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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Conway’s game of life, Elm style.
data Status = Alive | Dead
type Board = [[Status]]
type Coordinate = { row:Int, column:Int }
getNodeAt : Board -> Coordinate -> Status
getNodeAt graph coordinate =
let maxRow = length graph
maxColumn = maximum <| map length graph
row = coordinate.row
column = coordinate.column
if | (row < 0) || (row >= maxRow) -> Dead
| (column < 0) || (column >= maxColumn) -> Dead
| otherwise -> head <| drop column <| head <| drop row graph
getNeighborsOf : Board -> Coordinate -> [Status]
getNeighborsOf graph coordinate =
[0..3] ++ [5..8] |> map (\offset ->
let y = coordinate.row + (offset // 3 - 1)
x = coordinate.column + (offset % 3 - 1)
getNodeAt graph { row=y, column=x })
countAliveNeighbors : Board -> Coordinate -> Int
countAliveNeighbors graph coordinate = length
<| filter (\x -> x == Alive)
<| getNeighborsOf graph coordinate
conwayRules : Board -> Coordinate -> Status
conwayRules graph coordinate =
let livingNeighbors = countAliveNeighbors graph coordinate
if | livingNeighbors == 2 -> getNodeAt graph coordinate
| livingNeighbors == 3 -> Alive
| otherwise -> Dead
-- cartProd : [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
-- f : [a] -> [(b -> (a, b)]
-- f [1, 2] = [(b -> (1, b)), (b -> (2, b)]
-- g : [f'] b -> [(a, b)]
-- g (f [1, 2]) 3 = [(1,3), (2,3)]
-- h : g -> lb -> [[(a, b)]]
-- h g [3, 4] = [[(1,3), (2,3)], [(1,4), (2,4)]]
-- foldr (++) [] : [[(a,b)]] -> [(a,b)]
cartProd la lb = let f la' = map (\x -> (\y -> (x, y))) la'
g lf b = map (\f' -> f' b) lf
h g lb' = map (\b -> g b) lb'
foldr (++) [] <| h (g (f la)) lb
pCartProd la lb = let f la' = map (\x -> (\y -> (x, y))) la'
g lf b = map (\f' -> f' b) lf
h g lb' = map (\b -> g b) lb'
h (g (f la)) lb
iterateBoard : Board -> Board
iterateBoard board =
let rowCount = length board
columnCount = maximum <| map length board
pCartProd [0..rowCount-1] [0..columnCount-1] |> map (\row ->
row |> map (\rctuple ->
let coordinate = {row=(fst rctuple), column=(snd rctuple)} in
conwayRules board coordinate))
g = [[Dead, Alive, Dead, Dead, Dead],
[Alive, Dead, Alive, Dead, Dead],
[Dead, Alive, Dead, Dead, Dead],
[Dead, Dead, Alive, Alive, Dead],
[Dead, Dead, Dead, Dead, Alive]]
height = 400
width = 400
drawBoard : Board -> Element
drawBoard board =
let rowCount = length board
columnCount = maximum <| map length board
cellSize = width / (toFloat columnCount)
xOffset = -(width - cellSize) / 2
yOffset = (height - cellSize) / 2
collage height width
(cartProd [0..rowCount-1] [0..columnCount-1] |> map (\cell ->
let status = getNodeAt board {row=(fst cell), column=(snd cell)}
cellColor = (if status == Alive then lightGrey else charcoal)
x = xOffset + (toFloat (snd cell)) * cellSize
y = yOffset - (toFloat (fst cell)) * cellSize
square cellSize
|> filled cellColor
|> move (x, y)))
main : Signal Element
main = drawBoard <~ (foldp (\time -> iterateBoard) g (every second))
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