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Created October 2, 2019 01:21
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import Foundation
struct Device: Codable {
enum State: String, Codable {
case shutdown = "Shutdown"
case booted = "Booted"
let state: State
let isAvailable: Bool
let name: String
let udid: String
struct DeviceList: Codable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case devicesByPlatform = "devices"
let devicesByPlatform: [String: [Device]]
var devices: [Device] {
return devicesByPlatform.values.reduce(into: [], { $0.append(contentsOf: $1) })
var iOSDevices: [Device] {
let devicesByiOSPlatform = devicesByPlatform.filter { $0.key.contains("iOS") }
return devicesByiOSPlatform.values.reduce(into: [], { $0.append(contentsOf: $1) })
/// Thrown when the output of a process can't be converted into a unicode string
struct BadOutputError: Error {
let data: Data
extension Process {
/// Creates a process to execute `xcrun`.
/// - Parameter args: The arguments to pass to `xcrun`.
@discardableResult func xcrun(_ args: String...) throws -> String {
self.launchPath = "/usr/bin/xcrun"
self.arguments = args
let pipe = Pipe()
self.standardOutput = pipe
let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
guard let output = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw BadOutputError(data: data)
return output
/// Executes `xcrun simctl list devices`
@discardableResult func xcrunListDevices() throws -> DeviceList {
let json = try xcrun("simctl", "list", "devices", "-j")
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
return try! decoder.decode(DeviceList.self, from: .utf8)!)
/// Executes `xcrun simctl status_bar` on the specified device.
/// - Parameter device: The device for which status bar values should be overridden.
@discardableResult func xcrunFixStatusBar(_ device: Device) throws -> String {
return try self.xcrun(
"simctl", "status_bar", device.udid, "override",
"--time", "9:41",
"--dataNetwork", "wifi",
"--wifiMode", "active",
"--wifiBars", "3",
"--cellularMode", "active",
"--cellularBars", "4",
"--batteryState", "charged",
"--batteryLevel", "100"
let deviceList = try Process().xcrunListDevices()
let bootediOSDevices = deviceList.iOSDevices.filter({ $0.state == .booted })
guard !bootediOSDevices.isEmpty else {
print("⚠️ No devices currently booted")
print("Fixing status bars...")
for device in bootediOSDevices {
try Process().xcrunFixStatusBar(device)
print("✅ Fixed \(")
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