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running more than one task after deploying with capistrano

If for some reason you want to run more than one task after deploying with capistrano. Create a task that invokes all the tasks you want:

# capistrano/tasks/after_deploy_hooks.rake

namespace :deploy do
  desc 'Deploy hooks'
  task :after_deploy_tasks do
    on roles(:app) do
      within current_path do
        invoke 'service:restart'
        invoke 'sidekiq:restart'
        invoke 'deploy:update_cron'

In this task I'm triggering the restart of the webservice, and sidekiq. And running another task to update the crontab. Using invoke will call the task you pass as argument.

And then, inside deploy.rb add the following line at the end of the file.

after :deploy, 'deploy:after_deploy_tasks'

The line above is a hook to run the task after deploy is done.

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