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Last active August 29, 2021 00:34
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Disable Print Spooler to protect against PrintNightmare
.VERSION 1.0.8
.GUID c77c6ecf-69d1-4bb3-bbc2-ea3d8aa91297
.AUTHOR Colin Cogle
.COPYRIGHT (c) 2021 Colin Cogle. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the AGPL, version 3 or later.
.TAGS PrintNightmare, print, printer, spooler, security, DC, ADDS, CVE
.RELEASENOTES This minor version doesn't try to disable an already-disabled service.
Disables the Print Spooler service.
Disables and stops the Print Spooler service on this computer, if it is a domain controller.
.PARAMETER DomainControllerOnly
Do not stop and disable print spooler on non-domain controllers.
Skip confirmation.
PS C:\> Disable-PrintSpooler
Disables and stops Print Spooler.
PS C:\> Disable-PrintSpooler -DomainControllerOnly
Disables and stops Print Spooler, if and only if this machine is a domain controller.
As this is modifying Windows system services, you must run this script with administrative privileges.
True or false, depending on whether or not this script succeeded.
#Requires -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
[Switch] $DomainControllerOnly,
[Switch] $Force
# Run as strictly as possible.
Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0
$PrintSpooler = $null
# Check and see if we even have Print Spooler.
# On GUI-less installs of Windows Server 2012, it's missing.
Try {
$PrintSpooler = (Get-Service -Name 'spooler' -ErrorAction Stop)
Catch {
Write-Output 'Print Spooler does not exist on this computer.'
Return $true
# Check and see if it's already disabled.
If ($PrintSpooler.StartType -eq 'Disabled') {
Write-Output 'Print Spooler is already disabled on this computer.'
Return $true
# Check and see if we're running on a domain controller.
# Fail gracefully if the user wanted that to happen.
If ($DomainControllerOnly -and $null -eq (Get-Service -Name 'ntds')) {
Write-Warning 'Print Spooler is still enabled, because this is not a domain controller and -DomainControllerOnly was specified.'
Return $false
# Ask the user (unless they -Force) if they really want to do this.
If ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($env:ComputerName, 'Stop and disable the Print Spooler service'))
Try {
Write-Output 'Disabling the Print Spooler service.'
$PrintSpooler | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
Write-Error 'Failed to disable Print Spooler!'
Return $false
Try {
If ($PrintSpooler.Status -eq 'Stopped') {
Write-Verbose 'Print Spooler was already stopped.'
Return $true
Else {
Write-Output 'Stopping the Print Spooler service.'
$PrintSpooler | Stop-Service -ErrorAction Continue
Return $?
Catch {
Write-Error 'Failed to stop Print Spooler!'
Return $false
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