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Created August 2, 2012 02:36
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table :: [[Int]]
table = [
hmult (x:y:z:w:xs) = max (x*y*z*w) $ hmult $ y:z:w:xs
hmult _ = -1
vmult (x:xs) (y:ys) (z:zs) (w:ws) = max (x*y*z*w) $ vmult xs ys zs ws
vmult _ _ _ _ = -1
-- →
hmax :: [[Int]] -> Int
hmax (xs:xss) = max (hmult xs) (hmax xss)
hmax _ = -1
-- ↓
vmax :: [[Int]] -> Int
vmax (xs:ys:zs:ws:xss) = max (vmult xs ys zs ws) (vmax xss)
vmax _ = -1
-- ↘
rbmax :: [[Int]] -> Int
rbmax (xs:ys:zs:ws:xss) = max (vmult xs (drop 1 ys) (drop 2 zs) (drop 3 ws)) (rbmax xss)
rbmax _ = -1
-- ↙
lbmax :: [[Int]] -> Int
lbmax (xs:ys:zs:ws:xss) = max (vmult (drop 3 xs) (drop 2 ys) (drop 1 zs) ws) (lbmax xss)
lbmax _ = -1
main = print $ maximum [hmax table, vmax table, rbmax table, lbmax table]
-- 70600674
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