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Created March 6, 2017 19:24
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FutureLearn functional programming erlang assignment 1
-export([area/1, perimeter/1, enclose/1, bits/1, bits_tail/1]).
area({A,B,C}) ->
S = (A+B+C)/2,
area({A,B}) ->
perimeter({A,B,C}) ->
perimeter({A,B}) ->
% assumes A is the base of the triangle
enclose({A,B,C} = Triangle) ->
Height = area(Triangle) * 2 / A,
{A, Height}.
bits(N) when N > 0 ->
N rem 2 + bits(N div 2);
bits(_N) -> 0.
bits_tail(N) -> bits_tail(N, 0).
bits_tail(N, Acc) when N > 0 ->
bits_tail(N div 2, Acc + (N rem 2));
bits_tail(_N, Acc) -> Acc.
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