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Last active July 17, 2021 06:25
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Extract thumbnails from a image of video thumbnails grid
#TODO: test each square if it's actually a screen shot
import numpy as np
#from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def plot(title, x,y):
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.axhline(y=np.mean(y), color='r', linestyle='-')
plt.savefig(title + '.png')
def func(grad, off, size):
k0 = grad[off::-size]
k1 = grad[off+size::size]
num = k0.shape[0] + k1.shape[0]
if num > 0:
return (np.sum(k0) + np.sum(k1))/(num**0.75)
return 0
func_v = np.vectorize(func)
def find_borders(grad, min_size = 150, max_gap = 15, sim = 0.75):
total = grad.shape[0]
off_max = np.argmax(grad)
if grad[off_max] < np.mean(grad) * 4:
return (-1, total + 1, 0)
#print('off_max', off_max)
range_size = np.arange(min_size, int(total/2)+1, dtype=int)
fits_size = func_v(grad, off_max, range_size)
if log.level == logging.DEBUG:
plot('out/size', range_size, fits_size)
best_size_idx = np.argmax(fits_size)
# if fits_size[best_size_idx] < np.mean(fits_size)*2:
# print(fits_size[best_size_idx], np.mean(fits_size)*2)
# return (-1, total + 1, 0)
best_size = range_size[best_size_idx]
if off_max - max_gap < 0:
off_max += best_size
if off_max + max_gap >= total:
off_max -= best_size
range_off1 = np.arange(off_max - max_gap, off_max + max_gap)
fits_off1 = func_v(grad, range_off1, best_size)
if log.level == logging.DEBUG:
plot('out/off', range_off1, fits_off1)
best2_off1_idx = np.argpartition(fits_off1, -2)[-2:]
off0_idx = best2_off1_idx[0]
off1_idx = best2_off1_idx[1]
#filtered = best2_off1_idx[np.where(fits_off1[best2_off1_idx] > mean_off1 * 2)]
if fits_off1[off0_idx] > fits_off1[off1_idx] * sim:
# we have two
best_off, best_gap = (range_off1[max(off0_idx, off1_idx)], np.abs(off1_idx - off0_idx))
best_off, best_gap = (range_off1[off1_idx], 0)
while best_off - best_size >= 0:
best_off -= best_size
return (best_off, best_size, best_gap)
def extract(image, min_width=200, min_height=150, max_gap=15):
width, height = image.size
img = np.array(image)
#img = gaussian_filter(img, 7)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
#blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0.5)
# grayx = np.linalg.norm(cv2.Scharr(img, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0), axis=2)
# grayy = np.linalg.norm(cv2.Scharr(img, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1), axis=2)
#grayx = np.linalg.norm(img[1:, :] - img[:-1, :])
mygradx = np.array([[-3, -10, -3],
[3, 10, 3]])
gradx = convolve2d(img, mygradx, mode='valid')
grayx = gradx # np.linalg.norm(gradx, axis=2)
grady = convolve2d(img, mygradx.transpose(), mode='valid')
grayy = grady # np.linalg.norm(grady, axis=2)
mean_grayx = np.mean(grayx)
mean_grayy = np.mean(grayy)
# cols = np.count_nonzero(grayx > mean_grayx * 2, axis=1)
# rows = np.count_nonzero(grayy > mean_grayy * 2, axis=0)
cols = np.sum(np.abs(grayx), axis=1)
rows = np.sum(np.abs(grayy), axis=0)
if log.level == logging.DEBUG:
plot('out/cols', range(height-1), cols)
plot('out/rows', range(width-1), rows)
mean_rows = np.mean(rows)
mean_cols = np.mean(cols)
idx_rows = np.argwhere(rows > mean_rows * 2)
idx_cols = np.argwhere(cols > mean_cols * 2)
off_x, size_x, gap_x = find_borders(rows, min_size=min_width, max_gap=max_gap)
off_y, size_y, gap_y = find_borders(cols, min_size=min_height, max_gap=max_gap)
log.debug(off_x, size_x, gap_x)
log.debug(off_y, size_y, gap_y)
if log.level == logging.DEBUG:
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
off = off_x
while off < width:
draw.line([(off, 0), (off, height)], (0, 255, 0))
off += size_x
draw.line([((off - gap_x, 0)), (off - gap_x, height)], (0, 255, 0))
off = off_y
while off < height:
draw.line([(0, off),(width, off)], (0, 255, 0))
off += size_y
draw.line([(0, off - gap_y), (width, off - gap_y)], (0, 255, 0))'out/annote.png')
x = 0
new_x = off_x + 1
while width - x >= size_x / 2:
y = 0
new_y = off_y + 1
while height - y >= size_y / 2:
if new_y - y - gap_y > size_y / 2 and new_x - x - gap_x > size_x / 2:
log.debug(x, y, new_x, new_y, gap_x, gap_y)
crop = image.crop((x, y, np.minimum(new_x - gap_x, width), np.minimum(new_y - gap_y, height)))
yield crop
y = new_y
new_y += size_y
x = new_x
new_x += size_x
def test():
image ='thumbnail2.jpg')
for i, crop in enumerate(extract(image)):'out/extract'+ str(i) + '.jpg')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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riaqn commented Jul 16, 2021

  1. assumes that all borders are aligned.
  2. detects padding between thumbnails as well.

An example of thumbnail grid can be found here, although the problem we solve here is the opposite.

Note that we used a slimmer Scharr operator - this is so because the 'edge' we want to detect between two thumbnails is NOT a pixel, but between two pixels. We can't cut a pixel in half!

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