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Last active December 29, 2023 23:20
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type Type =
| Unit
| Bool
| Int
| Sum of (string * Type list) list
type Pattern =
| Variable of string
| Wildcard
| Or of Pattern * Pattern
| Unit
| Bool of bool
| Int of int
| Constructor of string * Pattern list
| As of Pattern * string
type Expression =
| Unit
| Bool of bool
| Int of int
| Variable of string
| Constructor of string * Expression list * Type
| Match of Expression * (Pattern * Expression option * Expression) list
type State =
| Satisfied
| Unit
| Int of int list
| Bool of bool option
| Sum of (string * State list) list
let list_equal equals list_a list_b =
(List.length list_a = List.length list_b) && List.forall2 equals list_a list_b
let tuple_equal equals_fst equals_snd (tuple_a_fst, tuple_a_snd) (tuple_b_fst, tuple_b_snd) =
equals_fst tuple_a_fst tuple_b_fst && equals_snd tuple_a_snd tuple_b_snd
let rec type_equal type_a type_b =
match type_a, type_b with
| Type.Unit, Type.Unit
| Type.Bool, Type.Bool
| Type.Int, Type.Int -> true
| Type.Sum constructors_a, Type.Sum constructors_b ->
(tuple_equal (=) (list_equal type_equal))
(List.sortBy fst constructors_a)
(List.sortBy fst constructors_b)
| (Type.Unit | Type.Bool | Type.Int | Type.Sum _), (Type.Unit | Type.Bool | Type.Int | Type.Sum _) -> false
// TODO: should error when a given type doesn't even have a possible valid pattern, like a function type
let rec get_type_binds type_ pattern =
match type_, pattern with
| _, Pattern.Variable ident -> [ (ident, type_) ]
| _, Pattern.Wildcard -> []
| _, Pattern.Or(pattern_a, pattern_b) ->
let binds_a = get_type_binds type_ pattern_a
let binds_b = get_type_binds type_ pattern_b
if list_equal (tuple_equal (=) type_equal) (List.sortBy fst binds_a) (List.sortBy fst binds_b) then
failwith "TODO: both sides of the or pattern need to have the same binds"
| _, Pattern.As(pattern, ident) ->
let binds = get_type_binds type_ pattern
if List.exists (fst >> (=) ident) binds then
failwith "TODO: error about repeated bind name in same pattern"
(ident, type_) :: binds
| Type.Sum constructors, Pattern.Constructor(ident, patterns) ->
let types =
List.tryFind (fst >> (=) ident) constructors
|> snd
|> function
| None -> failwith "TODO: error about not finding "
| Some types when List.length types <> List.length patterns ->
"TODO: error about the different length of the types the constructors carries and the pattern, a way to improve this would be checking the length problem in the same iteration that goes check if the pattern is valid with a given type, this way, more accurate error can be given"
| Some types -> types
let binds = List.map2 get_type_binds types patterns |> List.concat
|> fst
|> List.fold
(fun set key ->
if Set.contains key set then
failwith "TODO: error about repeated bind name in same pattern"
Set.add key set)
|> ignore
| Type.Int, Pattern.Int _
| Type.Bool, Pattern.Bool _
| Type.Unit, Pattern.Unit _ -> []
| (Type.Sum _ | Type.Int | Type.Bool | Type.Unit),
(Pattern.Variable _ | Pattern.Wildcard | Pattern.Or _ | Pattern.Unit | Pattern.Bool _ | Pattern.Int _ | Pattern.Constructor _) ->
failwith "TODO: error about pattern not being valid for given expression/type"
let rec get_next_state state pattern =
match state, pattern with
| State.Satisfied, _ ->
printfn "TODO: warning about unreachable branch"
| _, (Pattern.Variable _ | Pattern.Wildcard) -> State.Satisfied
| _, Pattern.Or(pattern_a, pattern_b) ->
let next_state = get_next_state state pattern_a
get_next_state next_state pattern_b
| _, (Pattern.As(pattern, _)) -> get_next_state state pattern
| State.Unit, (Pattern.Unit) -> State.Satisfied
| State.Bool None, Pattern.Bool boolean -> State.Bool(Some boolean)
| State.Bool(Some state_boolean), Pattern.Bool pattern_boolean ->
if state_boolean = pattern_boolean then
printfn "TODO: warning about unreachable branch"
| State.Int previous_integers, Pattern.Int integer ->
if List.contains integer previous_integers then
printfn "TODO: warning about unreachable branch"
State.Int(integer :: previous_integers)
| State.Sum constructors_states, Pattern.Constructor(ident, constructor_patterns) ->
let next_constructors_states =
|> List.choose (fun ((constructor_ident, constructor_states) as element) ->
if constructor_ident = ident then
List.map2 get_next_state constructor_states constructor_patterns
|> function
| states when states |> List.forall ((=) State.Satisfied) -> None
| states -> Some(constructor_ident, states)
Some element
|> List.isEmpty
|> function
| true -> State.Satisfied
| false -> State.Sum next_constructors_states
| (State.Satisfied | State.Unit | State.Int _ | State.Bool _ | State.Sum _),
(Pattern.Variable _ | Pattern.Wildcard | Pattern.Or _ | Pattern.Unit | Pattern.Bool _ | Pattern.Int _ | Pattern.Constructor _ | Pattern.As _) ->
failwith "should not happen"
let rec get_initial_state type_ =
match type_ with
| Type.Unit -> State.Unit
| Type.Int -> State.Int []
| Type.Bool -> State.Bool None
| Type.Sum constructors ->
|> (fun (ident, types) -> (ident, get_initial_state types))
|> State.Sum
let rec type_of env expression =
match expression with
| Unit -> Type.Unit
| Bool _ -> Type.Bool
| Int _ -> Type.Int
| Variable ident ->
// TODO: change for a safe lookup
Map.find ident env
| Constructor(_, _, type_) ->
// TODO: check if the type actually matches the constructor
| Match(to_match, branches) ->
let to_match_type = type_of env to_match
let folder (expected_type, state) (pattern, guard, body) =
let new_env =
get_type_binds to_match_type pattern
|> List.fold (fun env (ident, type_) -> Map.add ident type_ env) env
check_guard new_env guard
let body_type = type_of new_env body
check_match_body expected_type body_type
let next_state = get_next_state state pattern
let next_state' = if Option.isSome guard then state else next_state
Some body_type, next_state'
let (expected_type, state) =
List.fold folder (None, get_initial_state to_match_type) branches
match state with
| State.Satisfied -> ()
| _ ->
"TODO: warning about non exhaustive patterns, i can use the current state informing the previous patterns matched and the type to give information about what is left"
Option.get expected_type
and check_guard env guard =
|> (type_of env)
|> (type_equal Type.Bool)
|> function
| Some false -> failwith "TODO: guard expression must have type Bool"
| _ -> ()
and check_match_body expected_type body_type =
|> (type_equal body_type)
|> function
| Some false -> failwith "TODO: body expression has the wrong type"
| _ -> ()
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TODO: fix the bug on product types

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