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Created October 29, 2013 14:23
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Benchmarking Lua and Mruby on Nginx
Metric Lua Mruby Metric
Concurrency Level 150 150 transactions
Time taken for tests 7.981 8.269 seconds
Complete requests 3000 3000 requests
Failed requests 0 0 requests
Write errors 0 0
Non-2xx responses 3001 3001 requests
Total transferred 1233411 1206402 bytes
HTML transferred 582194 582194 bytes
Requests per second 375.87 362.79 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request 399.069 413.464 [ms] (mean)
Time per request 2.660 2.756 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate 150.91 142.47 [Kbytes/sec] received
Percentage Lua Mruby
50% 371 376
66% 380 394
75% 390 410
80% 402 423
90% 465 445
95% 525 461
98% 555 864
99% 567 895
100% 1770 1520
Metric Lua Mruby Metric
Transactions 45374 45764 hits
Availability 100.00 99.03 %
Elapsed time 592.10 592.11 secs
Data transferred 44.92 45.30 MB
Response time 0.20 0.19 secs
Transaction rate 76.63 77.29 trans/sec
Throughput 0.08 0.08 MB/sec
Concurrency 14.99 14.99 requests
Successful transactions 45383 45768 transactions
Failed transactions 0 450 transactions
Longest transaction 8.04 1.46 transactions
Shortest transaction 0.17 0.17 transactions
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