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Last active October 21, 2022 07:41
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Reusable Vuex Functions
// *******************************************************************
// This gist is now an npm module
// The API of some functions is altered slightly.
// All future work will happen in the repo.
// *******************************************************************
// *******************************************************************
// Helpers
// *******************************************************************
const last = xs => xs[xs.length - 1]
// *******************************************************************
// Getters
// *******************************************************************
// Find an object in a list of objects by matching a property value.
// userById: findByKey('users', 'id')
// getters.userById('123')
export function findByKey (prop, targetKey) {
return state => val => state[prop].find(x => x[targetKey] === val)
// Filter a list of objects by matching a property value.
// usersByStatus: filterByKey('users', 'status')
// getters.usersByStatus('INACTIVE')
export function filterByKey (prop, targetKey) {
return state => vals => {
if (!Array.isArray(vals)) vals = [vals]
return state[prop].filter(x => vals.indexOf(x[targetKey]) > -1)
export function mapKeys (prop, targetKey) {
const filter = filterByKey(prop, targetKey)
return state => vals => filter(state)(vals)
.sort((a, b) => vals.indexOf(a[targetKey]) - vals.indexOf(b[targetKey]))
// *******************************************************************
// Mutators
// *******************************************************************
// Set property on state
// setUser: set('user')
// commit('setUser', { name: 'foo' })
export const set = key => (state, val) => { state[key] = val }
// Set a value at a path within state
// Create objects and arrays as needed
// Path is an array, and array indicies are numbers (not string numbers)
// setUserName: setPath(['user', 'name'])
// commit('setUserName', 'foo')
export const setPath = path => (state, val) => {
const obj = path.slice(0, -1).reduce((acc, x, i) => {
if (!(x in acc)) acc[x] = typeof path[i + 1] === 'number' ? [] : {}
return acc[x]
}, state)
obj[last(path)] = val
// Toggle boolean in state
// toggleOpen: toggle('open')
// commit('toggleOpen')
export const toggle = key => state => { state[key] = !state[key] }
// For all key/value in propMap, set state[key] = data[propMap[value]]
export const pick = propMap => (state, data) => {
data = data || {}
Object.keys(propMap).forEach(x => { state[x] = data[propMap[x]] })
// push an item onto a list
// addItem: pushTo('items')
export const pushTo = key => (state, val) => state[key].push(val)
// copy all key/values from data to state
// useful for resetting state to default values
// resetState: assignConstant(initialState)
// commit('resetState')
export const assignConstant = data => state => Object.assign(state, data)
// remove item from list
export const omitFromList = key => (state, item) => {
const index = state[key].indexOf(item)
if (index > -1) state[key].splice(index, 1)
// increment the index of a list argument or a list in state
export const incrementListIndex = (key, listOrListProp) => state => {
const list = Array.isArray(listOrListProp) ? listOrListProp : state[listOrListProp]
state[key] = (state[key] + 1) % list.length
// add or extend a record in a list
export const extendRecordInList = (key, idKey = 'id', valKey) => (state, data) => {
const id = data[idKey]
const val = valKey ? data[valKey] : data
const index = state[key].findIndex(x => x[idKey] === id)
return index < 0
? state[key].push(val)
: state[key].splice(index, 1, Object.assign({}, state[key][index], val))
// add or replace a record in a list
export const replaceRecordInList = (key, idKey = 'id', valKey) => (state, data) => {
const id = data[idKey]
const val = valKey ? data[valKey] : data
const index = state[key].findIndex(x => x[idKey] === id)
return index < 0
? state[key].push(val)
: state[key].splice(index, 1, val)
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