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Created August 4, 2011 23:14
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### 2D lattice with B field transport
#1D chain toys.
from pyqm import *
import os, sys
import time
### Parameters:
L = 101 #mesh size
sigma = 4.21 #gaussian standard deviation
X,Y = create2Dmesh(1,L)
Kx,Ky = create2DmeshK(1,L)
q = 3 #number of flux/unit cell
T = 20 #number of timesteps
t1 = 1.
t2 = 3.
kx = 1.
deltat = 1.
## Hamiltonian
#def Hamiltonian(kx, ky, N): #returns a N by N matrix for a given kx, ky
#H1 = matrix(diag(ones(N-1, complex), 1))
#H1[N-1,0] = exp(kx*1j)
#H2 = matrix(diag([cos(2*pi*j/N + ky) for j in range(N)]))
#H = t1*H1+ t2*H2
#return H+ H.getH()
def Hamiltonian(kx,ky):
#return cos(kx) + cos(ky)
return kx**2 + ky**2
#return [[1,0],[0,1]]
def gaussian(x, sigma):
return exp(-x*x/(2.*sigma**2))/(2.*pi*sigma**2)**.5
#def FT(wavefn): return fftshift(abs(fft2(wavefn)))
### Evolution
def evolve1step(wavefn,H,deltat):
'''H must be a matrix in K basis'''
def timestep(wavefn):
return wavefn * (1 - 1j * deltat * H)
return renormalize(ifft2(timestep(fft2(wavefn))))
def evolve(initial, t):
allvec = [initial]
for i in range(t):
return allvec
### Actions
R = sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
Initial = renormalize(gaussian(R,sigma))
def plotsurface(Z):
fig = figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
for i in Z:
amplitudes = map(abs,evolve(Initial,T))
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