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Created April 28, 2024 01:19
import { google } from 'googleapis'
const youtube ={
version: 'v3',
auth: process.env.YOUTUBE_API_KEY
const channels = [
async function getUploadPlaylistId(channelId) {
const response = await youtube.channels.list({
part: 'contentDetails',
id: channelId,
key: process.env.YOUTUBE_API_KEY
async function getPlaylistVideos(playlistId) {
const response = await youtube.playlistItems.list({
part: 'id,snippet,contentDetails',
export const name = 'video'
export const key = 'app:videoCache'
export const interval = (5 * 60 * 1000)
export async function execute(callback) {
console.log('[VIDEOS] Refreshing cache for video feed...')
// Pull latest videos from each channel
let videos = await Promise.all( (channel) => {
return getPlaylistVideos(await getUploadPlaylistId(channel))
// Flatten, sort and slice the 5 most recent videos
videos = videos.flat()
videos = videos.sort((first, second) => {
return new Date(second.snippet.publishedAt) - new Date(first.snippet.publishedAt)
videos = videos.slice(0, 5)
callback(videos, null)
console.log('[VIDEOS] Finished!')
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