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Created March 26, 2022 07:13
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package aliyuncms
import (
const (
description = "Pull Metric Statistics from Aliyun CMS"
sampleConfig = `
## Aliyun Credentials
## Credentials are loaded in the following order
## 1) Ram RoleArn credential
## 2) AccessKey STS token credential
## 3) AccessKey credential
## 4) Ecs Ram Role credential
## 5) RSA keypair credential
## 6) Environment variables credential
## 7) Instance metadata credential
# access_key_id = ""
# access_key_secret = ""
# access_key_sts_token = ""
# role_arn = ""
# role_session_name = ""
# private_key = ""
# public_key_id = ""
# role_name = ""
## Specify the ali cloud region list to be queried for metrics and objects discovery
## If not set, all supported regions (see below) would be covered, it can provide a significant load on API, so the recommendation here
## is to limit the list as much as possible. Allowed values:
## Default supported regions are:
## 21 items: cn-qingdao,cn-beijing,cn-zhangjiakou,cn-huhehaote,cn-hangzhou,cn-shanghai,cn-shenzhen,
## cn-heyuan,cn-chengdu,cn-hongkong,ap-southeast-1,ap-southeast-2,ap-southeast-3,ap-southeast-5,
## ap-south-1,ap-northeast-1,us-west-1,us-east-1,eu-central-1,eu-west-1,me-east-1
## From discovery perspective it set the scope for object discovery, the discovered info can be used to enrich
## the metrics with objects attributes/tags. Discovery is supported not for all projects (if not supported, then
## it will be reported on the start - for example for 'acs_cdn' project:
## 'E! [inputs.aliyuncms] Discovery tool is not activated: no discovery support for project "acs_cdn"' )
## Currently, discovery supported for the following projects:
## - acs_ecs_dashboard
## - acs_rds_dashboard
## - acs_slb_dashboard
## - acs_vpc_eip
regions = ["cn-hongkong"]
# The minimum period for AliyunCMS metrics is 1 minute (60s). However not all
# metrics are made available to the 1 minute period. Some are collected at
# 3 minute, 5 minute, or larger intervals.
# See:
# Note that if a period is configured that is smaller than the minimum for a
# particular metric, that metric will not be returned by the Aliyun OpenAPI
# and will not be collected by Telegraf.
## Requested AliyunCMS aggregation Period (required - must be a multiple of 60s)
period = "5m"
## Collection Delay (required - must account for metrics availability via AliyunCMS API)
delay = "1m"
## Recommended: use metric 'interval' that is a multiple of 'period' to avoid
## gaps or overlap in pulled data
interval = "5m"
## Metric Statistic Project (required)
project = "acs_slb_dashboard"
## Maximum requests per second, default value is 200
ratelimit = 200
## How often the discovery API call executed (default 1m)
#discovery_interval = "1m"
## Metrics to Pull (Required)
## Metrics names to be requested,
## described here (per project):
names = ["InstanceActiveConnection", "InstanceNewConnection"]
## Dimension filters for Metric (these are optional).
## This allows to get additional metric dimension. If dimension is not specified it can be returned or
## the data can be aggregated - it depends on particular metric, you can find details here:
## Note, that by default dimension filter includes the list of discovered objects in scope (if discovery is enabled)
## Values specified here would be added into the list of discovered objects.
## You can specify either single dimension:
#dimensions = '{"instanceId": "p-example"}'
## Or you can specify several dimensions at once:
#dimensions = '[{"instanceId": "p-example"},{"instanceId": "q-example"}]'
## Enrichment tags, can be added from discovery (if supported)
## Notation is <measurement_tag_name>:<JMES query path (>
## To figure out which fields are available, consult the Describe<ObjectType> API per project.
## For example, for SLB:{}&tab=MOCK&lang=GO
#tag_query_path = [
# "address:Address",
# "name:LoadBalancerName",
# "cluster_owner:Tags.Tag[?TagKey==''].TagValue | [0]"
# ]
## The following tags added by default: regionId (if discovery enabled), userId, instanceId.
## Allow metrics without discovery data, if discovery is enabled. If set to true, then metric without discovery
## data would be emitted, otherwise dropped. This cane be of help, in case debugging dimension filters, or partial coverage
## of discovery scope vs monitoring scope
#allow_dps_without_discovery = false
type (
// AliyunCMS is aliyun cms config info.
AliyunCMS struct {
AccessKeyID string `toml:"access_key_id"`
AccessKeySecret string `toml:"access_key_secret"`
AccessKeyStsToken string `toml:"access_key_sts_token"`
RoleArn string `toml:"role_arn"`
RoleSessionName string `toml:"role_session_name"`
PrivateKey string `toml:"private_key"`
PublicKeyID string `toml:"public_key_id"`
RoleName string `toml:"role_name"`
Regions []string `toml:"regions"`
DiscoveryInterval config.Duration `toml:"discovery_interval"`
Period config.Duration `toml:"period"`
Delay config.Duration `toml:"delay"`
Project string `toml:"project"`
Metrics []*Metric `toml:"metrics"`
RateLimit int `toml:"ratelimit"`
Log telegraf.Logger `toml:"-"`
client aliyuncmsClient
windowStart time.Time
windowEnd time.Time
dt *discoveryTool
dimensionKey string
discoveryData map[string]interface{}
measurement string
// Metric describes what metrics to get
Metric struct {
ObjectsFilter string `toml:"objects_filter"`
MetricNames []string `toml:"names"`
Dimensions string `toml:"dimensions"` //String representation of JSON dimensions
TagsQueryPath []string `toml:"tag_query_path"`
AllowDataPointWODiscoveryData bool `toml:"allow_dps_without_discovery"` //Allow data points without discovery data (if no discovery data found)
dtLock sync.Mutex //Guard for discoveryTags & dimensions
discoveryTags map[string]map[string]string //Internal data structure that can enrich metrics with tags
dimensionsUdObj map[string]string
dimensionsUdArr []map[string]string //Parsed Dimesnsions JSON string (unmarshalled)
requestDimensions []map[string]string //this is the actual dimensions list that would be used in API request
requestDimensionsStr string //String representation of the above
// Dimension describe how to get metrics
Dimension struct {
Value string `toml:"value"`
aliyuncmsClient interface {
DescribeMetricList(request *cms.DescribeMetricListRequest) (response *cms.DescribeMetricListResponse, err error)
var aliyunRegionList = []string{
// SampleConfig implements telegraf.Inputs interface
func (s *AliyunCMS) SampleConfig() string {
return sampleConfig
// Description implements telegraf.Inputs interface
func (s *AliyunCMS) Description() string {
return description
// Init perform checks of plugin inputs and initialize internals
func (s *AliyunCMS) Init() error {
if s.Project == "" {
return errors.New("project is not set")
var (
roleSessionExpiration = 600
sessionExpiration = 600
configuration := &providers.Configuration{
AccessKeyID: s.AccessKeyID,
AccessKeySecret: s.AccessKeySecret,
AccessKeyStsToken: s.AccessKeyStsToken,
RoleArn: s.RoleArn,
RoleSessionName: s.RoleSessionName,
RoleSessionExpiration: &roleSessionExpiration,
PrivateKey: s.PrivateKey,
PublicKeyID: s.PublicKeyID,
SessionExpiration: &sessionExpiration,
RoleName: s.RoleName,
credentialProviders := []providers.Provider{
credential, err := providers.NewChainProvider(credentialProviders).Retrieve()
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("failed to retrieve credential: %v", err)
s.client, err = cms.NewClientWithOptions("", sdk.NewConfig(), credential)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("failed to create cms client: %v", err)
//check metrics dimensions consistency
for _, metric := range s.Metrics {
if metric.Dimensions != "" {
metric.dimensionsUdObj = map[string]string{}
metric.dimensionsUdArr = []map[string]string{}
// first try to unmarshal as an object
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(metric.Dimensions), &metric.dimensionsUdObj)
if err != nil {
// then try to unmarshal as an array
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(metric.Dimensions), &metric.dimensionsUdArr)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("cannot parse dimensions (neither obj, nor array) %q :%v", metric.Dimensions, err)
s.measurement = formatMeasurement(s.Project)
//Check regions
if len(s.Regions) == 0 {
s.Regions = aliyunRegionList
s.Log.Infof("'regions' is not set. Metrics will be queried across %d regions:\n%s",
len(s.Regions), strings.Join(s.Regions, ","))
//Init discovery...
if s.dt == nil { //Support for tests
s.dt, err = newDiscoveryTool(s.Regions, s.Project, s.Log, credential, int(float32(s.RateLimit)*0.2), time.Duration(s.DiscoveryInterval))
if err != nil {
s.Log.Errorf("Discovery tool is not activated: %v", err)
s.dt = nil
return nil
s.discoveryData, err = s.dt.getDiscoveryDataAcrossRegions(nil)
if err != nil {
s.Log.Errorf("Discovery tool is not activated: %v", err)
s.dt = nil
return nil
s.Log.Infof("%d object(s) discovered...", len(s.discoveryData))
//Special setting for acs_oss project since the API differs
if s.Project == "acs_oss" {
s.dimensionKey = "BucketName"
return nil
// Start plugin discovery loop, metrics are gathered through Gather
func (s *AliyunCMS) Start(telegraf.Accumulator) error {
//Start periodic discovery process
if s.dt != nil {
return nil
// Gather implements telegraf.Inputs interface
func (s *AliyunCMS) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {
// limit concurrency or we can easily exhaust user connection limit
lmtr := limiter.NewRateLimiter(s.RateLimit, time.Second)
defer lmtr.Stop()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, metric := range s.Metrics {
//Prepare internal structure with data from discovery
for _, metricName := range metric.MetricNames {
go func(metricName string, metric *Metric) {
defer wg.Done()
acc.AddError(s.gatherMetric(acc, metricName, metric))
}(metricName, metric)
return nil
// Stop - stops the plugin discovery loop
func (s *AliyunCMS) Stop() {
if s.dt != nil {
func (s *AliyunCMS) updateWindow(relativeTo time.Time) {
//The start and end times are executed in the mode of
//opening left and closing right, and startTime cannot be equal
//to or greater than endTime.
windowEnd := relativeTo.Add(-time.Duration(s.Delay))
if s.windowEnd.IsZero() {
// this is the first run, no window info, so just get a single period
s.windowStart = windowEnd.Add(-time.Duration(s.Period))
} else {
// subsequent window, start where last window left off
s.windowStart = s.windowEnd
s.windowEnd = windowEnd
// Gather given metric and emit error
func (s *AliyunCMS) gatherMetric(acc telegraf.Accumulator, metricName string, metric *Metric) error {
for _, region := range s.Regions {
req := cms.CreateDescribeMetricListRequest()
req.Period = strconv.FormatInt(int64(time.Duration(s.Period).Seconds()), 10)
req.MetricName = metricName
req.Length = "10000"
req.Namespace = s.Project
req.EndTime = strconv.FormatInt(s.windowEnd.Unix()*1000, 10)
req.StartTime = strconv.FormatInt(s.windowStart.Unix()*1000, 10)
req.Dimensions = metric.requestDimensionsStr
req.RegionId = region
fmt.Println("Making the following request:")
fmt.Println("Request Dimensions:")
for more := true; more; {
resp, err := s.client.DescribeMetricList(req)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("failed to query metricName list: %v", err)
if resp.Code != "200" {
s.Log.Errorf("failed to query metricName list: %v", resp.Message)
var datapoints []map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp.Datapoints), &datapoints); err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("failed to decode response datapoints: %v", err)
if len(datapoints) == 0 {
s.Log.Debugf("No metrics returned from CMS, response msg: %s", resp.Message)
for _, datapoint := range datapoints {
fields := map[string]interface{}{}
datapointTime := int64(0)
tags := map[string]string{}
for key, value := range datapoint {
switch key {
case "instanceId", "BucketName":
tags[key] = value.(string)
if metric.discoveryTags != nil { //discovery can be not activated
//Skipping data point if discovery data not exist
_, ok := metric.discoveryTags[value.(string)]
if !ok &&
!metric.AllowDataPointWODiscoveryData {
s.Log.Warnf("Instance %q is not found in discovery, skipping monitoring datapoint...", value.(string))
continue NextDataPoint
for k, v := range metric.discoveryTags[value.(string)] {
tags[k] = v
case "userId":
tags[key] = value.(string)
case "timestamp":
datapointTime = int64(value.(float64)) / 1000
fields[formatField(metricName, key)] = value
//Log.logW("Datapoint time: %s, now: %s", time.Unix(datapointTime, 0).Format(time.RFC3339), time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
acc.AddFields(s.measurement, fields, tags, time.Unix(datapointTime, 0))
req.NextToken = resp.NextToken
more = req.NextToken != ""
return nil
//tag helper
func parseTag(tagSpec string, data interface{}) (tagKey string, tagValue string, err error) {
var (
ok bool
queryPath = tagSpec
tagKey = tagSpec
//Split query path to tagKey and query path
if splitted := strings.Split(tagSpec, ":"); len(splitted) == 2 {
tagKey = splitted[0]
queryPath = splitted[1]
tagRawValue, err := jmespath.Search(queryPath, data)
if err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Errorf("Can't query data from discovery data using query path %q: %v",
queryPath, err)
if tagRawValue == nil { //Nothing found
return "", "", nil
tagValue, ok = tagRawValue.(string)
if !ok {
return "", "", errors.Errorf("Tag value %v parsed by query %q is not a string value",
tagRawValue, queryPath)
return tagKey, tagValue, nil
func (s *AliyunCMS) prepareTagsAndDimensions(metric *Metric) {
var (
newData bool
defaulTags = []string{"RegionId:RegionId"}
if s.dt == nil { //Discovery is not activated
//Reading all data from buffered channel
for {
select {
case s.discoveryData = <-s.dt.dataChan:
newData = true
break L
//new data arrives (so process it) or this is the first call
if newData || len(metric.discoveryTags) == 0 {
defer metric.dtLock.Unlock()
if metric.discoveryTags == nil {
metric.discoveryTags = make(map[string]map[string]string, len(s.discoveryData))
metric.requestDimensions = nil //erasing
metric.requestDimensions = make([]map[string]string, 0, len(s.discoveryData))
//Preparing tags & dims...
for instanceID, elem := range s.discoveryData {
//Start filing tags
//Remove old value if exist
delete(metric.discoveryTags, instanceID)
metric.discoveryTags[instanceID] = make(map[string]string, len(metric.TagsQueryPath)+len(defaulTags))
for _, tagQueryPath := range metric.TagsQueryPath {
tagKey, tagValue, err := parseTag(tagQueryPath, elem)
if err != nil {
s.Log.Errorf("%v", err)
if err == nil && tagValue == "" { //Nothing found
s.Log.Debugf("Data by query path %q: is not found, for instance %q", tagQueryPath, instanceID)
metric.discoveryTags[instanceID][tagKey] = tagValue
//Adding default tags if not already there
for _, defaultTagQP := range defaulTags {
tagKey, tagValue, err := parseTag(defaultTagQP, elem)
if err != nil {
s.Log.Errorf("%v", err)
if err == nil && tagValue == "" { //Nothing found
s.Log.Debugf("Data by query path %q: is not found, for instance %q",
defaultTagQP, instanceID)
metric.discoveryTags[instanceID][tagKey] = tagValue
//if no dimension configured in config file, use discovery data
if len(metric.dimensionsUdArr) == 0 && len(metric.dimensionsUdObj) == 0 {
metric.requestDimensions = append(
map[string]string{s.dimensionKey: instanceID})
//add dimensions filter from config file
if len(metric.dimensionsUdArr) != 0 {
metric.requestDimensions = append(metric.requestDimensions, metric.dimensionsUdArr...)
if len(metric.dimensionsUdObj) != 0 {
metric.requestDimensions = append(metric.requestDimensions, metric.dimensionsUdObj)
//Unmarshalling to string
reqDim, err := json.Marshal(metric.requestDimensions)
if err != nil {
s.Log.Errorf("Can't marshal metric request dimensions %v :%v",
metric.requestDimensions, err)
metric.requestDimensionsStr = ""
} else {
metric.requestDimensionsStr = string(reqDim)
// Formatting helpers
func formatField(metricName string, statistic string) string {
if metricName == statistic {
statistic = "value"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", snakeCase(metricName), snakeCase(statistic))
func formatMeasurement(project string) string {
project = strings.Replace(project, "/", "_", -1)
project = snakeCase(project)
return fmt.Sprintf("aliyuncms_%s", project)
func snakeCase(s string) string {
s = internal.SnakeCase(s)
s = strings.Replace(s, "__", "_", -1)
return s
func init() {
inputs.Add("aliyuncms", func() telegraf.Input {
return &AliyunCMS{
RateLimit: 200,
DiscoveryInterval: config.Duration(time.Minute),
dimensionKey: "instanceId",
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