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Created February 22, 2016 23:53
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Save rheinardkorf/faf652ef9dba66b2e555 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Chrome Tabs to Markdown - Ruby script to grab all open Chrome tabs and present the Markdown links and reference table. Works extra nice as a TextExpander snippet!!
#! /usr/bin/ruby
# A different implementation to Brett Terpstra's Markdown Service Tools: "md - Links - Chrome Tabs"
# This version looks at all tabs across all open Chrome windows.
# This version produces output as a list of links as well as a reference table including title tags.
# $KCODE = 'u'
unless UNICODE_COMPETENT # lower than 1.9
class String
def utf8_length
i = 0
i = self.scan(/(.)/).length
else # 1.9 and above
class String
alias_method :utf8_length, :length
def chrome_tab_links
# Get all tabs from all Chrome windows. Include title and URL in the list.
input = %x{osascript -e 'set titleString to ""' -e 'tell application \"Google Chrome\"' -e 'set window_list to every window # get the windows' -e 'repeat with the_window in window_list # for every window' -e 'set tab_list to every tab in the_window # get the tabs' -e 'repeat with the_tab in tab_list # for every tab' -e 'set the_title to the title of the_tab # grab the title' -e 'set aLink to URL of the_tab' -e 'set titleString to titleString & the_title & "^^^" & aLink & "|||"' -e '#set titleString to titleString & the_title & return # concatenate then all' -e 'end repeat' -e 'end repeat' -e 'end tell'}.chomp
items = []
# Split the links
list = input.split('|||')
list.each {|item|
# Split the titles from the URLs
parts = item.split('^^^')
# Get the name part
domain = parts[1].match(/https?:\/\/([^\/]+)/)
nameParts = domain[1].split('.')
name = case nameParts.length
when 1
when 2
else nameParts[1]
# Add object to the array for processing
items << {'title' => parts[0], 'name' => name, 'link' => parts[1] }
# Strings to contain the links and the reference table
theLinks = ''
theReferences = ''
if items.empty?
# Sort array based on domain name component
items = items.sort {|a,b| a['name'] <=> b['name']}
counter = 0
lastName = ''
items.each { |x|
# Reset the counter if domain names change
if x['name'] != lastName
lastName = x['name'];
counter = 0
counter += 1
# Build the links
theLinks = "#{theLinks}\n[#{x['title']}][#{x['name']}-#{counter}] "
# Build the reference table
theReferences = "#{theReferences}\n[#{x['name']}-#{counter}]: #{x['link']} \"#{x['title']}\""
# Finally, output the Markdown
puts "#{theLinks}\n#{theReferences}"
# Call the method
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