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Last active August 7, 2016 21:10
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the pandoc part is as yet unnecessary
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{- I really like “literate” code as a writing style. Especially when I’m explaining or exploring
complicated ideas, writing comments in a longer form and explaining as I go along keeps me moored
to reality and attached to what I’m trying to do. Since I wanted a tool to convert into this
format, I decided to write one; since I like this format, I decided to write the tool using it.
I decided to use Haskell because it has [some history][0] with “literate code”, and because I
really like the Pandoc library for converting from Markdown to HTML. -}
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Text.Pandoc (Pandoc (..), def, readMarkdown,
import Text.Pandoc.Error (handleError)
import Text.Parsec
{- Because I want the text to run alongside the code, I want to make a data type representing the
flow of text. In an abstract sense, we have two columns of different types, and this gives us
three possible setups, disregarding the `Nothing` case. -}
data TwoColumn a b = RightCol a | LeftCol b | BothCols a b
{- In this case, our `TwoColumn` layout will consist of `Code` blocks on the right and `String`
blocks on the left. -}
data Code = Stanza Language String
type LiterateCode = TwoColumn String Code
{- We’ll define a data type for the programming languages that we support so that we can keep track
of the relevant bits of information (for example, comment characters). -}
data Language = Haskell | JavaScript | Python | Ruby | Unsupported
{- In the languages that I’m supporting here, we have two common types of comments. Haskell,
JavaScript, and Python all support multiline comments in various forms, but Ruby’s multi-line
syntax is very uncommon, so we’re more likely to see many occurrences of a single-line comment.
This can also be represented by a data type!
We’ll also define a function to get delimiters for whatever languages we choose to support. -}
data Delimiters = SingleLine String | MultiLine String String
delimsFor :: Language -> Delimiters
delimsFor Haskell = MultiLine "{-" "-}"
delimsFor JavaScript = MultiLine "/*" "*/"
delimsFor Python = MultiLine "\"\"\"" "\"\"\""
delimsFor Ruby = SingleLine "#"
{- I’m going to declare the function `manyWhile` because it’s a common operation in this program to
take a string of characters that matches a particular boolean function (e.g., `isSpace`, or
`(/= '\n')`). I’ll also immediately use that to define a line parser that matches up until a
newline. -}
manyWhile :: Stream s Identity Char
=> (Char -> Bool)
-> Parsec s u String
manyWhile = many . satisfy
lineP :: Stream s Identity Char => Parsec s u String
lineP = manyWhile (/= '\n')
{- We’ll also start the declaration of a comment parser here, to be fleshed out for single- and
multi-line comments. -}
commentP :: Stream s Identity Char
=> Delimiters
-> Parsec s u String
{- For languages with single-line comments like Ruby, the comment writing style is fairly easy to
parse, matching a style like so:
> # This is a Ruby comment. It starts on one line, continues to the end of that line, and,
> # should it need to be multi-line, it just consists of a block of lines with an initial
> # indent plus the comment character.
We’ll use this as the first case for a comment parser. -}
commentP (SingleLine delim) = let
indentedDelimiterP = (++) <$> manyWhile isSpace <*> string delim
in unlines <$> many (try (indentedDelimiterP *> lineP))
{- For languages with multi-line comments like Haskell, Python, or JavaScript, the comment writing
style that I’m used to seeing (and writing) looks like this:
> """ This comment starts on a first line, but it doesn’t end on one. Instead, it continues
> onto the next line, matching the indentation of the first character of the comment. """
Because of this, our multi-line comment parser has two parts: first, it needs to use the comment
delimiters as a sort of bracket; and second, it needs to pay attention to the indent of the first
line, whether it be tabs or spaces. This requires some fun monadic binding! -}
commentP (MultiLine startDelim endDelim) = let
indentedStartDelimiterP = (++) <$> manyWhile isSpace <*> (flip replicate ' ' . length <$> string startDelim)
endDelimP = string endDelim
in indentedStartDelimiterP >>= \indent -> let
separatorP = string "\n" <* string indent
multiLineP = manyTill anyChar $ try $ lookAhead endDelimP <|> separatorP
in unlines <$> multiLineP `manyTill` try endDelimP
{- To test the parser out, we’ll use examples of comment blocks from different languages: -}
rubyComment :: String
rubyComment = unlines [
" # I have written",
" # a comment",
" # that is in",
" # a single-line comment syntax" ]
haskellComment :: String
haskellComment = unlines [
" {- and which",
" is probably unnecessary",
" writing",
" in this language -}" ]
javaScriptComment :: String
javaScriptComment = unlines [
" /* Forgive me",
" this trope is trite",
" so cliché",
" and so hackneyed. */" ]
main :: IO ()
main = [(Ruby, rubyComment), (Haskell, haskellComment), (JavaScript, javaScriptComment)] `forM_`
\(language, comment) -> parseTest (commentP (delimsFor language)) comment
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