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NES emulator development guide

Overview of document

  • a guide for programmers writing their own NES/FC emulator software
  • provides many code optimization tips (with focus placed on the x86-based personal computing platform)
  • provides lists of features to implement in an emulator intended for public-domain release
  • created in an effort to improve the quality of the user's NES gaming experience

Topics discussed

  • General PPU emulation
  • Pixel rendering techniques
  • Merging playfield & object pixels
  • Frame store optimizations
  • Smooth audio reproduction
  • 6502 instruction decoding & execution techniques
  • Emulation address decoding
  • Hardware port queueing
  • Threading NES applications
  • Emulator features to support
  • New object-oriented NES file format specification

General PPU emulation

Most likely, the key to your emulator's performance will be based on the speed at which it can render NES graphics. It's pretty easy to write a slow PPU render engine, since overall there's a good deal of work that has to be done. Accurate emulation of the PPU is difficult, due to all the trickery various NES games use to achieve special video effects (like split screen scrolling), otherwise not possible by "clean" or conventional means. In reality, all these "tricks" are simply accomplished by writing to the appropriate PPU (or related) registers at the right time during the rendering of a frame (picture).

On a hardware level, the CPU & PPU in the NES run simultaniously. This is why a game can be coded to make a write out to a PPU register at a certain time during a frame, and the result of this is that the (on-screen) effect occurs in a specific location on the screen. Thus, the first instinct one has for writing a NES emulator is to execute both the CPU & PPU engines alternately on every (NES) clock cycle. The results of this will give very accurate emulation, BUT- doing this will also be VERY processor intense (this will mostly be due to all the overhead of transfering program control to so many hardware emulation routines in such little time (1 CPU clock cycle)). As a result, emulators coded like this turn out to be the slowest ones.

PPU info

NES graphics consist of a single scrollable playfield, and 64 objects/sprites. The screen resolution is 256x240 pixels, and while games can control the graphics on a per-pixel basis, it is usually avoided since it's pretty difficult. Instead, the PPU makes displaying graphics easier for the programmer by dividing the screen up into tiles, which index an 8x8 pixel bitmap to appear in that particular spot. Each object defines 1 or 2 tiles to be displayed on a randomly-accessable xy coordinate on the screen. There are also 8 palette tables in the PPU that bitmap data can refer to (playfield & object bitmap data each have 4 palettes). Each palette has 3 indexable colors, as tile bitmaps only consist of 2 bits per pixel (the 00 combination is considered transparency). A single transparency color palette register is also defined, and is only used as the on-screen color when overlapping pixels (due to objects being placed on the playfield) of all playfield/object pixels are defined as transparent.

As graphics are rendered (as described in the "2C02 technical reference" document), the name tables are accessed sequentially to reference a tile's bitmap, which gets used as the pixel data for the area of the screen that the name table index entry corresponds to (offset by the scroll register values). Attribute tables, which are layed out the same way that name tables are (except with lower resolution- 1 attribute entry represents a 2x2 cluster of on-screen tiles), determine the palette select value for the group of tiles to use (1 of 4).

Objects attribute memory (sprite RAM, or "OAM" which contain private tile index and palette select information) is evaluated every single scanline (y-coordinate entries are examined), and in-range objects have thier tile bitmaps loaded into the PPU inbetween scanlines. The contents are then merged with the playfield's pixel data in real-time.

Accurate & efficient PPU emulation

For the most part, PPU operations are linear and sequential, making them easy to design algorithms for. By rendering playfields and objects on a per-tile basis, emulation can be made quick & easy. However, games that use special effects (mid-frame PPU trickery) require special handling, which in turn complicates algorithm design.

By implementing a clock cycle counter in the CPU core, it is possible for emulated PPU hardware to know exactly when a read/write is occuring to a PPU-related register (or otherwise, a register which is going to change the rendering of graphics from that point on). Therefore, when a write to a PPU register occurs, the PPU engine can then determine if the write is going to change the way the picture is going to be rendered, and at the exact clock cycle (which really translates into a screen position).

For example, say the CPU engine is executing instructions. Then, on clock cycle 13000 (relative to the last VINT), a write to the PPU's scroll registers are made (which causes a split-screen effect). Now, first the PPU translates 13000 CC's into X/Y coordinates (in this case, on-screen scanline 93, roughly pixel #126 (the equations to do these calculations will be revealed later)). Ideally, all pixels before this point will now be rendered to a buffer, using the data in the PPU registers prior to the write. Now the screen area before the write occured has been rendered accurately, and the screen will progressively continue to be updated in this fashion as more mid-frame writes occur. If no more occur, when the CPU arrives at the # of clock cycles per frame, the rest of the image (if any) can be rendered.

As will be discussed in the following "Frame store optimizations" and "Hardware port queueing" sections, maintaining a "stack", or more specifically, a queue of mid-frame PPU changes (which effect how successive rendering in the frame occurs), and only executing a PPU render routine once per frame (which then processes the stack of mid-frame writes) is a more efficient way of dividing up emulation tasks in your emulator.

Knowing when to update the screen

The following list describes PPU status registers/bits that if a game modified/changed mid-frame, would change the way the rest of the frame is rendered. O = update objects, P = update playfield.

Update Description
O object enable bit
O left column objects clipping
O 8/16 scanline objects
O active object pattern table
O pattern table bankswitch (which effects active object pattern table)
PO color emphasis bits
PO black & white/color select
P playfield enable bit
P left column playfield clipping
P scroll registers
P X/Y name table selection
P name table bankswitch (hypothetical)
P active playfield pattern table
P pattern table bankswitch (which effects active playfield pattern table)

Note that any PPU mapped memory (which means name, pattern, attribute & palette tables) can only be changed while objects & the playfield are disabled (unless cartridge hardware provides a way to do this through the CPU memory map). Since the screen is blanked to black during this time (regardless of the current transparency color the palette is programmed with), these writes do not effect how the screen is rendered, and subsequently, updating the screen can be postponed.

Collision flag

Games without hardware for scanline counting often poll this bit to find out when to make a write out to a PPU register which will result in a split screen, or a pattern table swap/bankswitch. The collision flag is set when the first non-transparent pixel of object 0 collides with a playfield pixel that is also non-xparent. Since the screen position of the first colliding pixel can be determined at any time (and therefore, exact CPU clock cycle at which the collision is expected to occur), when a game requests the status of this flag for the first time, a routine part of the PPU engine can calculate at which clock cycle this flag will be set (calculations will be shown later). Subsequent requests for the collision flag's status after this would then only require the engine to compare the current CPU clock cycle, to the calculated collision clock cycle. Whenever a mid-frame change occurs (whether it effects the playfield, or objects), the clock cycle at which the collision flag will go off will have to be recalculated (unless it has already gone off).

MMC3 IRQ timer

The MMC3's IRQ timer relies on the toggling of the PPU's A13 line 42 times a scanline. Basically, it's counting operation is more or less at a constant rate (meaning predictable). However, when the PPU bus is disabled (via disabling the playfield & objects, or during the V-blank period), the counter must quit counting. Manual toggling of PPU address bits during this time will have to be intercepted, and the IRQ timer advanced appropriately.

CPUCC to X/Y coordinate equations

The PPU renders 3 pixels in one CPU clock. Therefore, by multiplying the CPU CC figure by 3, we get the total amount of pixels that have been rendered (including non-displayed ones) since the VINT.

341 pixels are rendered per scanline (although only 256 are displayed). Therefore, by dividing PPUCC by this, we get the # of completely rendered scanlines since the VINT.

21 blank scanlines are rendered before the first visible one is displayed. So, to get a scanline offset into the actual on-screen image, we simply subtract the amount of non-displayed scanlines. Note that if this yeilds a negative number, the PPU is still in the V-blank period.

Scanline = PPUCC div 341 - 21;	X- coordinate
PixelOfs = PPUCC mod 341;     	Y- coordinate
CPUcollisionCC = ((Y+21)*341+X)/3

Note that if the PixelOfs equation yeilds a number higher than 255, the PPU is in the H-blank period.

Note on emulating Tengen's Ms.Pac Man game

For emulators with poor 6502 cycle count provisions, there is a small problem that may arise when trying to run this game. During initialization, this game will loop, waiting for $2002's vbl flag to set. When a NMI occurs, the NMI routine reads $2002 and throws away the value. Even though the NMI routine saves the A register from the main loop (where $2002 was loaded), the only way the PC will exit this loop is if $2002 returns the vbl flag set just before the NMI is executed. since the NMI is invoked pending the completion of the current instruction, and the vbl flag IS the NMI flag, the VBL flag must get set in the middle of the LDA instruction. Since there are 2 instructions in the main loop, there's about a 50% chance of the read value from $2002 being pushed on the stack with the vbl bit set. A work-around for emulators that can't handle this mid-instruction taboo, is to set the vbl bit slightly before the NMI routine is invoked.

Other notes

  • some games rely on the proper implementation of collision, and dropping object flags in register $2002. this is usually done to implement up to 3 independent horizontally-tiled scrollable playfields. Make sure these flags are set at the right time, and stay set until scanline 20 of the next frame (relative to /NMI).
  • (courtesy of Xodnizel): "When I messed around with emulating MMC3 games in this manner (described above), I got the best results by resetting the count-to-42 counter to 0 on writes to $c001. Or in other words, I reset the "count to zero" counter to 42."

Pixel rendering techniques

3 rendering techniques are described in this section. They are all real-time techniques. An unreleased version of this document discussed a tile cache-based rendering solution. However, tile caching quickly loses it's effectiveness for those games that use mid-frame (or even mid-scanline) trickery to change character sets, or even palette values. Additionally, with powerful seventh-generation Pentium processor-based PC's being the slowest computers out there these days, there's really no need to use bitmap caching algorithms to emulate NES graphics anymore, as was neccessary in the days of 486-based PCs in order to achieve full NES framerate emulation.


This method, which is the most straightforward, is to store the PPU's 52-color matrix as constant data in the VGA palette registers (or otherwise, other palette registers used for an 8-bit per pixel graphics mode). Before a pixel can be drawn, pixel color is calculated (via pattern table & palette select data). The PPU palette registers are looked up in some way or another, and the contents of the palette register element is written to a virtual frame buffer as the pixel data. This technique is the easiest to implement, and provides the most accurate PPU emulation. However, since every pixel drawn requires an independent palette look-up, this method is naturally very slow.

One way to speed up this rendering style is to create a palette table designed for looking up 2 or more pixels simultaniously. The advantages are clear: you could easily shave alot of time (close to half with a 2 simultanious color lookup) off playfield rendering. The disadvantages are that the lookup table grows from 2^2*1=4 bytes for a single pixel lookup, to 2^4*2=32 bytes for a 2-pixel lookup, to 2^8*4=1024 bytes for a 4-pixel lookup. Each of the palette's 4 colors is also mirrored across these tables, and this has to be maintained. Since I've never tried this optimization technique, I can't tell you how effective it is (or when it stops being effective).

Another way to increase the speed of this approach is to change the bit ordering of the pattern tables stored in memory to favor this rendering algorithm. For example, store the bitmap for any scanline of a tile in an 8- 2-bit packed pixel format, instead of the 2- 8-bit planar method used by default. By doing this, it will allow the tile rendering routine to easily extract the 2-bit number for indexing the 4 color palette associated with the particular tile. Of course, by changing the pattern tables, whenever pattern table memory is read or written to, the format of the data will have to be converted. Since this happens much less often (even in games that use CHR-RAM), it's a good idea.

VGA palette register indexed

This method involves programming the VGA palette registers to reflect the direct values the PPU palette registers contain. The VGA palette would be divided into 64- 4 color palettes. When sequential horizontal pixels are to be drawn, a large (32-bit or more) pattern table data fetch can occur (pixels for pattern table tiles should be organized in memory so that the 2 bits for each horizontally sequential pixel are stored in 8-bit increments). This chunk of fetched pixel data can then be masked (so that other pixel data from the chunk is not used), an indexed "VGA palette select" value can be added to the value, and finally can then be written out to the virtual frame buffer in one single store operation. The "VGA palette select" value is fetched via the VGA palette select table, which corresponds to the 8 classic PPU palettes (4x2 elements in the table; therefore, a tile's attribute data (either PF or OBJ) is used as the index into this table). This table indicates which 4-color group of 64 groups in the VGA palette to use for color selection for the group of pixels being written. The idea is that when a mid-frame palette change occurs (or at any time, for that matter), the affected PPU palette in this table is changed to point to where the new palette modifications will be made in the VGA's palette. The corresponding VGA palette entries will also have to be updated appropriately (generally, VGA palette updates will be made in a ring-buffer fashion. A pointer which keeps track of the first available 4 palette entries will be incremented when any entries in a 4-color PPU palette are changed).

Basically, this method offers the fastest possible way to render NES graphics, since data is fetched from pattern table memory and written directly to the virtual frame buffer. The number of pixels processed simultaniously can be as high as 8 (with MMX instructions). However, the # of mid-screen PPU palette modifications possible is limited to 64 times (or 32 for PF and 32 for OBJs, if one of the bits in every pixel needs to be used to distinguish a playfield pixel from an object), but multiple consecutive modifications to a single 4-color PPU palette only count as one actual modification.

MMX instruction-based rendering

In 1995, the x86 architecture became blessed with MMX instructions: a set of single function, multiple data, RISC-like instructions, that provide solutions for solving a large amount of modern-day logic puzzles. Nearly all the instructions have a very low 1 or 2 clock cycle latency across all x86 class CPUs which support them, hence these instructions are very desirable to use. The instructions work around an 8 element (64-bits/element) flat register file, which overlaps the legacy x87's mantissa registers. The BIG deal about use of MMX instructions for pixel rendering is that 8 pixels can be operated on simultaniously, providing each pixel is no larger than a byte. The following assembly-written routine can fully calculate pixel color for 8 horizontally sequential pixels for every loop iteration (the example actually renders the first 4 scanlines of a tile).

Note: Pentium 4 and Athlon XP/64 processors support 128-bit versions of MMX instructions, so this could allow you to increase performance quite a bit more than what is already offered by the algorithm documented below. Very useful for virtual NES multitasking, when 20 or more NES screens need to be animated & displayed simultaniously in a high-resolution screen mode.

The pattern tables have already been reorganized so that the bitmap data for 4 scanlines of tile data can be loaded into an MMX register, and used in the most efficient way possible. Pixel data for 4 sequential scanlines under the same horizontal coordinate is stored in a single byte, with the 2 MSBs containing the lowest logical scanline coordinate. Sequential bytes, up to the 8th one, contain the pixel data for every successive horizontal position. Finally, the first 8 bytes of a tile's pattern table data contain the full bitmap data for the first 4 scanlines of the tile, and the next 8 bytes contain the last 4 scanlines.

;register assignments
;EAX:	destination pixel pointer
;EBX:	points to the palette to be used for this tile (essentially determined
by the attribute table lookup)
;ESI:	source pointer for 32-pixel bitmap to be loaded from pattern table
;MM4:	(8 - fine horizontal scroll value)*8
;MM5:	(    fine horizontal scroll value)*8

;fetch 32 pixels from pattern table, organized as 8 horizontal x 4 vertical.
	movq        mm3,[esi]
	mov         ecx,-4;           load negative loop count

;move constants related to color calculation directly into registers. These
;have to be stored in memory since MMX instructions don't allow the use of
;immediate data as an operand.
@1:	movq        mm0,_C0x8;        contains C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0h
	movq        mm1,_00x8;        contains 0000000000000000h
	movq        mm2,_40x8;        contains 4040404040404040h

;generate masks depending on the magnitude of the 2 MSBs in each packed byte
;(note that this is a signed comparison).
	pcmpgtb     mm0,mm3
	pcmpgtb     mm1,mm3
	pcmpgtb     mm2,mm3
	psllq       mm3,2;            shift bitmap to access next scanline of pixels

;to perform color lookup, a precalculated palette table is used & ANDed with
;the resulting masks of the last operation. Since XOR operations are used to
;combine the results, this requires the elements in the palette table to be
;XORed with adjacent values, so that they'll be cancelled out at the end of
;the logic processing here. The required precalculated XOR combination of
;each color element is shown in the comments below by the corresponding
;element. Note that each lookup is 8 bytes wide; this requires the same
;palette data for a single element to be mirrored across all 8 sequential
	pand        mm0,[ebx+00];     2^3
	pand        mm1,[ebx+08];     3^0
	pand        mm2,[ebx+16];     0^1
	pxor        mm0,[ebx+24];     1
	pxor        mm1,mm2
	pxor        mm0,mm1

;this logic performs shift functionality, in order to implement fine
;horizontal scrolling. The alternative to this is simply writing 64 bits out
;to unaligned addresses for fine H scroll values other than zero, but since
;this can incur large penalties on modern processors, this is generally the
;preferred way to generate the fine horizontal scroll effect.
	movq        mm1,mm0
	psllq       mm0,mm4
	psrlq       mm1,mm5
	por         mm0,[eax]
	movq        [eax+8],mm1
	movq        [eax  ],mm0

;loop maintenence
	add         eax,LineLen;      advance pixel pointer to next scanline position
	inc         ecx
	jnz         @1

To use the renderer, point EAX to the beginning of your render buffer (due to how the fine horizontal scrolling works, tiles must be rendered next to each other, incrementing along the horizontal tile axis). Without some ugly extra logic, the render buffer will have to be increased in size by 8 pixels per scanline, to accomodate for the extra tile pattern fetch required whenever the fine horizontal scroll value is not equal to zero. Once the routine has been executed enough times to fill your render buffer, consider the starting horizontal coordinates of the rendered playfield to be offset by 8 pixels, due to a required "spilloff area" for when the first tile pattern for that line needs to be shifted off the screen.

Branch prediction

Pentium MMX and later processors have improved branch prediction hardware over the original Pentium, and consequently can correctly detect a branch condition pattern, so long as the condition does not stay the same for more than 4 times in a row. The new system is based on keeping track of the last 4 known conditions for any branch that may be allocated in the BTB. Those 4 bits are used to index a 16-element table to fetch 2 bits that indicate the predicted branch condition (strongly taken, taken, not taken, strongly not taken), which is then written back after using saturated addition to increment or decrement the value, based on the actual branch condition that came from the program.

  • The above MMX-based renderer requires 4 or less loop iterations to render tiles. This loop count is very suitable for efficient execution on modern-day processors. So long as this loop count stays relatively constant during playfield rendering, and always less than 5, very little mispredicts should occur.
  • Don't modify the above algorithm to draw a full 8-scanline tile. Instead, use another loop counter to have the renderer code reused when more 4-scanline tile blocks have to be drawn.
  • Try to keep a render buffer of at least 32 scanlines. This size is sufficient to ensure that object scanline render counts for the largest sized-ones can stay constant at 16 throughout rendering (provided the game doesn't do anything to disturb the continuity of object rendering), and this will help avoid branch mispredicts in the object renderer loop.

Merging playfield & object pixels

The most efficient way to effectively combine playfield & object data into your final rendered frame, is to always first, render your playfield (or a section of it, in the case of dealing with a split screen) directly to the image buffer itself. At this point, to effectively merge object pixels with the playfield's, each pixel in your image buffer must have an extra 2 bits associated with it, one of which will represent the transparency status for a playfield pixel, and the other the same, except for object pixels (when drawn later).

Naturally, after rendering the playfield, the image buffer won't have any pixels with the transparency status for object pixels marked as false. But now, as objects are rendered, the condition on that the actual pixel is drawn, depends on these two transparency status bits, the objects own transparency status, and it's priority. Starting in the order from object 0 (highest priority) up to 63, object bitmaps are "merged" with the playfield, in the fashion that the following few lines of pseudo-code will show:


IF((DestPixel.OBJxpCond=TRUE)AND((DestPixel.PFxpCond=TRUE)OR(SrcOBJpixel.Pri=foreground)))THEN :=
   DestPixel.OBJxpCond := FALSE

So, as you can see, the destination's OBJxpCond is marked as false, even if the object's pixel is not meant to be drawn. This is to prevent the pixels of lower priority (numerically higher-numbered) objects from being drawn in those locations.

This may raise the question, "Why do you render objects in the order of 0->63 (effectively requiring 2 bits for transparency status), when you can render them in the opposite direction (which only requires 1 bit for transparency status)?" The answer is because of what happens on a priority clash (see the "PPU pixel priority quirk" section of the "2C02 technical reference" document). Rendering objects in order of 0->63 is the only way to emulate this PPU feature properly (and some games DO depend on the functionality of this, as it provides a way to force the playfield to hide foreground priority object pixels). Otherwise (for 63->0), it would be neccessary to merge objects to an image buffer filled with the current transparency color, and then, merge playfield data with the buffer as well. Granted, this technique will only require 1 transparency (background priority) status bit per pixel, but since merge operations are slow, and this technique requires way more of them, this technique is inferior to the aforementioned one.

Other tips

  • Depending on your implementation of pixel rendering, you may be able to store the 2 transparency status bits inside the pixel data itself. For example, if only 52 combinations of a rendered pixel are being generated, the upper 2 bits in the pixel's byte can be used for this storage. This may mean that you'll have to mirror your video buffer's palette register RGB information 4 times, but is otherwise a good idea. For 8-bit color VGA modes, a legacy mask register (3C6h) allows the programmer to mask out any bits of the written pixel data that are unrelated to color generation.
  • Don't use branching to avoid drawing a pixel out somewhere. First of all, it only allows you to process 1 pixel at a time, which is slow. Second, CPUs have a hard time predicting branches based on random data (or at minimum, data that produces a branch pattern which is too long to be stored in the CPU's branch target buffers). Finally, sequences of SIMD arithmetic and logical operations can be used to merge multiple bytes of data simultaniously (espically with MMX instructions).
  • Avoid unaligned memory access to any data area used by your rendering routines. Each unaligned store incurs a minimum penalty of 3 clocks on a 486, and many more clocks on modern processors. Generally, the shift & merge code required to align data which may be stored on any bit boundary, is not going to take more than 5 clocks on any processor. (The MMX-coded example previously shown, demonstrates how to do the shift & merge operation.)
  • Inline code in small loops with a constant # of iterations, espically if the loop count is low, and is the most inner. This reduces overhead by avoiding a backwards branch, and the loop & index counters required. For example, when drawing tiles, it would be a good idea to inline the code to draw 8 horizontal pixels.

Frame store optimizations

One of the simplest approaches to render emulation is to draw the entire playfield to the video buffer, and then place applicable object data in the buffer afterwards (this makes object/playfield pixel decisions easier to calculate since the playfield pixels are already rendered). This straight-forward approach would also be the most efficient way to deal with rendering NES graphics, were there not certain caveats of using the video buffer.

  • Video frame buffer reading is painfully slow. No matter how fast of a video card a computer has, reading video memory is going to be at least 10 (ten!) times slower than writing to it. This would effect the time when objects are being rendered, when the contents of the playfield that underlap the object need to be read in & merged with the object's pixels.
  • Writing to random places in video memory is painfully slow. Because modern I/O devices (PCI,AGP) in PC's share address lines with data lines (over the same bus), there's overhead in writing to a random place in the video memory. This idea was designed with data streaming in mind, so that when sequential writing occurs (a pretty common thing), bus lines which would otherwise be wasted on keeping track of a sequentially-increasing address can now be used to carry data. So, a non-sequential transfer of data to the video card could take as much as double the amount of time that a sequential transfer does. This point alone makes rendering the playfield on a per-tile basis (where you're basically only storing 8 sequential pixels at a time for each scanline of the tile) directly to the video buffer one of the worst approaches. Sequential data transfers to the video card are close to optimal at 256 bytes at a time and up.
  • Writing to random, unaligned places in video memory is incredibly slow. This is because a merge operation has to take place on the hardware level: a read from the video card (which is already slow), and the write. However, this operation is only required at the beginning & end of an unaligned, sequential transfer. Thus, unaligned data streaming to the video card has less of penalty the larger the transfer is (I measured an 11% additional overhead on an unaligned sequential store of 512 bytes to the video card buffer, and double that for a 256-byte xfer). Video addresses which are divisible by 64 bytes are considered to be aligned.
  • Writing to the video memory in small (byte-by-byte) store operations is a bad idea. While modern PC CPU/chipset hardware may be able to detect & combine several little sequential stores to the video buffer as full-size ones, there's no guarantee this will happen. Older hardware certainly doesn't do this. And- if the small writes aren't being combined together, than guess what? The chipset will perform a merge operation for each data item transfered that isn't full size. Obviously, this could be the worst possible way to send data to the video buffer (well, next to storing small data at random places in video memory).
  • Writing to a non- linear frame buffer (LFB) is slow. At least on one card I tested, there was a 333% increase in video buffer write speed, after switching from using the legacy one at address 000A0000. I understand that basically any PCI video card has LFB-capabilities, but may be inaccessable due to it's BIOS, or drivers. I guess that this is really a responsibility of the OS, but either way: use the LFB any way you can.

Now you should see that it's just not a good idea to render graphics directly to the video buffer (although I don't think any one would do this, anyway). Old versions of this document discussed using a virtual frame buffer, which was basically a buffer allocated in regular memory used to render graphics to (instead of directly to the video buffer). When the virtual buffer was full, it would then be copied to the video buffer in a large, sequential operation (just the way the video card likes it!). However, this method is actually quite inefficient, as the next paragraph explains.

Brief info on x86 on-chip caches

If you know how virtual memory works, well, a CPU cache is basically like a hardware version of this, although not for a disk drive, but main system RAM. A CPU caches data on a (so-called) line-by-line basis. Each line is anywhere from 16 (486) to 32 (Pentium) to 64 (Athlon) bytes in size, and will most likely grow larger in future CPUs. So, if only a single byte needs to be read from memory, an entire line is actually loaded into the cache (this is why data alignment, and grouping related data fields together in records is important to guarantee the effectiveness of a CPU's cache). This action also pushes another line out of the cache (ideally the least-recently used one), and if it's dirty (modified), it will be written back to main memory.

486's started the on-chip x86 CPU cache trend, with a whole 8K bytes shared between both data and code. Intel 486DX4 models had 16K bytes. Pentiums had seperate 8K byte caches, each for data & code. 6th generation x86 processors again, doubled the on-chip cache size (although maintained the seperate code/data cache architecture started by the Pentium). The point is, the size of the (level-1) cache is basically the size of memory that the CPU can randomly access for the smallest amount of time possible. For even a 486, this means up to 8K bytes of cachable data structures, which can actually be quite a bit of memory, if the software is written carefully.

On-chip level 2 cache-based x86 CPU's (introduced with the second-generation Intel Celeron core) effectively expand the amount of cachable data the CPU holds, while even sometimes hiding access latencies, by speculatively loading level-2 cached data structures into the level-1 cache, when the caching algorithm thinks that the data is going to be used very soon by the software algorithm. A good example of this would be a routine which performs sequential operations on a large array of memory.

The trick to effective use of the cache is all how software is written. The best thing to do, is to write software algorithms which work with an amount of temporary memory smaller than the size of the CPU's level-1 cache. Even computational algorithms which appear to require a large amount of memory, can sometimes be broken down into sub-algorithms, in order to reduce the required amount of temporary memory. While taking this approach does incur a little load/store overhead, it's more important that your data stay in the cache any way it can. These guidelines will pretty much guarantee that your software will perform in the most efficient way on any CPU with an internal cache.

The virtual frame buffer caveat

Lets consider the virtual frame buffer (VFB) model. We start rendering our playfield. Name tables and pattern tables are accessed, and that's fine (the name tables are easily cached, and even some pattern table data gets cached). Then, we store our rendered pixel data to our buffer. The pixel data is stored to the VFB using a data size of 4 bytes (or otherwise, the biggest size that the processor will allow the programmer to store with). However, the CPU's cache line size is always bigger than this, and therefore the CPU performs a merge operation with written data, and the cache line of the data being written to.

Now- here's the first problem: the target of the store operation to the VFB is unlikely to be in the cache. This means that the CPU ends up actually reading main memory after your first 4-byte pixel store. Of course, now you can write to this line for free, but main memory access is slow, and considering what we're doing here (which is exclusively store operations), it's kind of ridiculous that the programmer has no way of telling the processor that the merge operation (and moreover the reading of main memory) is unneccessary, since we plan on overwriting all the original data in that particular line (extensions to the MMX instructions introduced with the Pentium 2 and later processors offer reasonable ways of dealing with non-temporal storage).

Anyway, you get the idea: after every few stores to the VFB occur, a new line from the VFB will be read in from main memory (or, the level-2 cache, if it's in there). But guess what? this isn't even the worst part of it. As you keep filling the VFB, your CPU's cache overflows, since your CPU's L1 cache is smaller than the VFB you're working on. This means that not only will your VFB-rendering eventually push any lines out of the cache which aren't used directly by the render routine (causing lost cycles for even local routines that may need them immediately after the render), but after the render when you go to copy the VFB to the video memory, the entire buffer has to be loaded back into the CPU's cache.

Of course, size of CPU cache is everything here. Due to the sequential access patterns of the virtual frame buffer rendering model, this algorithm may actually perform modestly on CPU's with large on-chip level-2 caches (due to the speculative loading of data from the level-2 to the level-1 cache). However, I can't say I know what the performance penalties may be for running this algorithm on CPU's with external level-2 caches. So in general, I would recommend against using the virtual frame buffer algorithm model targetted for CPUs without an on-chip level-2 cache of at least 128KB.

Scanline stores

By reducing the size of the VFB from full size down to a few scanlines (or even just one), most or all of the caveats of what has been mentioned can be avoided. Since typically a VFB scanline is 256 bytes (in the example for the NES's PPU), this makes the memory requirement small enough to ensure good performance even on a 486.

Of course, this creates a new problem for writing the PPU render engine- tiles can no longer be rendered completely (unless you're using an 8-scanline VFB, but the rest of this topic assumes you're using only a single scanline VFB). Some overhead caused by only rendering a single scanline of a tile at a time can be avoided by pre-calculating pointer work for each sequential tile, and storing it in an array, so that calculations can be reused for the tile's other scanlines. A similar technique can be done for object pointer calculations as well.

Prehaps a possible performance boost obtainable through a careful scanline rendering engine design, is that storing rendered playfield pixels directly to the video buffer may be permitted, since all pixels on the playfield's scanline can be rendered sequentially, and thus, can be stored out that way. However, there are conditions that determine the effectiveness of this.

First, dealing with object pixels which overlap areas of any playfield scanline will be very difficult (without the use of at least a scanline buffer), since the playfield tile rendering is usually performed sequentially, while object tiles generally need to be rendererable at random horizontal coordinates on the same scanline (in order to emulate object priorities properly).

The second condition depends on alignment. If the PPU's fine horizontal scroll offset is evenly divisible by the size being used to store pixel data to the frame buffer, then alignment isn't a problem. However, in the case that it's not (and this will occur often, since almost all NES games use smooth horizontal scrolling), then a method of shifting and merging pixels in the CPU registers should be used to effectively perform the smooth horizontal scrolling, in order to avoid a misaligned data store, and the unforgivable penalty which is associated with performing this action directly to the frame buffer.

Overcoming letterboxed displays

Since the NES doesn't use any complex functions to generate it's graphics (such as tilt, shift, twist, swivel, rotate, or scale), anti-aliasing has never been important for pixel-perfect emulation of NES graphics. However, due to the strange nature of VGA resolutions, to avoid ending up with a letterboxed NES game screen display (that's one where there are large black borders of unused screen area on the sides), you will either need to scale the emulated graphics yourself, or find a way to get the video adaptor hardware to do it.

For scaling graphics intended to be displayed on a computer monitor, anti-aliasing is super-important to ensure that only a minimum screen resolution is required to ensure that artifacts (i.e., distorted or asymmetric pixels) are as indistinguishable to gamers as possible. A ratio of 5 destination to 2 source pixels can be used to stretch 256 source pixels to 640 destination ones (a very common VGA horizontal resolution). For calculating the color for the middle pixel of the 5, the two source color values have to be averaged. Note that this requires pixels to be pure RGB-values (as opposed to palette index values). Other VGA resolutions, such as 512x384, may also provide some usefulness.

Smooth audio reproduction

This chapter describes ways to improve NES sound emulation.


Very few NES emulators out there emulate sound channel operations to the precision that the NES does it at, and the result is that emulation of some high-frequency rectangle and noise waves that many NES games produce on a frequent basis, will end up sounding like there are artifacts in the audio (i.e., two or more apparent frequencies present, even though only one frequency is supposed to be heard). Increasing sample playback frequencies can fix this problem, but in the end, sampling frequencies on sound cards found in PC's and such can only go so high.

why are there artifacts in the high frequencies?

The NES's sound generators each have an audio output update rate/resolution of 1.79 million samples per second (approx). Compared to the average sound blaster payback rate (44100 Hz), this means that the NES's sound channels have 3125/77, or 40 and 45/77ths times the sample resolution. So, when just one calculated PCM sample needs to represent 40.6 from the NES's sound channels (in the same timeframe), it's no wonder the audio sounds so terrible at high frequencies: approximately 39.6 source audio samples have been skipped over, and assumed to be all equal to the single sample.


Sound blasters have hardware in place to overcome this transparently from the user, whenever audio signal digital capture is desired. The proof is in sampling NES music at 44100 Hz, 16 bits/sample: there is no distinguishable difference between how the real-time generated analog audio from the NES sounds when compared to the digitally captured sample track. They're either using primitive RC integrator function circuits on the inputs of it's ADCs to approximate a time-accumulated average voltage between ADC samples, or they are sampling the signal many times faster than the output PCM sample rate (some 2^n multiple), and using digital averaging hardware to produce each "downsampled" PCM result. Here's more, courtesy of an NESdev veteran:

"What I'm suggesting is that you do the above at a high sampling rate, some power-of-2 multiple of the output rate, for example, 4*44100 = 176400 samples per second. You would add every four samples together, and divide by four (downsample), and that would be your output sample.

Suppose your wave amplitude is 1. Here are some examples of generating a single output sample:

Oversample Results: 1, 1, 1, 1
Downsampled Output: (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) / 4 = 4 / 4 = 1

Oversample Results: 1, 1, -1, -1
Downsampled Output: (1 + 1 + -1 + -1) / 4 = 0 / 4 = 0

Oversample Results: 1, -1, 1, 1
Downsampled Output: (1 + -1 + 1 + 1) / 4 = 3 / 4 = 0.75

So your output samples will not always be a simple 1 or -1. You're really raising the sampling rate, and then converting the results back to the output sampling rate."

simple rectangle channel implementation

Simple sound channels like rectangle wave can be designed to approximate the accurate output of the channel without having to resort to any downsampling techniques.

  • Use a whole-numerator-based wavelength counter to decrement by 40 and 45/77 after every PCM sample is rendered; this simulates the elapsed time in regular 6502 CPU clock cycles that passes between PCM samples being played back at 44100 Hz.
  • When the wavelength.whole counter goes negative (count expires), this not only means that the rectangle wave output has toggled somewhere in the middle of the PCM sample timeframe, but also that volume output will scale based on how many cycles the channel output was positive during the PCM sample timeframe. To calculate this, the leftover value in the wavelength counter can be used.
  • If the leftover wavelength value represents the wave while positive, then the wavelength.whole value can be negated; otherwise, add 40 and 45/77ths to it.
  • To calculate the final PCM output sample, simply scale the channel's volume level by the ratio between the adjusted wavelength counter, and 40 and 45/77ths.
  • Caveat: output rectangle waveforms may not change state more than once per produced PCM sample, and this makes accurate emulation of wavelengths less than 40 and 45/77 clock cycles not directly possible with this algorithm. However, wavelengths that go below this value may be raised from here by the absolute difference of the two values, to produce an output wave pattern similar to the actual one that would be produced. Generally though, these frequencies cannot be heard by humans, and therefore accurate implementation is not as important, if neccessary at all.

other notes

  • Always represent non-integer-based counters (like ones that have to increment by numbers like 40 and 45/77ths) with rational whole-numerator-denominator grouped integers, rather than using floating point numbers to represnt the ratio. While floating point numbers can be very precise, due to how rational number bit patterns repeat forever, calculations are never 100% guaranteed accurate, and this makes successive calculations based on calculated data a bad idea. However, whole-numerator counters can be incremented with integer delta values to guarantee no arithimetic calculation accuracy loss. Finally, these actions should be carried out if the numerator becomes numerically greater than the denominator after an increment operation:
    • decrement the numerator count value by the denominator.
    • increment the whole number counter.
  • Make sure you use cycle count information passed to sound hardware emulation routines from the CPU core to effect sound channel outputs at correct times in the emulated frame. That means that sound channel operation updates should not be on a per-frame basis, even though this technique works for the majority of NES game music code. Many writes to sound channel registers are effective almost immediately after the write, and apparently, some NES games actually take advantage of timed sound port code to produce some really neat sounding effects. Also, for emulators that support more than the regular amount of 6502 clock cycles per frame, sound hardware should ignore any clock cycles greater than 29780 and 2/3rds, relative to when the game's main sound animation routine was last triggered (assuming that PPU-based NMIs are used for sound animation, but sometimes the 2A03's frame counter is used for this).

6502 instruction decoding & execution techniques

  • Instruction component-based emulation. This core model breaks all 6502 opcodes down into just two components: addressing mode, and ALU operation. Since addressing modes and ALU operations are combined to make all 6502 opcodes, it seems to make sense to emulate 6502 opcodes on this basis. As a result, only essential 6502 core routines will need to be coded, and this will not only save big on code memory, it will make implementation easier. Also, this technique is only slightly slower than the opcode-handled approach, due to the extra jump in the instruction decoding process, but this is made up for in the host CPU's cache performance, due to more efficient use of code structures. In general, this technique will yield the best well-rounded performance for any PC platform.
  • Instruction-based 6502 opcode interpretation. In this CPU core model, fetched 6502 opcodes are used as an index into a 256-element jump table, where each jump target points to an inlined routine that handles all the 6502 actions to mimic for that instruction. This CPU model is the most popular, as it's the easiest to implement, and can actually be reasonably fast, depending on how well the opcode handlers are written (inlining subroutines and unrolling any loops contained under opcode handlers will be important for speedy emulation). The only real drawback of this technique is that it doesn't make very optimal use of memory storage area, as many code sequences under opcode handlers will have to be duplicated dozens of times. This will cause somewhat of a performance penalty on those CPU's with smaller (16KB or less) L1 code caches.
  • Dynamic 6502 opcode recompiliation. In this CPU core model, 6502 opcodes are decoded, but instead of emulating the behaviour of the CPU with subroutines, platform-specific CPU machine code based on the decoded instruction is generated and executed to do that instead. Eventually all 6502 opcodes will be translated & cached in the emulator's memory map, provided adequate processing time is given to the core to trample through all the 6502 code it may ever execute. The throughput of executing recompiled 6502 instructions can actually be higher than doing so on a real 6502 itself, provided the programmer does a good job of implementing optimizations in the recompiled instructions (i.e., the requirement of including flag maintenence code for most recompiled instructions is not neccessary, since only branch and add/subtract instructions rely on them. Another optimization may be possible through the use of clock cycle tables for 6502 code segments (code that's defined between branch targets or PC xfer instructions), in order to eliminate clock cycle maintenence instructcions in some of the recompiled code as well). Caveats of this CPU core model (besides very complicated implementation of the architecture), include the requirement for large amounts of RAM (a few or more megabytes), and other complexities that arise when a 6502 program frequently modifies it's own code (stored in RAM) which has already been translated & cached by the CPU engine. For multitasking dozens, even hundreds of NES applications on a single, state of the art computer however, dynamic recompiliation is the only way to go.
  • Microcode-based 6502 opcode interpretation. In this CPU core model, when a 6502 opcode is fetched, the byte is used as an index into a 256-element table containing a short list of subroutine pointers for each element, that represent the actions that the 6502 engine will take on each clock cycle that the opcode instruction executes for. These microcode sequences are reused across different opcodes in different combinations, in order to form the actions that a single opcode performs. There is alot less microcode instructions to deal with than there is opcode instructions, and this reduces core complexity. By revolving events that occur in your 6502 core around a microcode table, you can make it possible for a new 6502 instruction (i.e., an old "jam" one) to modify the table, so that future NES applications may be allowed to program in their own custom, more useful and efficient 6502 instructions, in order to improve the speed & quality of an NES game. Because of the clock-cycle granular execution, this emulator model is more object-oriented than any other, and provides the closest possible simulation of the events that occur in a real 6502 (this includes simple and logical implementation of all dead 6502 instruction cycles). In terms of average emulation speed however, this technique falls very short of others.

Other tips

  • Some NES games rely on the extra dummy store cycle that RMW instructions perform on a 6502. This is usually done to pulse a bit in the mapper port, with a single RMW instruction. Other 6502 "features" (even undocumented opcodes) may also be assumed to be implemented in the host CPU for an NES game (or sometimes game genie codes/patches), so don't skip over any details during your implementation of a core. For more info, check out the "2A03 technical reference" document.
  • Implement a clock cycle counter into your 6502 engine, which will be maintained by every 6502 instruction executed. This counter will mainly be used by the PPU to figure out how timed writes will effect how the output image will be rendered. However, if used also as a terminal counter, when the count expires, program control can be transferred to the handler originally requesting the count operation (like for generating the PPU VINT/NMI signal). Also, don't forget that you can manage any number of "virtual cycle counters", without ever having to make the CPU core maintain more than one physical one. NES hardware may have several IRQ-generating counters going simultaniously, but the order in which each will cause an IRQ is always known to the emulator, which is why the cycle count register only has to be programmed with the count value for the next IRQ to occur (after which, the next count to expire can be loaded into the cycle count register).
  • As 6502 instructions usually require the P (processor status, or flags) register to be updated after an ALU operation, the x86's (or otherwise, another platform-dependent CPU) ALU instructions updates it's flags register in a similar mannar. Therefore, after emulating the ALU behaviour of a 6502 instruction with an x86 one, use instructions like "LAHF" or "SETcc" to acquire the status of sign, zero, carry, and overflow condition codes. Furthermore, have your emulator store the 6502 flags in the format that they're stored in on the x86 CPU. This way, the flags do not have to be formatted, thus saving time. The only time the flags will have to be converted to/from the 6502 order, is when 6502 instructions PHP, PLP, BRK#xx, RTS, and hardware interrupts are executed. Since these happen much less often than more common arithmetic and logical instructions, it's more efficient to handle the flags in this way.
  • use platform-specific CPU registers to store some commonly-accessed 6502 pointer registers in if possible, as this reduces load/store dependencies, and address generation interlocks (AGIs) in emulation software code. This basically includes the PC, S, X, Y, and TMPADDR 6502 internal registers.
  • the 6502 apparently has about 12 opcodes which jam the machine (processor). These opcodes are ideal for implementing emulator-specific custom 6502 instruction set extentions for trap/debug purposes.

Emulation address decoding

Emulation address decoding is taking a formed 6502 address, plus the 6502's read/write status, and running it through (most the time) static logic to determine the access method, and the emulator-equivelant memory address that this 6502 address corresponds to, in order to emulate access to that memory location properly. With this approach, these decoded addresses in your emulator can be treated as either a direct pointer to the data, or as a pointer to a subroutine that the CPU core calls when additional code neccessary to accurately emulate the events of that 6502 clock cycle. The best-known technique for doing this is discussed as follows.

Using a 1:1 address decode look-up tables for both read & write 6502 memory maps is the fastest and most accurate way to determine where an NES memory area is, and what address it maps to. Generally, a byte should be used as a single element in the memory maps to represent the type of mem area (up to 256 types for each table), and you'll have 128KB of them, since the 6502's R/W line is also used during address calculations. Even though this technique seems to waste a lot of memory, the memory decode tables are most commonly accessed in parallel with memory areas containing NES ROM and RAM structures, and this means that cached data structures residing in the emu's host CPU (due to simulated 6502 memory bus transfers) will usually never require more than twice the amount as normal. This is a small price to pay to ensure that adapting your 6502 core engine to any foreign NES/FC architecture/technology, is as easy as adding a few new memory area type handlers to your emulator's core, and then building a new address decoder table.

Hardware port queueing

Hardware port queueing allows the CPU to write out (and sometimes even read in) data targetted at a hardware port in the virtual 6502's memory map, without having to break CPU emulation to call a hardware port emulation routine/handler. This is possible through buffering writes out to the particular port, so that a hardware emulation routine may process the data later on (i.e., out-of-order from the one the CPU core issues it in).


  • program control transfers are evaded when common hardware ports are accessed by the CPU core. This in turn reduces code & data cache misses, and espically branch mispredicts, in the physical CPU running the emulation software.
  • dynamically adding hardware devices to the CPU core's virtual memory map will be easier, due to the architectural enhancements that hardware port queueing requires the CPU core to support.
  • less code will be produced in the emulator software's image file, due to there being less hardware port emulation handlers present.
  • large overhead penalties that are incurred when hardware emulation routine loops (like for rendering pixels, creating audio samples, etc...) have to be broken (due to the CPU core writing out to the hardware handler at that moment in the simulated frame), can be avoided. This is important for 2 reasons:
  1. your NES emulator core engines can now be designed to operate in one big loop, without having to worry about intervention from other hardware devices during the same virtual NES emulation time, unless it's absolutely necessary. This means that say, the PPU engine can render a complete frame at any instant (as opposed to having to depend on data sent to the PPU engine in real-time via the CPU core), thanks to hardware port queueing.
  2. no matter how your NES-written 6502 code abuses the PPU, APU, MMC, etc. hardware in the NES, your core engines of all these devices can all now be designed to use a nearly constant amount of CPU clock cycles on the physical processor running your emulator's software, thanks to the simple loop design of emulator core devices, in combination with branchless code solutions to if/else constructs and the like.


  • uses some extra data structures/memory
  • more difficult to implement than standard real-time handler-based approach


The hardware port queueing concept is only benificial for those hardware devices that do not interact with (i.e., change or effect the operation of) the CPU core, outside of readable ports like $2002. So, for example, you wouldn't want to buffer writes to the cart mapper hardware if it's effecting a PRG-bank (due to the fact that the write is supposed to effect CPU emulation immediately), but the opposite is true for CHR-bank changes. So, this is essentially the criteria that you must base your decisions on, when deciding which hardware ports should be queued.

Hardware devices that generate interrupts on the CPU are a little easier to deal with, since interrupt sources almost always come from some sort of on-going counter in the NES (the MMC3's scanline counter, is a slight exception, since it relies on the clocking of A13 on the virtual PPU). Execution of the events that are to occur on the terminal count clock cycle can be queued to the CPU by creating an instance of a virtual cycle counter by the hardware emulation routine that needs it.


The "port queueing" idea really revolves around assigning back & forward pointers to all hardware-related (PPU, in this example) memory addresses that can be modified by the CPU. These pointers then link into a 1+2 way list that represents the queued data for that memory address. This means a pair of pointers for:

  • each standard PPU registers (2000-2007, though you might not need to do all of them (keep reading...))
  • each palette memory element
  • each OAM element
  • each name table element*
  • each patten table element
  • any bankswitching regs
  • each element in CHR-RAM, if it exists*
  • etc...

(only physical addresses need to be considered here, since any bankswitches will be queued.)

When the CPU core decodes writes to ports like $4014, the CPU core will examine that port's status as a queued port, along with the pointer to the last allocated link in the list of queued writes for that port will be decoded. If queueing is enabled for this port, the CPU will use the pointer info, along with memory allocation info and the current cycle count, to insert a new link into that list, containing the CPU write data.

attributes of a list element

  • CPU clock cycle this write occured on, relative to last write
  • next allocated link for this list
  • last allocated link for this list
  • frame ptr link
  • data

A relative clock cycle tag value allows hardware emulation routines reading the value later on to determine when the next related write to this port occurs.

Fwd/back pointers are used in each element in the list for 2-way travel. This is required, since it is often neccessary for the hardware to know the last-known value of any memory it may have access to.

A third, one-way pointer in each element in the list will be used to link all nodes created from the same core engine in your emulator together. This makes deallocation of all those links very easy, with list length being a direct function of the number of hardware writes that occured that frame (so, generally not that much). Note that links with the "last allocated link" field = 0 are not to be deallocated, since these represent links that must be present for the next frame's calculations.

For writing to ports like $2004 and $2007, which are designed to have data streamed into it, this will require some additional logic on the CPU core's part to calculate the link list address (since there's an additional lookup, and an address increment required). This would normally be done with a hardware port handler, but this approach would be frowned upon, since the whole point of implementing hardware port queueing is to avoid transfering emulation program control out of the CPU core into other modules, unless absolutely neccessary.

For handling CPU reads from hardware ports, it's a simple matter of determining whether or not the port handler has to be called or not. For example, when $2002 is read, it's status often doesn't change until a certain (independent) clock cycle in the frame has been reached. In this case, the port would be read for the first time, and the handler would be invoked. The handler would then calculate the next clock cycle at which $2002's status is expected to change, and creates a virtual cycle counter instance, programmed to execute another $2002-related handler when the cycle count expires. Meanwhile, the handler changes the CPU memory map layout so that subsequent reads from this port simply causes the CPU core to read from a regular memory address, where the last known port value is stored, thus avoiding unneccessary calling of $2002's read handler, until the virtual counter goes off.

For handling CPU reads from ports like $2004 and $2007, the CPU core simply has to return the last-known value of the element being accessed from the array queues.

Threading NES applications

Lately, x86-based PC's have become so blazingly fast, that emulating just one virtual NES on a modern PC, would seem to be a waste of processing power. With that said, modern PC's have enough processing power to emulate dozens of virtual NES machines, but there is one big problem with multitasking NES applications: they were never designed to be threaded. Instead, an entire frame's worth of NES CPU clocks have to be wasted for each NES application, in order to consider the application's frame calculations complete, whether or not this may be true (and if not, a slowdown will occur). The following hints and tips suggest ways to reduce wasted time in virtual 6502 emulation normally lost due to spin-wait, poll, or cycle count loops.

  • Interrupt routine thread tracking. All interrupt routines can be threaded regardless of whether or not a proper RTI instruction is executed at the end of the handler. By trapping access to the PC address value saved on the stack from the executing interrupt, a handler could gain control the next moment that the old PC address address is accessed again, which will be most likely when the interrupt routine is done. There is an exception to this: games that only set flags in the interrupt handler, and then return. In this case, the thread will be short, which is why access to the saved PC address should be accessed twice, before an interrupt-based thread should be considered finished.
  • For ports frequently used in polling loops (like $2002), these handlers can do a basic poll loop comparison to the current location of the PC, to determine if the port is being polled, and the condition under which the loop will be exited. Since flags like vblank, >8sprites, and priobjcollision all happen at a static moment in an emulated frame, it's easy to make the PPU handler advance the CPU's cycle counter directly to the clock cycle at which these flags will meet the loop exit condition, and thus saving virtual 6502 CPU time.
  • Writes to NES hardware conditioning their on-going operation, which have not been preceeded by an interrupt event or a polled port, can be assumed to be timed by cycle counting code. In this case, if an algorithm can detect the presence of a simple cycle counting loop, tens of thousands of host CPU clocks per frame can be saved by replacing this type of 6502 loop, with special 6502 jam instructions which just tells your 6502 core to wait for a specified cycle count before proceeding.

Emulator features to support

This section merely contains some innovative and interesting suggestions for features to support in new NES emulators being developed.

  • Compatability with original NES/SNES controllers (a document explaining how to connect them to a PC is the "NES 4 player adapter documentation"). This not only allows gamers to play NES games on your emulator with an original controller/lightgun/etc. (rather than having to use the keyboard), but also allows unused buttons on a SNES controller to have customizable functionality during gameplay (game/state change, suspend, fast forward, save/load machine state, and reset functions would be most handy).
  • Fully adjustable virtual PPU framerate emulation. This control allows gamers to program on-the-fly, the PPU's framerate speed. Since pretty much all game code revolves around PPU frame interrupts, changing this frequency effectively changes the speed at which the game runs (usually controls audio as well). This can be useful for fast-forward or slow-motion effects, espically when spare controller buttons are used to accomplish the effects. Additionally, I've discovered with my friends that playing an NES game at a higher framerate (90 Hz in our case) really adds new challenges and fun to just about any old NES game you can think of.
  • Fully adjustable virtual APU framerate emulation. For games that use this interrupt source, changing the frequency of this signal will change the playback speed of the game's audio.
  • Slow downs in NES games should be eliminated by either providing the user a way to adjust the number of CPU clocks to execute per PPU frame, or by threading the game's NMI handler. Besides, if the player wants to slow down the game action, they should be able to do it by activating a slow-motion button, as opposed to being forced to slow down simply whenever the game's frame calculations get a little too heavy for a standard 29780 2/3 cc-based frame.
  • sprites displayed per scanline should be adjustable (for development purposes), or if not, unlimited (since this eliminates alot of sprite flicker).
  • provide a way to let the user custom mix audio generated by any NES sound hardware used by the game, into 6 audio tracks for playback through a 5.1 soundsystem.
  • provide the user a way to program in an alternate, custom waveform to be used for triangle wave channel playback, and as well as the 4+4 duty cycles used between the rectangle wave channels. pitch bending, and programmable sound delays performed on a cloned audio channel source is also another way some neat new sounds can be heard on the NES for any old game.
  • Allow the user to specify a custom size and additional scroll offset to apply to the displayed PPU playfield (rather than just defaulting it to 256*240, 0:0+ScrollCtrs) in your emulator. This not only allows gamers to crop the edges of an NES game's playfield that has messy graphics around there, but it also allows the gamer to extend the size of the playfield to include displaying the contents of 1 or 3 other nametables simultaniously, as is very useful for games like Pin Ball, Wrecking Crew, Super Mario Bros., Duck Tales, Metroid, Jackal, and Gauntlet to name a few. An option should also be provided to prevent PPU scroll counters (X or Y) from being used in the final playfield scroll offset caclulation, but rather have them applied to the offset of the object frame (this causes the objects to move around the screen, rather than having the playfield do that while objects stay relatively in the middle of the playfield).
  • Provide a graphics filter for virtual OAM set swapping. This technique is used when the game needs to display more objects than the PPU hardware supports per frame. Games alternate between two (or more) OAM sets between frames, and this does let the gamer see the extra objects, but not without having to settle for a large amount of flickering sprites. A primitive technique for filtering OAM set swaps is to extend the number of sprites displayed on any frame to include one or more from previous frames. Normally, only the last frame's OAM set needs to be saved to eliminate serious flicker from sprites in games like Mega Man 2, but somtimes two or more old OAM sets are neccessary. In this case, it's better to implement a sophisticated OAM set pattern search engine that eliminates the high overhead of re-rendering a same typed & placed sprite appearing in 2 or more OAM sets.
  • Provide rewind play motion and record NES movie support. these two work together, along with save states, to produce NES movies of only your finest play performances in a favorite game.
  • Support hardware emulated FDS ROM BIOS subroutines. This essentially reduces disk load and save wait times to null. As a result, old FDS-based famicom games will run as fast as ROM-based ones.
  • Support an on-line text & art galery. Users should be able to look through a collection of bitmap-formatted images relating to NES stuff (this may be screenshots, scanned pages of instruction booklets, label art, etc.). Just think of how the "Super Mario All Stars" game selection menu looks, and now pretend that there are many more selections, and they span off in two dimensions. Now you're talking about an interesting new feature to implement in an NES emulator.
  • Allow multiple instances of virtual NES machines in your emulator. This has the potential to allow a gamer with a very fast PC to transform their NES/FC game ROM colection into a personal home NES/FC video arcade, with the help of a high-resolution video display mode. The emulator can automatically search the local file repository to collect a list of all available NES ROM images and the like, and loads game states (initial, if no others) into virtual monitor screens emulated in the emulator's main operating window. The emulator's "viewing window" will allow the user to scroll around the virtual wall of NES video monitor screens; this is how the user may navigate around between different NES games and states (i.e.; we toss the concept of having to choose games and states by filename completely out the window). Game states can initially be loaded into a virtual monitor matrix based on a square spiral algorithm, but after this, cut, copy, paste, move, and delete operations could be performed on those game states to manipulate them as the user sees fit, possibly increasing or decreasing the size of the monitor matrix. And of course, personal emulation settings can be stored for each game state, so that for example, only selected NES games states will be animated during the time the NES arcade emulator runs (suspended game states can simply be displayed that way on monitors in the virtual NES arcade).

New object-oriented NES file format specification

This section details a new, extremely easy to use standard for digital data storage of NES ROM images and related information, which provides as much object-orientation for the individual files as possible.

What does object-orientation mean?

In this case, I'm using it to describe the ability for the user to access specific information related to any NES/FC game stored ditigally on a local file repository, whether it be program ROM data, pattern table ROM data, mapper information, pictures and other digital images (label art, game manual pages, etc.), game save states, battery RAM states, etc., without having to rely on any custom or proprietary NES/FC software, simply by storing the several components that make up a digital copy of an NES game into individual files of known/established types, and grouping those files in a subdirectory folder named after the game.

Take for example, the UNIF standard: this is an excellent example of a monolithic file format structure. UNIF is a file format that forces people to rely on UNIF-conforming tools to access the data chunks inside it, be them bitmaps, jpegs, program ROM data, etc., when if these data chunks were just stored as individual files in a directory on the local repository, there would be no need for the UNIF-guidelines to access this data.

So basically, the idea here is to use existing file formats to store all information related to a single game, within a private directory on your filesystem amongst others, making up your electronic NES game library. All like file types may have similar extentions, while having different filenames, usually relating to the specific description of what the file represents (i.e., files relating to save state info, may have a title that describes the location or game status of the state, or patch files may describe the operation of the patch during emulation, etc). As other relivant file formats (like *.jpeg, *.gif, *.bmp, etc.) have been long established computer standards, only file formats relating to NES operation are defined here.

Operation Description
*.PRG a perfect digital copy of the game's program ROM.
*.CHR a perfect digital copy of the game's pattern table ROM, or RAM (for save states).
*.MMC a text tag, identifying the PRG/CHR ROMs complete mapper type
*.INES a classic 16-byte iNES header used as an alternative to the *.MMC file.
*.WRAM 2K RAM tied to 2A03 (6502) bus
*.VRAM 2K RAM tied to 2C02 bus
*.XRAM extra RAM (other than CHR RAM) used on the game cart
*.SRAM any battery-backed RAM used on the game cart
*.PRGPATCH program ROM patch
*.CHRPATCH character ROM patch
*.PRGHACK text file containing a list of program ROM patches.
*.CHRHACK text file containing a list of character ROM patches.

This list isn't complete (as 2A03, 2C02, and MMC memory structures will always be emulator-specific), but it should give you an idea of how to seperate files relating to raw dumps of large internal memory structures used inside the NES, in order to improve the portability of the ROM files, large RAM structures, save state dumps, patches, hacks, and such.

  • *.PRG and *.CHR: the digital contents of program & character ROMs found on the NES game board. It would be nice to see these files maintain at all times a 2^n count of bytes, except when other PRG/CHR ROMs have to be appended to their respective files, due to the possibility that an NES game may use two or more differently-sized ROMs to make up a larger one (before 1987, this was mostly done to increase a game's ROM size with more chips, since it seems that ROMs larger than 32KB were just either very expensive, or not available back then). The filename always relates to the name of the game, including if it's been hacked, country it's from, or whatever. *.CHR files that are produced for save state purposes when NES game carts use CHR-RAM, use a related save state's description as a filename.

  • *.MMC: simply a regular text file containing a tag of the ASCII-encoded board type that NES and Famicom games use. Use the file's size to determine length of the digital tag. The UNIF format does a pretty good job of outlining the various NES/Famicom cart board types there are; these are the text tags to use for this file. The *.MMC filename indicates the PRG ROM associated with the mapper type specified by the MMC file.

  • *.INES: a 16 byte file containing the iNES header equivelant of what a *.MMC text file would normally represent. This file only exists because digital storage of NES game ROMs is currently dominated by the dated iNES format. Support is not recommended in new emulators (if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, right?).

  • *.WRAM, *.VRAM, *.XRAM: these all define files which contain mirror images of the RAM chips they represent in the NES being emulated. The filename for all of them relates to the save state description.

  • *.SRAM: defines the game's battery-backed RAM area. Filename relates to description of backed-up RAM (game and state specific). Maintaining multiple copies of SRAM is useful for storing more saved game data than just one SRAM file allows (which is usually 3 save files per SRAM, though this is always game specific).

  • *.PRGPATCH, *.CHRPATCH: These files contain a (little-endian) 32-bit offset, followed by the raw data to be patched into the ROM type indicated by the extention. Filename here always relates to the effects the patch has during emulation. Filesize is used to determine the length of the patch (minus 4 to exclude the offset value).

  • *.PRGHACK, *.CHRHACK: these files define lists in plain text that define the patch files to apply to game emulation, when this specific HACK file is chosen to be applied for the emulated game. The filename relates to the group of patches you've chosen for this file (normally, this doesn't matter, but it's useful for storing multiple hack profiles (ones that make the game easier, harder, wierd, behave like an NSF file, change graphics, etc)). Use ASCII formfeed and/or carriage return codes (13 and 10) to seperate listed patch types in the file.


  • when more than one file of type *.PRG, *.CHR (when not RAM-based), or *.SRAM is stored in a single game's directory, the emulator is responsible for making sure the gamer may select the active RAM/ROM(s) to use during emulation, since game emulation can only be based on one source of these.

  • the emulator must have the ability to detect & present all the different HACK files available in a game's directory, since the effects of only a single HACK file may be applied to a selected game ROM in there.

  • Any emulator-specific file formats should be clearly documented by the author.

  • Any game ROMs that do not have a matching MMC-typed filename in the same directory, should cause the emulator to refuse to emulate the game ROMs.

  • This format does complicate the transportation of NES ROM files a bit for general emulator users/gamers, but in the end, there's only the PRG, MMC, and optional CHR and SRAM-typed files required for transport (so, 2..4 files max). This is hardly difficult for even a basic user to comprehend.

Copied from and converted to markdown by @rhysd.

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