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Created May 25, 2018 13:06
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LAC18 Summary extractor
def ical_import_filter(original, log):
summary = original.summary
stuff = summary.split('\n', maxsplit=5)
# if not(stuff[0].startswith('Author:') and stuff[1].startswith('Type:') and stuff[2].startswith('Topics:') and stuff[3].startswith('Keywords:') and stuff[4].startswith('Abstract')):
# log(str(summary.replace('\n', '@@@\n')), lvl=hilight)
data = {
'author': [],
'event_type': 'Unknown',
'event_id': 'Unknown',
'event_keywords': [],
'event_topics': [],
'abstract': ['-'],
'keywords': "",
'topics': "",
'speakers': "",
'size': 3
for line in stuff:
if line.startswith('Author: '):
authors = line.split('Author: ')[1]
for author in authors.split('| '):
elif line.startswith('Type: '):
data['event_type'] = line.split('Type: ')[1]
elif line.startswith('Topics: '):
data['event_topics'] = line.split('Topics: ')[1].split(', ')
elif line.startswith('Keywords: '):
data['event_keywords'] = line.split('Keywords: ')[1].split(', ')
elif line.startswith('Abstract: '):
data['abstract'].append(line.split('Abstract: ')[1])
elif 'ID: ' in line:
more_abstract, data['event_id'] = line.split('ID: ', maxsplit=1)
data['abstract'] = " ".join(data['abstract']).lstrip("- ")
if len(data['abstract']) > 100:
data['size'] = 4
if len(data['abstract']) > 250:
data['size'] = 5
keyword = '<span class="label label-default">%s</span>\n'
for word in data['event_keywords']:
data['keywords'] += keyword % word
for topic in data['event_topics']:
data['topics'] += keyword % topic
data['keywords'] = data['keywords'].rstrip('\n')
data['topics'] = data['topics'].rstrip('\n')
if len(data['author']) > 1:
for speaker in data['author']:
data['speakers'] += " " + speaker + ", "
data['speakers'] = data['speakers'].rstrip(', ')
data['speakers'] = data['author'][0]
new_summary = """<div class="event_summary">
<h5> {speakers} - Type: {event_type}""".format(**data)
if len(data['topics']) > 0:
new_summary += " - <small>Topics: {topics}</small>".format(**data)
new_summary += """</h5>\n<h{size}>{abstract}</h{size}>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">
<div class="col-md-2">
<small>Talk ID: {event_id}</small>
original.summary = new_summary
return original
# 'Author: 1:LAC team\nType: Lightning Talks\nAbstract: A set of lightning talks by you!\nID: 103'
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