT',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'89' => array(
'network' => 'OASIS sprl',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'90' => array(
'network' => 'Africell RDC Sprl',
'brand' => 'Africell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'238' => array(
'country' => 'Denmark',
'country_code' => 'DK',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'TDC Mobil APS',
'brand' => 'TDC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Denmark',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'End2End',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Dansk Beredskapskommunikasjon',
'brand' => 'Dansk Beredskapskommunikasjon',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'H3G APS',
'brand' => '3',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Mundio Mobile',
'brand' => 'Mundio Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Nordisk Mobiltelefon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'TDC Mobil APS',
'brand' => 'TDC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Lyca Mobile Denmark Ltd',
'brand' => 'Lyca',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Telia Sonera APS',
'brand' => 'Telia',
'status' => 'Operational',
'23' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Banedanmark',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Telia Sonera APS',
'brand' => 'Telia',
'status' => 'Operational',
'40' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Ericsson Danmark A/S',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Denmark',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'638' => array(
'country' => 'Djibouti',
'country_code' => 'DJ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Evatis ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'366' => array(
'country' => 'Dominica',
'country_code' => 'DM',
'operators' => array(
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Cingular Wireless',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'110' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless Dominica Ltd.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'370' => array(
'country' => 'Dominican Republic',
'country_code' => 'DO',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Dominicana, S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Compañía Dominicana de Teléfonos, C por',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Tricom S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Tricom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Trilogy Dominicana, S.A.',
'brand' => 'Viva',
'status' => 'Operational',
'740' => array(
'country' => 'Ecuador',
'country_code' => 'EC',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Otecel S.A. - Bellsouth ',
'brand' => 'Moviestar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'América Móvil',
'brand' => 'Porta',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telecsa S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Alegro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'602' => array(
'country' => 'Egypt',
'country_code' => 'EG',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'EEMS - Mobinil ',
'brand' => 'Mobinil',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Egypt ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat Egypt',
'brand' => 'Etisalat',
'status' => 'Operational',
'706' => array(
'country' => 'El Salvador',
'country_code' => 'SV',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'CTE Telecom Personal, S.A. de C.V. ',
'brand' => 'CTW Telecom Personal',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel Group',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telemovil EL Salvador S.A.',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Móviles El Salvador',
'brand' => 'movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'América Móvil',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'627' => array(
'country' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
'country_code' => 'GQ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Guinea Ecuatorial de Telecomunicaciones Sociedad Anónima ',
'brand' => 'Orange GQ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'HiTs EG.SA',
'brand' => 'Hits GQ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'248' => array(
'country' => 'Estonia',
'country_code' => 'EE',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'EMT GSM ',
'brand' => 'EMT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Elisa Eesti',
'brand' => 'Elisa',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Tele 2 Eesti',
'brand' => 'Tele 2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'OY Top Connect ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'AS Bravocom Mobiil ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'OY ViaTel (UMTS)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Televõrgu AS ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'71' => array(
'network' => 'Siseministeerium (Ministry of Interior) ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'636' => array(
'country' => 'Ethiopia',
'country_code' => 'ET',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Ethiopian Telecoms Auth. (ETH MTN)',
'brand' => 'ETH MTN ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'750' => array(
'country' => 'Falkland Islands',
'country_code' => '',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Touch',
'brand' => 'Cable & Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'288' => array(
'country' => 'Faroe Islands',
'country_code' => 'FO',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Faroese Telecom - GSM ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Faroe Islands',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'542' => array(
'country' => 'Fiji',
'country_code' => 'FJ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel Fiji',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'244' => array(
'country' => 'Finland',
'country_code' => 'FI',
'operators' => array(
'03' => array(
'network' => 'DNA Oy',
'brand' => 'DNA',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Elisa Oyj',
'brand' => 'Elisa',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Nokia test network',
'brand' => 'Nokia',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Unknown network/operator',
'brand' => 'Uknown brand',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Finnet Group ',
'brand' => 'Finnet',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'TDC Oy',
'brand' => 'TDC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Soumen Erillisverkot Oy',
'brand' => 'Virve',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'DNA Oy',
'brand' => 'DNA',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Alands Mobiltelefon AB ',
'brand' => 'AMT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Samk student network',
'brand' => 'Samk',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'Oy Finland Tele2 AB ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'Saunalahti',
'brand' => 'Saunalahti',
'status' => 'Operational',
'29' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Scnl Truphone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'41' => array(
'network' => 'Saunalahti',
'brand' => 'Saunalahti',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'91' => array(
'network' => 'TeliaSonera Finland Oyj',
'brand' => 'Sonera',
'status' => 'Operational',
'208' => array(
'country' => 'France',
'country_code' => 'FR',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'France Telecom',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'France Telecom',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'France Telecom',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Globalstar Europe ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Globalstar Europe ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Globalstar Europe ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Vivendi',
'brand' => 'SFR',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Vivendi',
'brand' => 'SFR',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Vivendi',
'brand' => 'SFR',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Iliad',
'brand' => 'Free Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Iliad',
'brand' => 'Free Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Bouygues Telecom ',
'brand' => 'Bouygues',
'status' => 'Operational',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'Bouygues Telecom ',
'brand' => 'Bouygues',
'status' => 'Operational',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'Bouygues Telecom (Zones Blanches) ',
'brand' => 'Bouygues',
'status' => 'Operational',
'742' => array(
'country' => 'French Guiana',
'country_code' => 'GF',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Caribe French Guiana',
'brand' => 'Orange Caribe French Guiana',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel French Guiana',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'547' => array(
'country' => 'French Polynesia',
'country_code' => 'PF',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Caraibe Mobiles',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Outremer Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'AMIGO GSM',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Tikiphone ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'628' => array(
'country' => 'Gabon',
'country_code' => 'GA',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Gabon Telecom & Libertis S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Libertis',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Atlantique Télécom (Etisalat Group) ',
'brand' => 'Moov',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Celtel Gabon S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'USAN Gabon S.A.',
'brand' => 'Azur',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Réseau de l’Administration Gabonaise',
'brand' => 'RAG',
'status' => 'Operational',
'607' => array(
'country' => 'Gambia',
'country_code' => 'GM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Gamcel ',
'brand' => 'Gamcel ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Africell ',
'brand' => 'Africell ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Comium Services Ltd ',
'brand' => 'Comium',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'QCell Gambia',
'brand' => 'QCell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'282' => array(
'country' => 'Georgia',
'country_code' => 'GE',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Geocell Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Geocell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Magti GSM Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'MagtiCom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Iberiatel Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Iberiatel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Beeline',
'brand' => 'Beeline',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Sliknet',
'brand' => 'SLINKNET',
'status' => 'Operational',
'67' => array(
'network' => 'Aquafon',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'A-Mobile',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'262' => array(
'country' => 'Germany',
'country_code' => 'DE',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH ',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone D2 GmbH ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG ',
'brand' => 'E-plus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone D2 GmbH ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone (Reserved)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG ',
'brand' => 'E-Plus (Reserved)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH ',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile (Reserved)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG ',
'brand' => 'O2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG ',
'brand' => 'O2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone D2 GmbH ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Arcor AG & Co. (GSM-R)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG ',
'brand' => 'O2 (RESERVED)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Dolphin Telecom (Deutschland) GmbH ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Mobilcom Multimedia GmbH ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Group 3G UMTS GmbH (Quam) ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Airdata AG ',
'brand' => 'Airdata',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'MVNE (E-plus)',
'brand' => 'Vistream',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'Ring Mobilfunk',
'brand' => 'Ring Mobilfunk',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'E-Plus',
'brand' => 'OnePhone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'43' => array(
'network' => 'Lyca Mobile',
'brand' => 'Lyca',
'status' => 'Operational',
'60' => array(
'network' => 'DB Telematik (GSM-R)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'76' => array(
'network' => 'Siemens AG,',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'E-Plus Mobilfunk GmbH & Co. KG ',
'brand' => 'E-Plus',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'901' => array(
'network' => 'Debitel AG',
'brand' => 'Debitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'620' => array(
'country' => 'Ghana',
'country_code' => 'GH',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'MTN Group',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Group',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Millicom Ghana',
'brand' => 'tiGO',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Kasapa Telecom Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Expresso',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Airtel',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'997' => array(
'network' => 'Glo Mobile Ghana',
'brand' => 'Glo Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'266' => array(
'country' => 'Gibraltar',
'country_code' => 'GI',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Gibtelecom GSM ',
'brand' => 'GibTel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'CTS Gibraltar',
'brand' => 'CTS Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Cloud9 Mobile Communications ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'202' => array(
'country' => 'Greece',
'country_code' => 'GR',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Cosmote Mobile Teelecommunications S.A.',
'brand' => 'Cosmote',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone - Panafon ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A.',
'brand' => 'Wind',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A.',
'brand' => 'Wind',
'status' => 'Operational',
'290' => array(
'country' => 'Greenland',
'country_code' => 'GL',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Tele Greenland ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'352' => array(
'country' => 'Grenada',
'country_code' => 'GD',
'operators' => array(
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'110' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless Grenada Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Cable & Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'535' => array(
'country' => 'Guam (US)',
'country_code' => '',
'operators' => array(
'47' => array(
'network' => 'Docomo Pacific Inc',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'704' => array(
'country' => 'Guatemala',
'country_code' => 'GT',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Servicios de Comunicaciones Personales Inalámbricas, S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Comunicaciones Celulares S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Comcel / Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Centroamérica Guatemala S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'611' => array(
'country' => 'Guinea',
'country_code' => 'GN',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Orange',
'brand' => 'Orange S.A.',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Sotelgui Lagui',
'brand' => 'Sotelgui',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'INTERCEL Guinée',
'brand' => 'Telecel Guinee',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Areeba Guinea',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Cellcom Guinée SA ',
'brand' => 'Cellcom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'632' => array(
'country' => 'Guinea-Bissau',
'country_code' => 'GW',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Guinétel S.A. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Spacetel Guiné-Bissau S.A. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => ' Orange',
'brand' => ' Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Guinetel (Telecel Guinee SARL)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'738' => array(
'country' => 'Guyana',
'country_code' => 'GY',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'U-Mobile (Cellular) Inc.',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co.',
'brand' => 'GT&T Cellink Plus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'372' => array(
'country' => 'Haiti',
'country_code' => 'HT',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Communication Cellulaire dHaiti SA',
'brand' => 'Voila',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Unigestion Holding S.A',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telecommunication S.A',
'brand' => 'NATCOM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Unigestion Holding S.A',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'708' => array(
'country' => 'Honduras',
'country_code' => 'HN',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Servicios de Comunicaciones de Honduras S.A. de C.V.',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Celtel / Tigo',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Empresa Hondurena de Telecomunicaciones',
'brand' => 'Hondutel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel de Honduras',
'brand' => 'DIGICEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'454' => array(
'country' => 'Hong Kong',
'country_code' => 'HK',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'CSL Ltd',
'brand' => '1O1O / One2Free',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'CITIC Telecom 1616',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'CSL Ltd',
'brand' => 'CSL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison Telecom',
'brand' => '3 (3G)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison Telecom',
'brand' => '3 (2G)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison Telecom',
'brand' => '3 (CDMA)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'SmarTone Mobile Communications Ltd',
'brand' => 'SmarTone-Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Trident Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'China Motion Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'CSL Ltd',
'brand' => 'New World Mobility',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'China-Hong Kong Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'China Mobile Hong Kong Company Ltd',
'brand' => 'CMCC HK',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => '3G Radio System/SMT3G ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'PCCW Ltd',
'brand' => 'PCCW Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited',
'brand' => 'SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'CSL Ltd',
'brand' => 'CSL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'PCCW Ltd',
'brand' => 'PCCW Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'22' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'SmarTone Mobile (P-Plus)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'29' => array(
'network' => 'PCCW Ltd',
'brand' => 'PCCW Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'shared by private TETRA systems',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'47' => array(
'network' => 'Hong Kong Police Force - TETRA systems',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'216' => array(
'country' => 'Hungary',
'country_code' => 'HU',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Magyarország Zrt.',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Magyar Telekom Plc',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Magyarország Zrt.',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'274' => array(
'country' => 'Iceland',
'country_code' => 'IS',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Iceland Telecom Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Siminn',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Islandssimi GSM ehf ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'IMC Islande ehf ',
'brand' => 'Viking',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => '09 Mobile',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'IceCell ehf ',
'brand' => 'IceCell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Nova ehf',
'brand' => 'Nova',
'status' => 'Operational',
'404' => array(
'country' => 'India',
'country_code' => 'IN',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Assam)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Haryana)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Maharashtra)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (North East)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'22' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Uttar Pradesh (West)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (West Bengal)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'24' => array(
'network' => 'HFCL INFOTEL (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'HFCL INFOTEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'26' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (Assam)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'27' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Maharashtra)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'28' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'29' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'31' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'32' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'33' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (North East)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'34' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'35' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'36' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'37' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Jammu & Kashmir)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'38' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'39' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Chennai)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'41' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'42' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'43' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'44' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'45' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'46' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'47' => array(
'network' => 'TATA Teleservices (West Bengal)',
'brand' => 'TATA Teleservices',
'status' => 'Operational',
'48' => array(
'brand' => 'Indian Raylways',
'status' => 'Operational',
'49' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (North East)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'51' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'52' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'53' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'54' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'55' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'56' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Assam)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'57' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'58' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'59' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'60' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'62' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Jammu & Kashmir)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'64' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Chennai)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'66' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Uttar Pradesh (West)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'67' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'68' => array(
'network' => 'MTNL (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'Dolphin',
'status' => 'Operational',
'69' => array(
'network' => 'MTNL (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'Dolphin',
'status' => 'Operational',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'71' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'72' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'73' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'74' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (West Bengal)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'75' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'76' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (North East)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'78' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'79' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Andaman Nicobar)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'80' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'81' => array(
'network' => 'BSNL (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'BSNL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'82' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'83' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'84' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Chennai)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'85' => array(
'network' => 'Reliance Telecom (West Bengal)',
'brand' => 'Reliance Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'86' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'87' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'89' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'90' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Maharashtra)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'91' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'92' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'93' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'94' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'95' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'96' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Haryana)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'97' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Uttar Pradesh (West)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'98' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'750' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Jammu & Kashmir)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'751' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Assam)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'752' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'753' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'754' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'755' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (North East)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'756' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'799' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'800' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'801' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'802' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'803' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'804' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Maharashtra)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'805' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'806' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'807' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Haryana)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'808' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'809' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'810' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'811' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Uttar Pradesh (West)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'812' => array(
'network' => 'Aircel (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'Aircel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'813' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Haryana)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'814' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'815' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Jammu & Kashmir)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'816' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'817' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'818' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Uttar Pradesh (West)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'819' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'820' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'821' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'822' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'823' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'824' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Assam)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'825' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'826' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'827' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'828' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Haryana)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'829' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'830' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Jammu & Kashmir)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'831' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'832' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'833' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'834' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'835' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Maharashtra)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'836' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'837' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (North East)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'838' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'839' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'840' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'841' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'842' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Uttar Pradesh (West)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'843' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (West Bengal)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'844' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'845' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Assam)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'846' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Jammu & Kashmir)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'848' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'849' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (North East)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'850' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'852' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'853' => array(
'network' => 'Idea (West Bengal)',
'brand' => 'Idea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'854' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'855' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Assam)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'856' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'857' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'858' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'859' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Haryana)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'860' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'861' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Jammu & Kashmir)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'862' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'863' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'864' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'865' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'866' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Maharashtra)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'867' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (North East)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'868' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'869' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'870' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'871' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'872' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'873' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (Uttar Pradesh (West)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'874' => array(
'network' => 'LOOP (West Bengal)',
'brand' => 'LOOP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'875' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Assam)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'876' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'877' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (North East)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'878' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'879' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'880' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (West Bengal)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'881' => array(
'network' => 'S TEL (Assam)',
'brand' => 'S TEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'882' => array(
'network' => 'S TEL (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'S TEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'883' => array(
'network' => 'S TEL (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'S TEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'884' => array(
'network' => 'S TEL (Jammu & Kashmir)',
'brand' => 'S TEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'885' => array(
'network' => 'S TEL (North East)',
'brand' => 'S TEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'886' => array(
'network' => 'S TEL (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'S TEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'887' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'888' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Assam)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'889' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'890' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'891' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'892' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Haryana)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'893' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Himachal Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'894' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Jammu & Kashmir)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'895' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'896' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'897' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Kolkata)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'898' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'899' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Maharashtra)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'900' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'901' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (North East)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'902' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Orissa)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'903' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'904' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'905' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'906' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (Uttar Pradesh (West)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'907' => array(
'network' => 'Sistema Shyam (West Bengal)',
'brand' => 'Sistema Shyam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'912' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Andhra Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'913' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Delhi)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'914' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'915' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Haryana)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'916' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Karnataka)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'917' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Kerala)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'918' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Maharashtra)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'919' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'920' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'921' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Rajasthan)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'922' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'923' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Uttar Pradesh (East)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'924' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Uttar Pradesh (West)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'925' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Tamilnadu)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'926' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Mumbai)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'927' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Gujarat)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'928' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'929' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Unitech (Maharashtra)',
'brand' => 'Uninor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'930' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Bihar)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'931' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat DB (Madhya Pradesh)',
'brand' => 'Etisalat DB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'932' => array(
'network' => 'Videocon (Punjab)',
'brand' => 'Videocon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'510' => array(
'country' => 'Indonesia',
'country_code' => 'ID',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (ACeS)',
'brand' => 'PSN',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT)',
'brand' => 'INDOSAT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'PT Indosat TBK',
'brand' => 'StarOne',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'PT Telkom',
'brand' => 'TelkomFlexi',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler',
'brand' => 'AXIS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'PT Smart Telecom',
'brand' => 'SMART',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'PT Telekomunikasi Selular',
'brand' => 'Telkomsel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'PT XL Axiata Tbk',
'brand' => 'XL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Pt Telcom Indonesia TBK',
'brand' => 'TelkomMobile',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'PT Indonesian Satelite Corporation Tbk (Indosat)',
'brand' => 'IM3',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'27' => array(
'network' => 'PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia',
'brand' => 'Ceria',
'status' => 'Operational',
'28' => array(
'network' => 'PT Mobile-8 Telecom',
'brand' => 'Fren/Hepi',
'status' => 'Operational',
'89' => array(
'network' => 'PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications',
'brand' => '3',
'status' => 'Operational',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'PT Bakrie Telecom',
'brand' => 'Esia',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'901' => array(
'country' => 'International',
'country_code' => '00',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'ICO Satellite Management',
'brand' => 'ICO',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Iridium',
'brand' => 'Iridium',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Globalstar',
'brand' => 'Globalstar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Thuraya RMSS Network',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'ACeS',
'brand' => 'ACeS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Inmarsat',
'brand' => 'Inmarsat',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Maritime Communications Partner AS',
'brand' => 'MCP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Global Networks Switzerland Inc.',
'brand' => 'GSM.AQ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'AeroMobile AS',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'OnAir Switzerland Sarl',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'Navitas',
'brand' => 'Navitas',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'AT&T Mobility',
'brand' => 'Cellular @Sea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'Seanet Maritime Communications',
'brand' => 'Seanet',
'status' => 'Operational',
'432' => array(
'country' => 'Iran, Islamic Republic Of',
'country_code' => 'IR',
'operators' => array(
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile Communications Company of Iran',
'brand' => 'IR-MCI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'KIFZO (Telecommunication Kish Co.)',
'brand' => 'TKC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan',
'brand' => 'MTCE',
'status' => 'Operational',
'32' => array(
'network' => 'Rafsanjan Industrial Complex',
'brand' => 'Taliya',
'status' => 'Operational',
'35' => array(
'network' => 'Irancell Telecommunications Services Company',
'brand' => 'Irancell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'Telephone Communications Company of Iran',
'brand' => 'TCI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'93' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Iraphone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'418' => array(
'country' => 'Iraq',
'country_code' => 'IQ',
'operators' => array(
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Asia Cell Telecommunications Com.',
'brand' => 'Asia Cell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Korek Telecom Ltd',
'brand' => 'Korek',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Zain Iraq',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Zain Iraq',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'Korek Telecom Ltd',
'brand' => 'Korek',
'status' => 'Operational',
'45' => array(
'network' => 'Mobitel Co. Ltd',
'brand' => 'Mobiltel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'92' => array(
'network' => 'Ommnea Wireless',
'brand' => 'Omnnea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'272' => array(
'country' => 'Ireland',
'country_code' => 'IE',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Ireland Plc ',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'O2 Ireland',
'brand' => 'O2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Meteor Mobile Communications Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Meteor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Access Telecom Ltd.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison 3G Ireland limited',
'brand' => '3',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Eircom ',
'brand' => 'Eircom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Clever Communications Ltd. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Liffey Telecom',
'brand' => 'Tesco Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Lyca Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'425' => array(
'country' => 'Israel',
'country_code' => 'IL',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Partner Communications Co. Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Cellcom Israel Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Cellcom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Pelephone Communications Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Pelephone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Palestine Cellular Communications',
'brand' => 'Jawwal',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Wataniya Palestine',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Hot Mobile',
'brand' => 'Hot Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Golan Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'303' => array(
'network' => 'Pelephone Communications Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Rami Levy',
'status' => 'Operational',
'222' => array(
'country' => 'Italy',
'country_code' => 'IT',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Italia SpA',
'brand' => 'TIM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Elsacom ',
'brand' => 'Elsacom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Noverca',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Fastweb',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Omnitel N.V.',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Rete Ferroviaria Italiana',
'brand' => 'RFI',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'77' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'IPSE 2000',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA',
'brand' => 'Wind',
'status' => 'Operational',
'98' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Blu',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison 3G',
'brand' => '3 Italia',
'status' => 'Operational',
'338' => array(
'country' => 'Jamaica',
'country_code' => 'JM',
'operators' => array(
'05' => array(
'network' => 'JM DIGICEL',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless Jamaica Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel (Jamaica) Limited',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'Oceanic Digital Jamaica Limited',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'180' => array(
'network' => 'Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited',
'brand' => 'LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'440' => array(
'country' => 'Japan',
'country_code' => 'JP',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Emobile Ltd',
'brand' => 'eMobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kansai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Hokuriku',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'SoftBank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kansai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Tokai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Thoku',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Tokai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Hokkaido',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'SoftBank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'SoftBank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'22' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kansai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Tokai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'24' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Chugoku',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Hokkaido',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'26' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kyushu',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'27' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Tohoku',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'28' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Shikoku',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'29' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'31' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kansai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'32' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'33' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Tokai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'34' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kyushu',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'35' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kansai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'36' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'37' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'38' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'39' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'41' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'42' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'43' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'44' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'45' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'46' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'47' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'48' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'49' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'51' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'52' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'53' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'54' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'55' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'56' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'58' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kansai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'60' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kansai',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'61' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Chugoku',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'62' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kyushu',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'63' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'64' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'65' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Shikoku',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'66' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'67' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Tohoku',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'68' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Kyushu',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'69' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'Au',
'status' => 'Operational',
'71' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'72' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'73' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'74' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'75' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'76' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'78' => array(
'network' => 'Okinawa Cellular Telephone',
'brand' => 'Okinawa',
'status' => 'Operational',
'79' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'80' => array(
'network' => 'TU-KA Cellular Tokyo',
'brand' => 'TU-KA',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'81' => array(
'network' => 'TU-KA Cellular Tokyo',
'brand' => 'TU-KA',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'82' => array(
'network' => 'TU-KA Phone Kansai',
'brand' => 'TU-KA',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'83' => array(
'network' => 'TU-KA Cellular Tokai',
'brand' => 'TU-KA',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'85' => array(
'network' => 'TU-KA Cellular Tokai',
'brand' => 'TU-KA',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'86' => array(
'network' => 'TU-KA Cellular Tokyo',
'brand' => 'TU-KA',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'87' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo Chugoku',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'89' => array(
'network' => 'KDDI Corporation',
'brand' => 'KDDI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'90' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'91' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'92' => array(
'network' => 'SoftBank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'93' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'94' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'95' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'96' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'97' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'98' => array(
'network' => 'Softbank Mobile Corp',
'brand' => 'Softbank',
'status' => 'Operational',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'NTT DoCoMo',
'brand' => 'DoCoMo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'416' => array(
'country' => 'Jordan',
'country_code' => 'JO',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Jordan Mobile Telephone Services',
'brand' => 'zain JO',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Xpress ',
'brand' => 'XPress Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Umniah ',
'brand' => 'Umniah',
'status' => 'Operational',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'Petra Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company (MobileCom)',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'401' => array(
'country' => 'Kazakhstan',
'country_code' => 'KZ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Kar-Tel llc ',
'brand' => 'Beeline',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'GSM Kazakhstan Ltd',
'brand' => 'Kcell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Dalacom (CDMA)',
'brand' => 'Dalacom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Kazakhtelecom',
'brand' => 'Kazakhtelecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile Telecom Service LLP',
'brand' => 'Mobile Telecom Service',
'status' => 'Operational',
'639' => array(
'country' => 'Kenya',
'country_code' => 'KE',
'operators' => array(
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Safaricom Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Safaricom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Celtel Kenya Limited',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Telkom Kenya',
'brand' => 'yu',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Econet Wireless Kenya',
'brand' => 'Orange Kenya',
'status' => 'Operational',
'545' => array(
'country' => 'Kiribati',
'country_code' => 'KI',
'operators' => array(
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Services Kiribati Ltd',
'brand' => 'Kiribati Frigate',
'status' => 'Operational',
'467' => array(
'country' => 'Korea',
'country_code' => 'KR',
'operators' => array(
'193' => array(
'network' => 'Korea Posts and Telecommunications Corporation',
'brand' => 'SUN NET',
'status' => 'Operational',
'450' => array(
'country' => 'Korea',
'country_code' => 'KR',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'KT',
'brand' => 'Dacom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'KT',
'brand' => 'KT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Shinsegi Telecom Inc.',
'brand' => 'Digital 017',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'KT',
'brand' => 'KT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'SK Telecom',
'brand' => 'SKT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'LGT Telcom',
'brand' => 'LGT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'KTF SHOW',
'brand' => 'KTF Show',
'status' => 'Operational',
'419' => array(
'country' => 'Kuwait',
'country_code' => 'KW',
'operators' => array(
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile Telecommunications Company ',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Wataniya Telecom ',
'brand' => 'Wataniya',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Kuwait Telecommunication Company',
'brand' => 'Viva',
'status' => 'Operational',
'437' => array(
'country' => 'Kyrqyzstan',
'country_code' => '',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Bitel GSM ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Aktel Ltd',
'brand' => 'Fonex',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'MEGACOM',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'NurTelecom LLC',
'brand' => 'O!',
'status' => 'Operational',
'457' => array(
'country' => 'Lao People's Democratic Republic',
'country_code' => 'LA',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Lao Shinawatra Telecom',
'brand' => 'LaoTel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Enterprise of Telecommunications Lao',
'brand' => 'ETL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Star Telecom Co., Ltd',
'brand' => 'Unitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Millicom Lao Co Ltd',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'247' => array(
'country' => 'Latvia',
'country_code' => 'LV',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Latvian Mobile Phone (LMT)',
'brand' => 'LMT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Tele2 ',
'brand' => 'Tele2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telekom Baltija (CDMA)',
'brand' => 'Triatel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Bite Latvija',
'brand' => 'Bite',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Rigatta',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Master Telecom (MTS)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'IZZI',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Camel Mobile',
'brand' => 'Camel Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'415' => array(
'country' => 'Lebanon',
'country_code' => 'LB',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'MIC 1',
'brand' => 'Alfa',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'MIC 2',
'brand' => 'mtc touch',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Ogero Telecom',
'brand' => 'Ogero Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'651' => array(
'country' => 'Lesotho',
'country_code' => 'LS',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodacom Lesotho (pty) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Vodacom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Econet Ezin-cel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'618' => array(
'country' => 'Liberia',
'country_code' => 'LR',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Lonestar Cell',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Libercell',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Cellcom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Comium',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Cellcom',
'brand' => 'Cellcom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'LIB Telco',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'606' => array(
'country' => 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',
'country_code' => 'LY',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Libyana Mobile Phone',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Madar',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'295' => array(
'country' => 'Liechtenstein',
'country_code' => 'LI',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Swisscom AG',
'brand' => 'Swisscom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Orange AG',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Cubic Telecom AG',
'brand' => 'Cubic Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Mobilkom AG (FL1)',
'brand' => 'FL1',
'status' => 'Operational',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'Alpcom AG',
'brand' => 'Alpmobil',
'status' => 'Operational',
'246' => array(
'country' => 'Lithuania',
'country_code' => 'LT',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Omnitel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Bite GSM',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Tele2 ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'270' => array(
'country' => 'Luxembourg',
'country_code' => 'LU',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'LuxGSM',
'brand' => 'LuxGSM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'Tango ',
'brand' => 'Tango',
'status' => 'Operational',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'Orange S.A.',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'455' => array(
'country' => 'Macao',
'country_code' => 'MO',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'SmarTone',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'C.T.M Telemovel+',
'brand' => 'CTM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'China Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison Telecom ',
'brand' => '3',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'C.T.M Telemovel+',
'brand' => 'CTM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison Telecom',
'brand' => '3',
'status' => 'Operational',
'294' => array(
'country' => 'Macedonia',
'country_code' => 'MK',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Cosmofon ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'VIP Operator',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'646' => array(
'country' => 'Madagascar',
'country_code' => 'MG',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Celtel',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Madagascar S.A',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Madamobil',
'brand' => 'Madamobil',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Telma Mobile S.A',
'brand' => 'Telma',
'status' => 'Operational',
'650' => array(
'country' => 'Malawi',
'country_code' => 'MW',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telekom Network Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'TNM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Limited',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'502' => array(
'country' => 'Malaysia',
'country_code' => 'MY',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Art900 ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telekom Malaysia Bhd',
'brand' => 'TM CDMA',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'MTX Utara',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Maxis Communications Berhad',
'brand' => 'Maxis',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'TM Touch ',
'brand' => 'Celcom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'DIGI ',
'brand' => 'DiGi',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'Maxis',
'brand' => 'Maxis',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'U Mobile Sdn Bhd',
'brand' => 'U Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'CelCom ',
'brand' => 'Celcom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'472' => array(
'country' => 'Maldives',
'country_code' => 'MV',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun',
'brand' => 'Dhiraagu',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Wataniya Telecom Maldives',
'brand' => 'Wataniya',
'status' => 'Operational',
'610' => array(
'country' => 'Mali',
'country_code' => 'ML',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Malitel ',
'brand' => 'Malitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Mali SA',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'278' => array(
'country' => 'Malta',
'country_code' => 'MT',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Malta',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'Mobisle Communications Limited',
'brand' => 'GO',
'status' => 'Operational',
'77' => array(
'network' => 'Melita Plc',
'brand' => 'Melita',
'status' => 'Operational',
'340' => array(
'country' => 'Martinique',
'country_code' => 'MQ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Caraïbe Mobiles ',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Outremer Telecom ',
'brand' => 'Only',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Saint Martin et Saint Barthelemy Telcell Sarl ',
'brand' => 'Telcell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Dauphin Telecom',
'brand' => 'Dauphin',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'DIGICEL Antilles Française Guyane',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'993' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Martinique',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'609' => array(
'country' => 'Mauritania',
'country_code' => 'MR',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Mattel S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Mattel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Chinguitel S.A. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Mauritel Mobiles ',
'brand' => 'Mauritel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'617' => array(
'country' => 'Mauritius',
'country_code' => 'MU',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd.',
'brand' => 'MTML',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Emtel Ltd',
'brand' => 'Emtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'334' => array(
'country' => 'Mexico',
'country_code' => 'MX',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Nextel México',
'brand' => 'Nextel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'América Móvil',
'brand' => 'Telcel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telefonica Moviles (Movistar)',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Iusacell / Unefon',
'brand' => 'Iusacell / Unefon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Iusacell / Unefon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'América Móvil',
'brand' => 'Telcel',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Iusacell / Unefon',
'brand' => 'Iusacell / Unefon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'550' => array(
'country' => 'Micronesia, Federated States Of',
'country_code' => 'FM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'FSM Telecom ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'259' => array(
'country' => 'Moldova',
'country_code' => 'MD',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Moldova GSM ',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Moldcell GSM ',
'brand' => 'Moldcell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Moldtelecom',
'brand' => 'IDC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Eventis Mobile GSM ',
'brand' => 'Evntis',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Moldtelecom',
'brand' => 'Unite',
'status' => 'Operational',
'212' => array(
'country' => 'Monaco',
'country_code' => 'MC',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Media Telecom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Monaco Telecom',
'brand' => 'Office des Telephones',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Morocco Wana',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'428' => array(
'country' => 'Mongolia',
'country_code' => 'MN',
'operators' => array(
'88' => array(
'network' => 'Unitel',
'brand' => 'Unitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'91' => array(
'network' => 'Skytel LLC',
'brand' => 'Skytel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'98' => array(
'network' => 'G-Mobile LLC',
'brand' => 'G.Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'Mobicom ',
'brand' => 'MobiCom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'297' => array(
'country' => 'Montenegro',
'country_code' => 'ME',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Montenegro',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile Montenegro LLC',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'MTEL CG',
'brand' => 'm:tel CG',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile Montenegro LLC',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'354' => array(
'country' => 'Montserrat',
'country_code' => 'MS',
'operators' => array(
'860' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless West Indies (Montserrat)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'604' => array(
'country' => 'Morocco',
'country_code' => 'MA',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Medi Telecom',
'brand' => 'Méditel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Ittissalat Al Maghrib (Maroc Telecom)',
'brand' => 'IAM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'WANA - Groupe ONA',
'brand' => 'INWI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'WANA - Groupe ON',
'brand' => 'INWI',
'status' => 'Operational',
'643' => array(
'country' => 'Mozambique',
'country_code' => 'MZ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Mocambique Celular S.A.R.L',
'brand' => 'mCel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Movitel',
'brand' => 'Movitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Vodacom Mozambique, S.A.R.L.',
'brand' => 'Vodacom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'414' => array(
'country' => 'Myanmar',
'country_code' => 'MM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Myanmar Post and Telecommunication',
'brand' => 'MPT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Ooredoo Myanmar',
'brand' => 'Ooredoo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Myanmar',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'649' => array(
'country' => 'Namibia',
'country_code' => 'NA',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile Telecommunications Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'MTC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Switch',
'brand' => 'Switch',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Orascom Telecom Holding',
'brand' => 'Leo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'429' => array(
'country' => 'Nepal',
'country_code' => 'NP',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Nepal Telecommunications ',
'brand' => 'Namaste / Nt Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Spice Nepal Private Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Ncell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Nepal Telecom',
'brand' => 'Sky/C-Phone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Smart Telecom Pvt. Ltd',
'brand' => 'SmartCell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'204' => array(
'country' => 'Netherlands',
'country_code' => 'NL',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'VastMobiel B.V.',
'brand' => 'Scarlet Telecom B.V',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Tele2',
'brand' => 'Tele2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Voiceworks B.V',
'brand' => 'Voiceworks B.V',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Elephant Talk Communications',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Mundio Mobile Ltd',
'brand' => 'Mundio Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Teleena Holding B.V.',
'brand' => 'Teleena',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'KPN B.V',
'brand' => 'KPN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Lyca mobile Netherlands Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Lyca mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'KPN B.V',
'brand' => 'KPN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Telfort B.V',
'brand' => 'Telfort',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Unica Installatietechniek B.V.',
'brand' => 'Unica Installatietechniek B.V.',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'14' => array(
'network' => '6GMobile B.V',
'brand' => '6GMobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Ziggo B.V',
'brand' => 'Ziggo B.V',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile',
'brand' => 'T-mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'Intercity Mobile Communications B.V',
'brand' => 'Intercity Mobile Communications B.V',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'UPC Netherlands B.V',
'brand' => 'UPC',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'Mixe Communication Solutions B.V',
'brand' => 'Mixe Communication Solutions B.V',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'T-mobile',
'brand' => 'T-mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'ProRail B.V',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'22' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Ministerie van Defensie',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'ASPIDER Solutions B.V',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'24' => array(
'network' => 'Private Mobility Netherlands B.V',
'brand' => 'Private Mobility Netherlands B.V',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'CapX B.V.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'26' => array(
'network' => 'SpeakUp B.V',
'brand' => 'SpeakUp B.V',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'27' => array(
'network' => 'Brezz Nederland B.V',
'brand' => 'Brezz Nederland B.V',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'28' => array(
'network' => 'Lancelot B.V',
'brand' => 'Lancelot B.V',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'67' => array(
'network' => 'RadioAccess B.V.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'68' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Unify Group Holding B.V',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'69' => array(
'network' => 'KPN B.V',
'brand' => 'KPN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'362' => array(
'country' => 'Netherlands Antilles',
'country_code' => 'AN',
'operators' => array(
'51' => array(
'network' => 'TelCell',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'69' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'76' => array(
'network' => 'Antiliano Por N.V.',
'brand' => 'Antiliano Por N.V.',
'status' => 'Operational',
'91' => array(
'network' => 'UTS',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'94' => array(
'network' => 'Bayos',
'brand' => 'Bayos',
'status' => 'Operational',
'95' => array(
'network' => 'MIO',
'brand' => 'MIO',
'status' => 'Operational',
'630' => array(
'network' => 'Cingular Wireless',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'951' => array(
'network' => 'UTS Wireless Curacao',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'546' => array(
'country' => 'New Caledonia',
'country_code' => 'NC',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'OPT Mobilis ',
'brand' => 'Mobilis',
'status' => 'Operational',
'530' => array(
'country' => 'New Zealand',
'country_code' => 'NZ',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom New Zealand',
'brand' => 'Telecom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone New Zealand',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom New Zealand',
'brand' => 'Telecom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Woosh Wireless New Zealand',
'brand' => 'Woosh',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'TelstraClear New Zealand',
'brand' => 'TelstraClear',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom New Zealand',
'brand' => 'XT Mobile (Telecom)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Skinny',
'brand' => 'Skinny',
'status' => 'Operational',
'24' => array(
'network' => '2degrees',
'brand' => '2degrees',
'status' => 'Operational',
'28' => array(
'network' => 'Econet Wireless New Zealand GSM Mobile Network',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'55' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless Guernsey Ltd',
'brand' => 'Telecom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'710' => array(
'country' => 'Nicaraqua',
'country_code' => '',
'operators' => array(
'21' => array(
'network' => 'Empresa Nicaragüense de Telecomunicaciones, S.A. (ENITEL) ',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Móviles de Nicaragua S.A.',
'brand' => 'movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'73' => array(
'network' => 'Servicios de Comunicaciones, S.A. (SERCOM) ',
'brand' => 'SERCOM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'730' => array(
'network' => 'SERCOM S.A. (Nicaragua)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'614' => array(
'country' => 'Niger',
'country_code' => 'NE',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Sahel.Com ',
'brand' => 'SahelCom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Celtel ',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telecel Niger SA',
'brand' => 'Telecel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Orange',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'621' => array(
'country' => 'Nigeria',
'country_code' => 'NG',
'operators' => array(
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'Vidafone Communications Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Visafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'MTN Nigeria Communications ',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'M-Tel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Globacom Ltd',
'brand' => 'Glo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'60' => array(
'network' => 'Etisalat Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Etisalat',
'status' => 'Operational',
'242' => array(
'country' => 'Norway',
'country_code' => 'NO',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Norway AS',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'TeliaSonera Norway AS',
'brand' => 'Netcom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Teletopia Gruppen AS',
'brand' => 'MTU',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Tele2 Norway AS',
'brand' => 'Tele2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Network Norway AS',
'brand' => 'Network Norway',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'ICE Norge AS',
'brand' => 'ICE',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Ventelo Norway AS',
'brand' => 'Ventelo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'TDC Mobil AS',
'brand' => 'TDC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Com4 AS',
'brand' => 'Com4',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Systemnet AS',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Norway AS',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'20' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Jernbaneverket',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'21' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Jernbaneverket',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'22' => array(
'network' => 'Network Norway AS',
'brand' => 'Network Norway',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'Lyca Mobile Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'422' => array(
'country' => 'Oman',
'country_code' => 'OM',
'operators' => array(
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Oman Mobile Telecommunications Company',
'brand' => 'Oman Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Oman Qatari Telecommunications Company (Nawras) ',
'brand' => 'Nawras',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel) ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'410' => array(
'country' => 'Pakistan',
'country_code' => 'PK',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Mobilink-PMCL',
'brand' => 'Mobilink',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Pakistan Telecommunication Mobile Ltd',
'brand' => 'Ufone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'China Mobile',
'brand' => 'Zong',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Pakistan',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'WaridTel',
'brand' => 'Warid',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Instaphone (AMPS/CDMA)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'552' => array(
'country' => 'Palau',
'country_code' => 'PW',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Palau National Communications Corp. (a.k.a. PNCC) ',
'brand' => 'PNCC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'80' => array(
'network' => 'Palau Mobile Corporation',
'brand' => 'Palau Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'714' => array(
'country' => 'Panama',
'country_code' => 'PA',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless Panama S.A. ',
'brand' => 'Cable & Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telefonica Moviles Panama S.A',
'brand' => 'movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'América Móvil',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Group',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Movistar',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'537' => array(
'country' => 'Papua New Guinea',
'country_code' => 'PG',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Pacific Mobile Communications',
'brand' => 'B-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Greencom ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel PNG',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'744' => array(
'country' => 'Paraquay',
'country_code' => '',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Hola Paraguay S.A',
'brand' => 'VOX',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'AMX Paraguay S.A.',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Compañia Privada de Comunicaciones S.A. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Telefonica Celular Del Paraguay S.A. (Telecel)',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Núcleo S.A',
'brand' => 'Personal',
'status' => 'Operational',
'716' => array(
'country' => 'Peru',
'country_code' => 'PE',
'operators' => array(
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Móviles Perú',
'brand' => 'movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Nextel',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'América Móvil Perú',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'NII Holdings',
'brand' => 'NEXTEL',
'status' => 'Operational',
'515' => array(
'country' => 'Philippines',
'country_code' => 'PH',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Globe Telecom via Innove Communications',
'brand' => 'Islacom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Globe Telecom ',
'brand' => 'Globe',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'PLDT via Smart Communications',
'brand' => 'Smart',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Digital Telecommunications Philippines',
'brand' => 'Sun',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'PLDT via ACeS Philippines',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'PLDT via Smarts Connectivity Unlimited Resources Enterprise',
'brand' => 'Cure',
'status' => 'Operational',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'Nextel',
'brand' => 'Nextel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'260' => array(
'country' => 'Poland',
'country_code' => 'PL',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Plus GSM (Polkomtel S.A.) ',
'brand' => 'Plus (Polkomtel)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'ERA GSM (Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. Z.o.o.) ',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Orange',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Netia S.A',
'brand' => 'Tele 2 (Netia)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Play (P4)',
'brand' => 'Play (P4)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Netia S.A',
'brand' => 'Netia (Using P4 Nw)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'E-Telko Sp. z o.o.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Telekomunikacja Kolejowa (GSM-R) ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Sferia S.A.',
'brand' => 'Sferia (Using T-mobile)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.',
'brand' => 'Cyfrowy Polsat',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Sferia S.A',
'brand' => 'Sferia (Using T-mobile)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'CenterNet S.A.',
'brand' => 'CenterNet (UMTS Data only)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'Mobyland Sp. z o.o.',
'brand' => 'Mobyland (UMTS)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'Aero 2 Sp. z o.o.',
'brand' => 'Aero2 (UMTS)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'268' => array(
'country' => 'Portugal',
'country_code' => 'PT',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Portugal',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Sonaecom – Serviços de Comunicações, S.A.',
'brand' => 'Optimus',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Oniway - Inforcomunicaçôes, S.A. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais',
'brand' => 'TMN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'Zapp Portugal',
'brand' => 'Zapp',
'status' => 'Operational',
'330' => array(
'country' => 'Puerto Rico',
'country_code' => 'PR',
'operators' => array(
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Cingular Wireless',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Puerto Rico Telephone Company',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'427' => array(
'country' => 'Qatar',
'country_code' => 'QA',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Qtel',
'brand' => 'Qtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Vodaphone Quatar',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'629' => array(
'country' => 'Congo, Democratic Republic',
'country_code' => 'CD',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Celtel Congo',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'MTN CONGO S.A',
'brand' => 'Libertis Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Libertis Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'647' => array(
'country' => 'Reunion',
'country_code' => 'RE',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Orange',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Outremer Telecom ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'SFR Reunion',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'995' => array(
'network' => 'SRR Mayotte',
'brand' => 'SRR Mayotte',
'status' => 'Operational',
'997' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Mayotte',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'226' => array(
'country' => 'Romania',
'country_code' => 'RO',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Romania SA ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Romtelecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Cosmote (Zapp)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Cosmote (Zapp)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Digi mobil',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Cosmote',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Romania ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'250' => array(
'country' => 'Russian Federation',
'country_code' => 'RU',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile TeleSystems ',
'brand' => 'MTS ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'MegaFon OJSC ',
'brand' => 'MegaFon ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Communications ',
'brand' => 'NCC ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Sibchallenge ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Yeniseytelecom ',
'brand' => 'ETK ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'CJSC Saratov System of Cellular Communications ',
'brand' => 'Skylink',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Zao SMARTS ',
'brand' => 'SMARTS ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Khabarovsky Cellular Phone ',
'brand' => 'Skylink ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Don Telecom ',
'brand' => 'DTC',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Orensot ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Baykal Westcom / Akos',
'brand' => 'Baykal',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Kuban GSM ',
'brand' => 'KUGSM',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'SMARTS Ufa, SMARTS Uljanovsk ',
'brand' => 'SMARTS ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'New Telephone Company ',
'brand' => 'NTC ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'JSC Uralsvyazinform ',
'brand' => 'Utel ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'Indigo',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Tele2 ',
'brand' => 'Tele2 ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'Mobicom - Novisibirsk',
'brand' => 'Mobicom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'28' => array(
'network' => 'Beeline',
'brand' => 'Beeline',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'32' => array(
'network' => 'K-Telecom',
'brand' => 'Win Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'35' => array(
'network' => 'MOTIV ',
'brand' => 'MOTIV ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'37' => array(
'network' => 'ZAO Kodotel',
'brand' => 'ZAO Kodotel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'38' => array(
'network' => 'Tambov GSM ',
'brand' => 'Tambov GSM ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'39' => array(
'network' => 'Uralsvyazinform ',
'brand' => 'Utel ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'44' => array(
'network' => 'Stuvtelesot ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile TeleSystems',
'brand' => 'MTS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'92' => array(
'network' => 'MTS - Primtelefon',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'93' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom XXI ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'OJSC VimpelCom ',
'brand' => 'Beeline ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'635' => array(
'country' => 'Rwanda',
'country_code' => 'RW',
'operators' => array(
'10' => array(
'network' => 'MTN Rwandacell SARL',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Rwandatel (CDMA)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'12' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Rwandatel (GSM)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'TIGO RWANDA S.A',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'356' => array(
'country' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
'country_code' => 'KN',
'operators' => array(
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'UTS',
'brand' => 'Chippie',
'status' => 'Operational',
'110' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless',
'brand' => 'LIME',
'status' => 'Operational',
'358' => array(
'country' => 'Saint Lucia',
'country_code' => 'LC',
'operators' => array(
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Cingular Wireless',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel (St Lucia) Limited',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'110' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless',
'brand' => 'Lime (Cable & Wireless)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'360' => array(
'country' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
'country_code' => '',
'operators' => array(
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Cingular Wireless',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel (St. Vincent and Grenadines) Limited',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'100' => array(
'network' => 'Cingular Wireless',
'brand' => 'Cingular Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'110' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Lime (Cable & Wireless)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'549' => array(
'country' => 'Samoa',
'country_code' => 'WS',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel Pacific Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'27' => array(
'network' => 'Bluesky Samoa Ltd',
'brand' => 'Bluesky',
'status' => 'Operational',
'626' => array(
'country' => 'Sao Tome and Principe',
'country_code' => 'ST',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Companhia Santomese de Telecomunicaçôes ',
'brand' => 'CSTmovel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'420' => array(
'country' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'country_code' => 'SA',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Saudi Telecom Company',
'brand' => 'Al Jawal',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Etihad Etisalat Company',
'brand' => 'Mobily',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Zain SA',
'brand' => 'Zain SA',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'EAE',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'608' => array(
'country' => 'Senegal',
'country_code' => 'SN',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Sonatel ',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Millicom',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Sudatel',
'brand' => 'Expresso',
'status' => 'Operational',
'220' => array(
'country' => 'Serbia',
'country_code' => 'RS',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Serbia',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Montenegro',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telekom Srbija a.d. ',
'brand' => 'mt:s',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Monet',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Vip mobile d.o.o. ',
'brand' => 'VIP',
'status' => 'Operational',
'633' => array(
'country' => 'Seychelles',
'country_code' => 'SC',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Cable & Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Mediatech International Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Mediatech International',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom (Seychelles) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'619' => array(
'country' => 'Sierra Leone',
'country_code' => 'SL',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel Ltd',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Millicom (SL) Ltd',
'brand' => 'Tigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Lintel Sierra Leone Ltd',
'brand' => 'Africell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Comium (Sierra Leone) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Comium',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Lintel (Sierra Leone) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Africell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'Mobitel ',
'brand' => 'Mobitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'Datatel (SL) Ltd GSM ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Dtatel (SL) Ltd CDMA ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'999' => array(
'network' => 'Sierratel',
'brand' => 'LeoneCel',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'525' => array(
'country' => 'Singapore',
'country_code' => 'SG',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Singapore Telecom',
'brand' => 'SingTel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Singapore Telecom',
'brand' => 'SingTel-G18',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'MobileOne Asia',
'brand' => 'M1',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'StarHub Mobile',
'brand' => 'StarHub',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Digital Trunked Radio Network ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'231' => array(
'country' => 'Slovakia',
'country_code' => 'SK',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Slovensko',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile Slovensko',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Unient Communications',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile Slovensko',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Slovensko',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica O2',
'brand' => 'O2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Slovensko',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'Železnice Slovenskej Republiky',
'brand' => 'ŽSR',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'293' => array(
'country' => 'Slovenia',
'country_code' => 'SI',
'operators' => array(
'40' => array(
'network' => 'SI Mobil D.D',
'brand' => 'Si.mobil',
'status' => 'Operational',
'41' => array(
'network' => 'Ipkonet',
'brand' => 'Mobitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'64' => array(
'network' => 'T-2 d.o.o. ',
'brand' => 'T-2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'Tusmobil d.o.o. ',
'brand' => 'Tušmobil',
'status' => 'Operational',
'540' => array(
'country' => 'Solomon Islands',
'country_code' => 'SB',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Solomon Telekom Co Ltd',
'brand' => 'BREEZE',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Breeze',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'637' => array(
'country' => 'Somalia',
'country_code' => 'SO',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telesom',
'brand' => 'Telesom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Somafone FZLLC',
'brand' => 'Somafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'NationLink Telecom',
'brand' => 'Nationlink',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'Hormuud Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'Hormuud Telecom Somalia Inc',
'brand' => 'Hormuud',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Golis Telecom Somalia',
'brand' => 'Golis',
'status' => 'Operational',
'62' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Mobile',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'65' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Mobile',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'82' => array(
'network' => 'Telcom Somalia',
'brand' => 'Telcom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'655' => array(
'country' => 'South Africa',
'country_code' => 'ZA',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodacom (Pty) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Vodacom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telkom',
'brand' => 'Telkom Mobile / 8.ta',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Sasol (PTY) LTD',
'brand' => 'Sasol (PTY) LTD',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Sentech (Pty) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Sentech',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Cell C (Pty) Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Cell C & Virgin',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Mobile Telephone Networks ',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'SAPS Gauteng ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Neotel',
'brand' => 'Neotel',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'Wireless Business Solutions',
'brand' => 'iBurst',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'Cape Town Metropolitan Council ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'Wirels Connect',
'brand' => 'Wirels Connect',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Bokamoso Consortium ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'31' => array(
'network' => 'Karabo Telecoms (Pty) Ltd. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'32' => array(
'network' => 'Ilizwi Telecommunications ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'33' => array(
'network' => 'Thinta Thinta Telecommunications ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'34' => array(
'network' => 'Bokone Telecoms ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'35' => array(
'network' => 'Kingdom Communications ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'36' => array(
'network' => 'Amatole Telecommunication Services ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'41' => array(
'network' => 'South African Police Service',
'brand' => 'South African Police Service',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'659' => array(
'country' => 'South Sudan',
'country_code' => 'SS',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vivacell',
'brand' => 'Now',
'status' => 'Operational',
'214' => array(
'country' => 'Spain',
'country_code' => 'ES',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Spain',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'France Telecom España SA',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Xfera Moviles SA',
'brand' => 'Yoigo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Móviles España',
'brand' => 'TME',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Spain',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Móviles España',
'brand' => 'movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Euskaltel',
'brand' => 'Euskaltel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'France Telecom España SA',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'BT Group España Compañia de Servicios Globales de Telecomunicaciones S.A.U.',
'brand' => 'BT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'Telecable de Asturias S.A.U.',
'brand' => 'TeleCable',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia S.A.',
'brand' => 'Móbil R',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'Cableuropa S.A.U.',
'brand' => 'ONO',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'E-PLUS Moviles Virtuales España S.L.U. (KPN)',
'brand' => 'Simyo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Fonyou Telecom S.L.',
'brand' => 'Fonyou',
'status' => 'Operational',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'Jazz Telecom S.A.U.',
'brand' => 'Jazztel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'22' => array(
'network' => 'Best Spain Telecom',
'brand' => 'DigiMobil',
'status' => 'Operational',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'Barablu Movil Espana',
'brand' => 'Barablu',
'status' => 'Operational',
'24' => array(
'network' => 'Eroski Móvil España',
'brand' => 'Eroski',
'status' => 'Operational',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'LycaMobile S.L.',
'brand' => 'LycaMobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'33' => array(
'network' => 'France Telecom España SA',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'413' => array(
'country' => 'Sri Lanka',
'country_code' => 'LK',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel',
'brand' => 'Mobitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Dialog Telekom',
'brand' => 'Dialog',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Emirates Telecommunication Corporation',
'brand' => 'Etisalat',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison Telecommunications Lanka (Pvt) Limited',
'brand' => 'Hutch',
'status' => 'Operational',
'658' => array(
'country' => 'Saint Helena',
'country_code' => 'SH',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Cable & Wireless Plc',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'308' => array(
'country' => 'Saint Pierre And Miquelon',
'country_code' => 'PM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'St. Pierre-et-Miquelon Télécom ',
'brand' => 'Ameris',
'status' => 'Operational',
'634' => array(
'country' => 'Sudan',
'country_code' => 'SD',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Zain Group - Sudan',
'brand' => 'Zain SD',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'MTN Sudan',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Wawat Securities',
'brand' => 'Vivacell (NOW)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Sudatel Group',
'brand' => 'Sudani One',
'status' => 'Operational',
'746' => array(
'country' => 'Suriname',
'country_code' => 'SR',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telecommunications Company Suriname',
'brand' => 'Telesur',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telecommunications Company Suriname',
'brand' => 'Telesur',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel Group Limited',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Intelsur N.V. / UTS N.V.',
'brand' => 'Uniqa',
'status' => 'Operational',
'653' => array(
'country' => 'Swaziland',
'country_code' => 'SZ',
'operators' => array(
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Swazi MTN ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'240' => array(
'country' => 'Sweden',
'country_code' => 'SE',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Direct2 Internet',
'brand' => 'Direct2 Internet',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telia Sonera AB',
'brand' => 'Telia',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'H3G Access AB',
'brand' => '3',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Netett Sverige AB',
'brand' => 'Netett Sverige AB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Svenska UMTS-Nät',
'brand' => 'Sweden 3G (Telia/Tele2)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Sweden AB',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Tele2 Sweden AB',
'brand' => 'Tele2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Telenor Sweden AB',
'brand' => 'Telenor',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Djuice Mobile Sweden',
'brand' => 'Djuice Mobile Sweden',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Spring Mobil AB',
'brand' => 'Spring',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Lindholmen Science Park',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Lycamobile AB',
'brand' => 'Lycamobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Ventelo Sweden AB',
'brand' => 'Ventelo',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'TDC Mobil AS',
'brand' => 'TDC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Wireless Maingate',
'brand' => 'Wireless Maingate',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'16' => array(
'network' => '42 Telecom AB',
'brand' => '42 Telecom AB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'Götalandsnätet AB',
'brand' => 'Götalandsnätet AB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'Generic Mobile Systems Sweden AB',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'Mudio Mobile Sweden',
'brand' => 'Mudio Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Imez AB',
'brand' => 'Imez AB',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'22' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'EuTel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'23' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Infobip Ltd',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'25' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Digitel Mobile Srl',
'status' => 'Operational',
'26' => array(
'network' => 'Beepsend',
'brand' => 'Beepsend',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'27' => array(
'network' => 'MyIndian AB',
'brand' => 'MyIndian AB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'28' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'CoolTEL Aps',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'29' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Mercury International Carrier Services',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'NextGen Mobile Ltd',
'status' => 'Operational',
'32' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'CompaTel Ltd.',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'34' => array(
'network' => 'Tigo LTD',
'brand' => 'Tigo LTD',
'status' => 'Operational',
'36' => array(
'network' => 'Interactive digital media GmbH',
'brand' => 'IDM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'41' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Shyam Telecom UK Ltd',
'status' => 'Operational',
'89' => array(
'network' => 'ACN Communications Sweden AB',
'brand' => 'ACN Communications Sweden AB',
'status' => 'Operational',
'500' => array(
'network' => 'Unknown',
'brand' => 'Unknown',
'status' => 'Operational',
'503' => array(
'network' => 'Unknown',
'brand' => 'Unknown',
'status' => 'Operational',
'228' => array(
'country' => 'Switzerland',
'country_code' => 'CH',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Swisscom Ltd',
'brand' => 'Swisscom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Sunrise Communications AG',
'brand' => 'Sunrise',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Communications SA',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Togewanet AG (Comfone)',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'SBB AG ',
'brand' => 'SBB AG',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'IN&Phone SA ',
'brand' => 'IN&Phone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Tele2 Telecommunications AG ',
'brand' => 'Tele2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Comfone AG',
'brand' => 'Comfone',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Sunrise',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'50' => array(
'network' => '3G Mobile AG',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'51' => array(
'network' => 'Bebbicell AG ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'52' => array(
'network' => 'Barablu Mobile AG',
'brand' => 'Barablu',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'53' => array(
'network' => 'UPC Cablecom GmbH',
'brand' => 'UPC',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'54' => array(
'network' => 'Lyca Mobile AG',
'brand' => 'Lyca Mobile',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'417' => array(
'country' => 'Syrian Arab Republic',
'country_code' => 'SY',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Syriatel Mobile Telecom',
'brand' => 'Syriatel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'MTN Syria',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'466' => array(
'country' => 'Taiwan',
'country_code' => 'TW',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd',
'brand' => 'FarEasTone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Asia Pacific Telecom',
'brand' => 'APTG',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Tuntex Telecom',
'brand' => 'Tuntex',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'LDTA/Chungwa Telecom',
'brand' => 'Chunghwa LDM',
'status' => 'Operational',
'68' => array(
'network' => 'ACeS Taiwan Telecommunications Co Ltd',
'brand' => 'ACeS',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'KG Telecom',
'brand' => 'KG Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'89' => array(
'network' => 'VIBO Telecom',
'brand' => 'VIBO',
'status' => 'Operational',
'92' => array(
'network' => 'Chunghwa Telecom LDM',
'brand' => 'Chungwa',
'status' => 'Operational',
'93' => array(
'network' => 'Mobitai Communications',
'brand' => 'MobiTai',
'status' => 'Operational',
'97' => array(
'network' => 'Taiwan Cellular Corporation',
'brand' => 'Taiwan Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'TransAsia Telecoms',
'brand' => 'TransAsia',
'status' => 'Operational',
'436' => array(
'country' => 'Tajikistan',
'country_code' => 'TJ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'JV Somoncom',
'brand' => 'Tcell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Indigo Tajikistan',
'brand' => 'Tcell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'TT Mobile',
'brand' => 'MLT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Babilon-Mobile',
'brand' => 'Babilon-M',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Vimpelcom',
'brand' => 'Beeline',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Indigo',
'brand' => 'Tcell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'640' => array(
'country' => 'Tanzania',
'country_code' => 'TZ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Tri Telecommunication (T) Ltd.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'MIC Tanzania Ltd',
'brand' => 'tiGO',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Zanzibar Telecom Ltd',
'brand' => 'Zantel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Vodacom Tanzania Ltd',
'brand' => 'Vodacom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Bharti Airtel',
'brand' => 'Airtel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Dovetel Ltd',
'brand' => 'SasaTel',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Tanzania Telecommunication Company LTD',
'brand' => 'TTCL Mobile',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Benson Informatics Ltd',
'brand' => 'Benson Online (BOL)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'ExcellentCom Tanzania Ltd',
'brand' => 'Hits',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd',
'brand' => 'SmileCom',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'520' => array(
'country' => 'Thailand',
'country_code' => 'TH',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'CAT Telecom',
'brand' => 'My by CAT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Advanced Info Service',
'brand' => 'AIS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'CAT Telecom',
'brand' => 'CAT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'AWN',
'brand' => 'AIS 3G',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Real Future',
'brand' => 'True Move',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'DTN',
'brand' => 'dTac',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'WCS',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Telephone Organization of Thailand',
'brand' => 'TOT 3G',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'Total Access Communications (DTAC)',
'brand' => 'dTac',
'status' => 'Operational',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'Digital Phone (AIS)',
'brand' => 'AIS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'True Corporation',
'brand' => 'WE PCT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'True Corporation',
'brand' => 'True Move H',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'99' => array(
'network' => 'True Corporation',
'brand' => 'True Move',
'status' => 'Operational',
'514' => array(
'country' => 'Timor-Leste',
'country_code' => 'TL',
'operators' => array(
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Timor Telecom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'615' => array(
'country' => 'Togo',
'country_code' => 'TG',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Togo Telecom ',
'brand' => 'Togo Cell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Telecel',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Moov Togo',
'brand' => 'Moov',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Telecel',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'539' => array(
'country' => 'Tonga',
'country_code' => 'TO',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Tonga Communications Corporation ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'43' => array(
'network' => 'Shoreline Communication ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'88' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'374' => array(
'country' => 'Trinidad and Tobago',
'country_code' => 'TT',
'operators' => array(
'12' => array(
'network' => 'BMobile',
'brand' => 'bMobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'140' => array(
'network' => 'LaqTel Ltd. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'605' => array(
'country' => 'Tunisia',
'country_code' => 'TN',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Tunisia',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Tunisie Telecom',
'brand' => 'Tunicell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Orascom Telecom ',
'brand' => 'Tunisiana',
'status' => 'Operational',
'286' => array(
'country' => 'Turkey',
'country_code' => 'TR',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.',
'brand' => 'Turkcell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Avea',
'brand' => 'Avea',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Aycell',
'brand' => 'Aycell',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'438' => array(
'country' => 'Turkmenistan',
'country_code' => 'TM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Barash Communication Technologies (BCTI) ',
'brand' => 'MTS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'TM-Cell ',
'brand' => 'TM-Cell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'376' => array(
'country' => 'Turks And Caicos Islands',
'country_code' => 'TC',
'operators' => array(
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel (Turks & Caicos) Limited',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'350' => array(
'network' => 'Cable & Wireless West Indies Ltd (Turks & Caicos)',
'brand' => 'Lime (Cable & Wireless)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'352' => array(
'network' => 'IslandCom Communications Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Islandcom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'641' => array(
'country' => 'Uganda',
'country_code' => 'UG',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Celtel Uganda ',
'brand' => 'Zain',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'MTN Uganda Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'MTN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Uganda Telecom Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Uganda Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Orange Uganda',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'22' => array(
'network' => 'Warid Telecom Uganda Ltd. ',
'brand' => 'Warid Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'234' => array(
'country' => 'United Kingdom',
'country_code' => 'GB',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'British Telecom',
'brand' => 'BT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Mudio Mobile Ltd',
'brand' => 'Vectone MObile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'O2 UK Ltd',
'brand' => 'O2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Jersey Airtel Ltd',
'brand' => 'Airtel-Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'FMS Solutions Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'COLT Mobile Telecommunications Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Internet Computer Bureau Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Cable and Wireless Plc',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'OnePhone Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Tismi BV',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Europe',
'brand' => 'O2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Europe',
'brand' => 'O2',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd',
'brand' => 'Railtrack Plc (UK)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd',
'brand' => 'Railtrack Plc (UK)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Hay Systems Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone Ltd',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'Talk Talk Communications Ltd',
'brand' => 'Talk Talk',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'Flextel Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'18' => array(
'network' => 'Wire9 Telecom Plc',
'brand' => 'Cloud9',
'status' => 'Operational',
'19' => array(
'network' => 'Teleware Plc',
'brand' => 'Teleware',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Hutchison 3G UK Ltd',
'brand' => '3',
'status' => 'Operational',
'22' => array(
'network' => 'Routo Telecommunications Ltd',
'brand' => 'RoutoMessaging',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'24' => array(
'network' => 'Stour Marine',
'brand' => 'Greenfone',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'25' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Truphone (UK)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Everything Everywhere Ltd',
'brand' => 'T-mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'31' => array(
'network' => 'Virgin Media (MVNO on EE)',
'brand' => 'Virgin',
'status' => 'Operational',
'32' => array(
'network' => 'Virgin Media (MVNO on EE)',
'brand' => 'Virgin',
'status' => 'Operational',
'33' => array(
'network' => 'Everything Everywhere Ltd',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'34' => array(
'network' => 'Everything Everywhere Ltd',
'brand' => 'Orange',
'status' => 'Operational',
'35' => array(
'network' => 'JSC Ingenium Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'37' => array(
'network' => 'Synectiv Ltd',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Jersey Telecom GSM',
'brand' => 'JT-Wave',
'status' => 'Operational',
'55' => array(
'network' => 'Cable and Wireless Plc',
'brand' => 'Cable and Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'58' => array(
'network' => 'Manx Telecom',
'brand' => 'Manx Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'60' => array(
'network' => 'Dobson Telephone Co',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'75' => array(
'network' => 'Inquam Telecom Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Inquam',
'status' => 'Operational',
'76' => array(
'network' => 'British Telecom',
'brand' => 'BT',
'status' => 'Operational',
'78' => array(
'network' => 'Airwave',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'91' => array(
'network' => 'Vodafone United Kingdom',
'brand' => 'Vodafone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'95' => array(
'network' => 'Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd',
'brand' => 'Railtrack Plc (UK)',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'995' => array(
'network' => 'Guernsey Airtel',
'brand' => 'Guernsey Airtel',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'255' => array(
'country' => 'Ukraine',
'country_code' => 'UA',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Ukrainian Mobile Communication, UMC ',
'brand' => 'MTS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Ukranian Radio Systems, URS ',
'brand' => 'Beeline',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Kyivstar GSM JSC',
'brand' => 'Kyivstar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Intertelecom',
'brand' => 'IT',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Golden Telecom ',
'brand' => 'Golden Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Astelit ',
'brand' => 'life:)',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Ukrtelecom ',
'brand' => 'Ukrtelecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'21' => array(
'network' => 'CJSC - Telesystems of Ukraine ',
'brand' => 'PEOPLEnet',
'status' => 'Operational',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'CDMA Ukraine',
'brand' => 'ITC',
'status' => 'Operational',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'CST Inves',
'brand' => 'Newtone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'39' => array(
'network' => 'Golden Telecom GSM',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Ukrainian Mobile Communications',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'67' => array(
'network' => 'Kyivstar',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'68' => array(
'network' => 'Wellcom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'424' => array(
'country' => 'United Arab Emirates',
'country_code' => 'AE',
'operators' => array(
'02' => array(
'network' => 'E mirates Telecom Corp',
'brand' => 'Etisalat',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company',
'brand' => 'du',
'status' => 'Operational',
'310' => array(
'country' => 'United States',
'country_code' => 'US',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Mid-Tex Cellular Ltd.',
'brand' => 'Mid-Tex Cellular',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Sprint Spectrum',
'brand' => 'Sprint',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Verizon Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Verizon',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Verizon Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Verizon ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Verizon Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Verizon ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Consolidated Telcom',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Highland',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'Corr Wireless Communications',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'09' => array(
'network' => 'Edge Wireless LLC',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'Chariton Valley Communications',
'brand' => 'Chariton Valley',
'status' => 'Operational',
'11' => array(
'network' => '',
'brand' => 'Southern Communications Services',
'status' => 'Operational',
'12' => array(
'network' => 'Verizon Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Verizon ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'13' => array(
'network' => 'Alltel Wireless',
'brand' => 'Alltel Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'14' => array(
'network' => 'Testing',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'15' => array(
'network' => 'Southern Communications dba Southern LINC',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'16' => array(
'network' => 'Cricket Communications ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'17' => array(
'network' => 'North Sight Communications Inc. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'20' => array(
'network' => 'Missouri RSA 5 Partnership',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'23' => array(
'network' => 'VoiceStream 23',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'24' => array(
'network' => 'VoiceStream 24',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'25' => array(
'network' => 'VoiceStream 25',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'26' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'30' => array(
'network' => 'Centennial Communications ',
'brand' => 'Centennial ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'31' => array(
'network' => 'AERIAL',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'32' => array(
'network' => 'IT&E Overseas, Inc.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'34' => array(
'network' => 'Airpeak ',
'brand' => 'Airpeak ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'38' => array(
'network' => 'USA 3650 AT&T',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'40' => array(
'network' => 'Commnet Wireless',
'brand' => 'Commnet Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'46' => array(
'network' => 'TMP Corp ',
'brand' => 'Simmetry',
'status' => 'Operational',
'50' => array(
'network' => 'Wikes Cellular',
'brand' => 'Wikes Cellular',
'status' => 'Operational',
'60' => array(
'network' => 'Consolidated Telcom ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'70' => array(
'network' => 'AT&T',
'brand' => 'AT&T',
'status' => 'Operational',
'80' => array(
'network' => 'Corr Wireless Communications LLC ',
'brand' => 'Corr ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'90' => array(
'network' => 'AT&T',
'brand' => 'AT&T ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'100' => array(
'network' => 'New Mexico RSA 4 East Ltd. Partnership ',
'brand' => 'Plateau Wireless ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'110' => array(
'network' => 'High Plains Wireless',
'brand' => 'High Plains Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'120' => array(
'network' => 'Sprint ',
'brand' => 'Sprint ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'130' => array(
'network' => 'Alltel',
'brand' => 'Alltel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'140' => array(
'network' => 'GTA Wireless LLC ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'150' => array(
'network' => 'Wilkes Cellular',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'160' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'170' => array(
'network' => 'Broadpoint Inc',
'brand' => 'PetroCom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'180' => array(
'network' => 'West Central Wireless ',
'brand' => 'West Central ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'190' => array(
'network' => 'Alaska Wireless Communications LLC ',
'brand' => 'Dutch Harbor ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'200' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'210' => array(
'network' => 'Farmers Cellular Telephone',
'brand' => 'Farmers Cellular',
'status' => 'Operational',
'220' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'230' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'240' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'250' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'260' => array(
'network' => 'Cellular One',
'brand' => 'Cellular One',
'status' => 'Operational',
'270' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'280' => array(
'network' => 'Verizon Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Verizon ',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'290' => array(
'network' => 'NEP Wireless',
'brand' => 'NEP Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'300' => array(
'network' => 'Smart Call (Truphone) ',
'brand' => 'iSmart Mobile ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'310' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'311' => array(
'network' => 'Farmers Wireless ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'320' => array(
'network' => 'Smith Bagley Inc, dba Cellular One ',
'brand' => 'Cellular One ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'330' => array(
'network' => 'Michigan Wireless, LLC',
'brand' => 'Bug Tussel Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'340' => array(
'network' => 'Westlink Communications ',
'brand' => 'Westlink ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'350' => array(
'network' => 'Mohave Cellular L.P. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'360' => array(
'network' => 'Cellular Network Partnership dba Pioneer Cellular ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'370' => array(
'network' => 'General Communication Inc.',
'brand' => 'GCI Wireless in Alaska',
'status' => 'Operational',
'380' => array(
'network' => 'New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'390' => array(
'network' => 'Verizon Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Verizon ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'400' => array(
'network' => 'Wave Runner LLC ',
'brand' => 'i CAN_GSM ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'410' => array(
'network' => 'AT&T',
'brand' => 'AT&T ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'420' => array(
'network' => 'Cincinnati Bell Wireless LLC ',
'brand' => 'Cincinnati Bell ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'430' => array(
'network' => 'Alaska Digitel LLC ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'440' => array(
'network' => 'Numerex Corp. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'450' => array(
'network' => 'Viaero Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Viaero ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'460' => array(
'network' => 'TMP Corp ',
'brand' => 'Simmetry ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'470' => array(
'network' => 'Omnipoint',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'480' => array(
'network' => 'Verizon Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Verizon ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'490' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => 'T-Mobile ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'500' => array(
'network' => 'Alltel ',
'brand' => 'Alltel ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'510' => array(
'network' => 'Airtel Wireless LLC ',
'brand' => 'Airtel ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'520' => array(
'network' => 'VeriSign ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'530' => array(
'network' => 'NewCore Wireless',
'brand' => 'NewCore Wireless',
'status' => 'Operational',
'540' => array(
'network' => 'Oklahoma Western Telephone Company ',
'brand' => 'Oklahoma Western ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'550' => array(
'network' => 'Wireless Solutions International ',
'brand' => 'AT&T ',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'560' => array(
'network' => 'AT&T',
'brand' => 'AT&T ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'570' => array(
'network' => 'MTPCS LLC ',
'brand' => 'Cellular One ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'580' => array(
'network' => 'Inland Cellular Telephone Company ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'590' => array(
'network' => 'Alltel',
'brand' => 'Alltel ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'600' => array(
'network' => 'New Cell Inc. dba Cellcom ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'610' => array(
'network' => 'Elkhart Telephone Co. ',
'brand' => 'Epic Touch ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'620' => array(
'network' => 'Coleman County Telecommunications Inc. (Trans Texas PCS) ',
'brand' => 'Coleman County Telecom ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'630' => array(
'network' => 'Choice Wireless ',
'brand' => 'AmeriLink PCS ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'640' => array(
'network' => 'Airadigm Communications ',
'brand' => 'Airadigm ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'650' => array(
'network' => 'Jasper Wireless Inc. ',
'brand' => 'Jasper ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'660' => array(
'network' => 'MetroPCS',
'brand' => 'MetroPCS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'670' => array(
'network' => 'Northstar ',
'brand' => 'Northstar ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'680' => array(
'network' => 'AT&T',
'brand' => 'AT&T ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'690' => array(
'network' => 'Conestoga Wireless Company ',
'brand' => 'Conestoga ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'700' => array(
'network' => 'Cross Valiant Cellular Partnership ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'710' => array(
'network' => 'Arctic Slopo Telephone Association Cooperative ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'720' => array(
'network' => 'Wireless Solutions International Inc. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'730' => array(
'network' => 'SeaMobile ',
'brand' => 'SeaMobile ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'740' => array(
'network' => 'Convey Communications Inc. ',
'brand' => 'Convey ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'750' => array(
'network' => 'East Kentucky Network LLC dba Appalachian Wireless ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'760' => array(
'network' => 'Panhandle Telecommunications Systems Inc. ',
'brand' => 'Panhandle ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'770' => array(
'network' => 'Iowa Wireless Services LLC dba I Wireless ',
'brand' => 'i wireless ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'780' => array(
'network' => 'Connect Net Inc ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'790' => array(
'network' => 'PinPoint Communications Inc. ',
'brand' => 'PinPoint ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'800' => array(
'network' => 'T-Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'810' => array(
'network' => 'Brazos Cellular Communications Ltd. ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'820' => array(
'network' => 'South Canaan Cellular Communications Co. LP ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'830' => array(
'network' => 'Caprock Cellular Ltd. Partnership ',
'brand' => 'Caprock ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'840' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom North America Mobile, Inc. ',
'brand' => 'telna Mobile ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'850' => array(
'network' => 'Aeris Communications, Inc. ',
'brand' => 'Aeris ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'860' => array(
'network' => 'TX RSA 15B2, LP dba Five Star Wireless ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'870' => array(
'network' => 'Kaplan Telephone Company Inc. ',
'brand' => 'PACE ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'880' => array(
'network' => 'Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc. ',
'brand' => 'Advantage ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'890' => array(
'network' => 'Verizon Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Verizon ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'900' => array(
'network' => 'Mid-Rivers Communications ',
'brand' => 'Mid-Rivers Wireless ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'910' => array(
'network' => 'Verizon Wireless ',
'brand' => 'Verizon ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'920' => array(
'network' => 'Get Mobile ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'930' => array(
'network' => 'Copper Valley Wireless ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'940' => array(
'network' => 'Poka Lambro Telecommunications Ltd.',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'950' => array(
'network' => 'Iris Wireless LLC ',
'brand' => 'XIT Wireless ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'960' => array(
'network' => 'Texas RSA 1 dba XIT Cellular ',
'brand' => 'Plateau Wireless ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'970' => array(
'network' => 'Globalstar USA ',
'brand' => 'Globalstar ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'980' => array(
'network' => 'New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'990' => array(
'network' => 'E.N.M.R. Telephone Cooperative',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'748' => array(
'country' => 'Uruguay',
'country_code' => 'UY',
'operators' => array(
'00' => array(
'network' => 'Compania estatal (ANTEL)',
'brand' => 'Ancel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Compania estatal (ANTEL)',
'brand' => 'Ancel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Ancel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Inactive',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Telefónica Móviles Uruguay',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'10' => array(
'network' => 'AM Wireless Uruguay S.A.',
'brand' => 'Claro',
'status' => 'Operational',
'434' => array(
'country' => 'Uzbekistan',
'country_code' => 'UZ',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Buztel ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Uzmacom ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Unitel LLC',
'brand' => 'Beeline',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Coscom ',
'brand' => 'Ucell',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Perfectum Mobile',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'Uzdunrobita ',
'brand' => 'MTS',
'status' => 'Operational',
'541' => array(
'country' => 'Vanuatu',
'country_code' => 'VU',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Telecom Vanatou',
'brand' => 'Smile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Digicel',
'brand' => 'Digicel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'734' => array(
'country' => 'Venezuela',
'country_code' => 'VE',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Digitel',
'brand' => 'Digitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Digitel',
'brand' => 'Digitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Digitel',
'brand' => 'Digitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Movistar',
'brand' => 'Movistar',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'Movilnet',
'brand' => 'Movilnet',
'status' => 'Operational',
'452' => array(
'country' => 'Socialist Republic of Vietnam',
'country_code' => 'VN',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Vietnam Mobile Telecom (VMS)',
'brand' => 'MobilFone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Vinaphone ',
'brand' => 'Vinaphone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'S-Telecom',
'brand' => 'S-Fone',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Viettel Corporation (Viettel Mobile)',
'brand' => 'Viettel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'05' => array(
'network' => 'Hanoi Telecom',
'brand' => 'Vietnamobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'06' => array(
'network' => 'EVN Telecom',
'brand' => 'E-Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'07' => array(
'network' => 'GTEL Mobile JSC',
'brand' => 'Beeline VN',
'status' => 'Operational',
'08' => array(
'network' => 'EVN Telecom',
'brand' => 'EVN Telecom',
'status' => 'Operational',
'421' => array(
'country' => 'Yemen',
'country_code' => 'YE',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'SabaFon',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'Spacetel Yemen ',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Yemen Mobile',
'brand' => 'Yemen Mobile',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Y',
'brand' => 'HiTS-Unitel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'645' => array(
'country' => 'Zambia',
'country_code' => 'ZM',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Zain',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'02' => array(
'network' => 'MTN',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Zamtel',
'brand' => '',
'status' => 'Operational',
'648' => array(
'country' => 'Zimbabwe',
'country_code' => 'ZW',
'operators' => array(
'01' => array(
'network' => 'Net*One Cellular Ltd',
'brand' => 'Net One ',
'status' => 'Operational',
'03' => array(
'network' => 'Telecel Zimbabwe Ltd',
'brand' => 'Telecel',
'status' => 'Operational',
'04' => array(
'network' => 'Econet Wireless',
'brand' => 'Econet',
'status' => 'Operational',
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