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Created December 4, 2012 08:39
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tweetvim 自動更新
" 自動更新間隔(秒)
let s:tweetvim_update_interval_seconds = 60
let s:tweetvim_timestamp = reltime()[0]
function! s:tweetvim_autoupdate()
let current = reltime()[0]
if current - s:tweetvim_timestamp > s:tweetvim_update_interval_seconds
call feedkeys("\<Plug>(tweetvim_action_reload)")
let s:tweetvim_timestamp = current
call feedkeys(mode() ==# 'i' ? "\<C-g>\<ESC>" : "g\<ESC>", 'n')
function! s:tweetvim_setup_autoupdate()
augroup vimrc-tweetvim-autoupdate
autocmd CursorHold * call <SID>tweetvim_autoupdate()
augroup END
" 自動更新開始と終了用コマンド
command! -nargs=0 TweetVimAutoUpdate call <SID>tweetvim_setup_autoupdate()
command! -nargs=0 TweetVimStopAutoUpdate autocmd! vimrc-tweetvim-autoupdate
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