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Created June 30, 2014 07:59
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International number one songs and DBpedia

The scenario we were exploring, helping make a music playlist for a road trip, focused on the following:

  • reminiscibility
    • time and place
    • high exposure at an impressionable age
      • tied to life events
      • social music, nightclubs
        • ->teens, esp. late teens (16-20)
    • nothing to do with "goodness" of music
  • singalongability

Solutions based on DBpedia

There are a bunch of ways to get online access to DBpedia. The particular (bare-bones) query interface to we were using was SNORQL.

The fancier query builder seems to work fine if you build the query using the clicky-clicky circles-and-lines interface, but when we skipped straight to pasting in our own SPARQL, it showed the results in non-obvious ways.

There's also a relatively nice non-SPARQL exploration tool -- for an example, check out Believe (Cher song) in Faceted Search.

Find a category that both these things share

PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dbpedia2: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
  <> ?p1 ?catX .
  <> ?p1 ?catY .
  ?catX skos:broader+ ?catA .
  ?catY skos:broader+ ?catA

This would probably be a lot more useful if DBpedia imported the full category hierarchy, instead of just those directly tagged in the wikitext.

DBpedia's extraction framework currently allocates "broader topics" based on a category linking directly to another category (and, curiously, allocates "related topics" based on linking directly to fully-qualified category).

The MediaWiki API does provide a template expansion service:{{Year%20by%20category|m=2|c=0|d=0|y=3|cat=singles|subcat=Singles%20by%20year|align=none}}&prop=wikitext

Find number one singles that had labels of New Zealand and UK

PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dbpedia2: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX dbpont: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
SELECT ?regional_no_1s ?song ?songlabel ?artistname  WHERE {
  GRAPH ?g {
    ?song rdf:type dbpont:Single  .
    ?song dcterms:subject ?regional_no_1s .
    ?regional_no_1s skos:broader <> .
    ?song dbpedia2:region "New Zealand"@en .
    ?song dbpedia2:region "United Kingdom"@en 
    # <> dbpont:musicalArtist <>   
     ?song foaf:name ?songlabel .
     ?song dbpont:musicalArtist ?artist .
     ?song dbpont:releaseDate ?releaseDate .
     ?artist rdfs:label ?artistname
    FILTER (
      IF(BOUND(?songlabel), langMatches(LANG(?songlabel), "en" ), 1 = 1)
      IF(BOUND(?artistname), langMatches(LANG(?artistname), "en" ), 1 = 1)
      # &&
      #(IF(BOUND(?releaseDate), (YEAR(?releaseDate) = 1998), 1 = 1))
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