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Last active April 18, 2021 17:02
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doxa + re-frame
(require '[ribelo.doxa :as dx])
(require '[re-frame.core :as rf])
;; despite general good practice, in my case it doesn't work to keep all data in
;; one db. in every application I have to save some data and removing from store
;; data concerning ui and other stuff is not cool.
;; declare mutiple db
(def default-db (dx/create-dx))
(def market (dx/create-dx))
;; register db
(dx/reg-dx! :app re-frame.db/app-db)
(dx/reg-dx! :market (r/atom market))
;; with-dx is a macro that assigns a db named keword to ?symbol
;; this allows you to conveniently use multiple db's simultaneously without
;; requiring them
(comment (dx/with-dx [?symbol keyword?] ...))
(fn [data]
(if (even? (count data))
(let [it (iter data)]
(loop []
(when (.hasNext it)
(let [store (.next it)
txs (.next it)
tx (nth txs 0)]
(dx/with-dx [db store]
(vector? tx) (dx/commit! db txs)
(keyword? tx) (dx/commit! db [txs])))
;; from now on you can use `commit` in re-frame effects
(fn [_ [_ bar baz]]
;; {:fx [[:commit [:store-name [transaction or transactions]]]]}
{:fx [[:commit [:app [:dx/put [:db/id :foo] :bar bar]]]
[:commit [:market [[:dx/put [:db/id :foo] :bar bar]
[:dx/put [:db/id :foo] :baz baz]]]]]}))
;; if you want to retrieve data from default-db, you can use a simple
;; reg-sub
(fn [db [_ foo]]
(dx/pull db [:bar] [:db/id foo])))
;; or you can use `reg-sub-raw` with `dx/with-dx`
(fn [_ [_ foo]]
(dx/with-dx [dx_ :app]
(dx/pull @dx_ [:bar] [:db/id foo])))))
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