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Last active December 6, 2018 17:50
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My solutions (and automated input fetcher and runner) to the daily "christmas calendar" programming puzzles from
import collections
from math import sqrt
from functools import reduce
import string
INPUTS_FILE = 'advent_of_code_inputs.txt'
SOLUTIONS_FILE = 'advent_of_code_solutions.txt'
SESSION_FILE = 'advent_of_code_session.txt'
class Day25:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [line for line in input_str.split('\n')]
def __solve_part_1(self):
states = {}
for i in range(3, len(self.input), 10):
state = self.input[i].split(' ')[2][0]
states[state] = Day25.parse_state(self.input[i+1:i+9])
checksum_after = int(self.input[1].split(' ')[5])
locations_set_at_1 = set()
current_state = self.input[0].split(' ')[3][0]
current_position = 0
for _ in range(checksum_after):
current_value = 1 if current_position in locations_set_at_1 else 0
if states[current_state][current_value]['value_to_write'] == 1:
elif current_value == 1:
current_position += states[current_state][current_value]['movement_direction']
current_state = states[current_state][current_value]['next_state']
return len(locations_set_at_1)
def parse_state(state_instructions):
first_substate = Day25.parse_substate(state_instructions[0:4])
second_substate = Day25.parse_substate(state_instructions[4:8])
if first_substate['tape_state'] == 0:
return [first_substate, second_substate]
return [second_substate, first_substate]
def parse_substate(substate_instructions):
tape_state = int(substate_instructions[0].strip().split(' ')[5][0])
value_to_write = int(substate_instructions[1].strip().split(' ')[4][0])
movement_direction = -1 if substate_instructions[2].strip().split(' ')[6][:-1] == 'left' else 1
next_state = substate_instructions[3].strip().split(' ')[4][0]
return {
'tape_state': tape_state,
'value_to_write': value_to_write,
'movement_direction': movement_direction,
'next_state': next_state
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), None]
class Day24:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [line for line in input_str.split('\n')]
def make_component_database(raw_component_list):
components = []
for component in raw_component_list:
return components
def __solve_part_1(self):
components = Day24.make_component_database(self.input)
possible_bridges = []
for index, component in enumerate(components):
if component[0] == '0' or component[1] == '0':
current_bridge = [component]
current_port = component[1] if component[0] == '0' else component[0]
remaining_components = components[:]
remaining_components[index] = None
for bridge in Day24.list_possible_bridges(current_port, current_bridge, remaining_components):
return Day24.get_strongest_bridge(possible_bridges)
def __solve_part_2(self):
components = Day24.make_component_database(self.input)
possible_bridges = []
for index, component in enumerate(components):
if component[0] == '0' or component[1] == '0':
current_bridge = [component]
current_port = component[1] if component[0] == '0' else component[0]
remaining_components = components[:]
remaining_components[index] = None
for bridge in Day24.list_possible_bridges(current_port, current_bridge, remaining_components):
return Day24.get_strongest_bridge(Day24.get_longest_bridges(possible_bridges))
def list_possible_bridges(current_port, current_bridge, components):
possible_bridges = []
for index, component in enumerate(components):
if component:
if component[0] == current_port or component[1] == current_port:
remaining_components = components[:]
new_bridge = current_bridge[:]
new_port = component[1] if component[0] == current_port else component[0]
remaining_components = components[:]
remaining_components[index] = None
for bridge in Day24.list_possible_bridges(new_port, new_bridge, remaining_components):
return possible_bridges
def get_longest_bridges(possible_bridges):
longest_bridges = [possible_bridges[0]]
for bridge in possible_bridges:
if len(bridge) == len(longest_bridges[0]):
if len(bridge) > len(longest_bridges[0]):
longest_bridges = [bridge]
return longest_bridges
def get_strongest_bridge(possible_bridges):
strongest_bridge = [0, None]
for bridge in possible_bridges:
strenght = sum([int(port) for component in bridge for port in component])
if strenght > strongest_bridge[0]:
strongest_bridge = [strenght, bridge]
return strongest_bridge[0]
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day23:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [line for line in input_str.split('\n')]
def __solve_part_1(self):
return Day23.__program(self.input)
def __solve_part_2(self):
b = int(self.input[0].split(' ')[2])
start = b * 100 + 100000
end = start + 17000
h = 0
for i in range(start, end+17, 17):
is_prime = True
for j in range(2, int(sqrt(i))+1):
if i % j == 0:
is_prime = False
if not is_prime:
h += 1
return h
def __program(code: [str], register_a=0):
registers = {letter: 0 for letter in string.ascii_lowercase[:8]}
registers['a'] = register_a
sending = [] # buffer of values to send
program_counter = 0
mul_counter = 0
while 0 <= program_counter < len(code):
instruction, argument_1, *other_arguments = code[program_counter].split(' ')
if other_arguments: # might as well convert argument 2 here instead of repeating it for all instructions
argument_2 = registers[other_arguments[0]] if other_arguments[0] in registers.keys() else int(other_arguments[0])
if instruction == 'set':
registers[argument_1] = argument_2
if instruction == 'sub':
registers[argument_1] -= argument_2
if instruction == 'mul':
registers[argument_1] *= argument_2
mul_counter += 1
if instruction == 'jnz':
condition_value = registers[argument_1] if argument_1 in registers.keys() else int(argument_1)
if condition_value != 0:
program_counter += argument_2
program_counter += 1
return mul_counter
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day22:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [line for line in input_str.split('\n')]
self.directions = {'N': (0, -1), 'S': (0, 1), 'E': (1, 0), 'W': (-1, 0)}
self.direction_order = ['N', 'E', 'S', 'W']
def __solve_part_1(self):
self.infected = set()
infected = 0
for i in range(10000):
infected += self.__tick_virus()
return infected
def __solve_part_2(self):
self.infected = set()
self.weakened = set()
self.flagged = set()
infected = 0
for i in range(10000000):
infected += self.__tick_virus(evolved=True)
return infected
def __load_input(self):
for i, line in enumerate(self.input):
for j, node in enumerate(line):
if node == '#':
self.infected.add((j, i))
height = len(self.input)
self.direction = 'N'
self.position = (0, 0)
self.position = (height // 2, height // 2)
def __tick_virus(self, evolved=False):
infected = self.__toggle_current_node_and_turn(evolved=evolved)
new_x = self.position[0] + self.directions[self.direction][0]
new_y = self.position[1] + self.directions[self.direction][1]
self.position = (new_x, new_y)
return infected
def __toggle_current_node_and_turn(self, evolved=False):
if evolved and self.position in self.infected:
self.direction = self.direction_order[(self.direction_order.index(self.direction) + 1) % len(self.direction_order)]
return 0
elif evolved and self.position in self.weakened:
return 1
elif evolved and self.position in self.flagged:
self.direction = self.direction_order[(self.direction_order.index(self.direction) + 2) % len(self.direction_order)]
return 0
elif evolved:
self.direction = self.direction_order[(self.direction_order.index(self.direction) - 1) % len(self.direction_order)]
return 0
elif self.position in self.infected:
self.direction = self.direction_order[(self.direction_order.index(self.direction) + 1) % len(self.direction_order)]
return 0
self.direction = self.direction_order[(self.direction_order.index(self.direction) - 1) % len(self.direction_order)]
return 1
def __current_node_infected(self):
return self.position in self.infected
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day21:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.image = ['.#.',
self.input = ['../.# => ##./#../...',
'.#./..#/### => #..#/..../..../#..#']
self.input = [line for line in input_str.split('\n')]
def __make_grid(image):
grid = []
for line in image:
grid.append([c for c in line])
return grid
def __solve_part_1(self):
grid = Day21.__make_grid(self.image)
size = len(grid)
for i in range(5):
grid = self.__enhance(grid)
return sum(line.count('#') for line in grid)
def __solve_part_2(self):
grid = Day21.__make_grid(self.image)
size = len(grid)
for i in range(18):
grid = self.__enhance(grid)
return sum(line.count('#') for line in grid)
def __enhance(self, grid):
split_size = 2 if len(grid) % 2 == 0 else 3
subgrids = []
for i in range(len(grid) // split_size):
for j in range(len(grid) // split_size):
subgrid = []
for k in range(split_size):
line = []
for l in range(split_size):
enhanced_subgrids = []
for subgrid in subgrids:
enhanced_grid = []
if len(enhanced_subgrids) > 1:
enhanced_grid_size = int(sqrt(len(enhanced_subgrids)))
subgrid_size = len(enhanced_subgrids[0])
for k in range(enhanced_grid_size):
for i in range(subgrid_size):
line = []
for j in range(enhanced_grid_size):
line += enhanced_subgrids[k*enhanced_grid_size+j][i]
enhanced_grid = enhanced_subgrids[0]
return enhanced_grid
def __match_and_apply_rules(self, subgrid):
for rule in self.input:
rule_matcher, rule_output = rule.split(' => ')
for transformation in Day21.__get_transformations(subgrid):
if '/'.join([''.join(line) for line in transformation]) == rule_matcher:
return [[c for c in line] for line in rule_output.split('/')]
print('No matches found!')
for line in subgrid:
raise ValueError
def __get_transformations(subgrid):
rotate_0 = subgrid
rotate_0_flip = Day21.__v_flip_subgrid(rotate_0)
rotate_90 = Day21.__v_flip_subgrid(Day21.__symmetric_subgrid(subgrid))
rotate_90_flip = Day21.__v_flip_subgrid(rotate_90)
rotate_180 = Day21.__v_flip_subgrid(Day21.__symmetric_subgrid(rotate_90))
rotate_180_flip = Day21.__v_flip_subgrid(rotate_180)
rotate_270 = Day21.__v_flip_subgrid(Day21.__symmetric_subgrid(rotate_180))
rotate_270_flip = Day21.__v_flip_subgrid(rotate_270)
return [rotate_0, rotate_0_flip,
rotate_90, rotate_90_flip,
rotate_180, rotate_180_flip,
rotate_270, rotate_270_flip
def __make_empty_subgrid(subgrid_size):
return [[None] * subgrid_size for _ in range(subgrid_size)]
def __symmetric_subgrid(subgrid):
subgrid_size = len(subgrid)
symmetric = Day21.__make_empty_subgrid(subgrid_size)
for i in range(subgrid_size):
for j in range(subgrid_size):
symmetric[i][j] = subgrid[subgrid_size-1-j][subgrid_size-1-i]
return symmetric
def __v_flip_subgrid(subgrid):
subgrid_size = len(subgrid)
flip_vertical = Day21.__make_empty_subgrid(subgrid_size)
for i in range(subgrid_size):
flip_vertical[i] = subgrid[subgrid_size-1-i]
return flip_vertical
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day20:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [line for line in input_str.split('\n')]
def __solve_part_1(self):
min_i = None
minimum_acceleration = None
for i, particle in enumerate(self.input):
acceleration = particle.split('>')[2][len(', a=<'):]
x, y, z = [int(n) for n in acceleration.split(',')]
if minimum_acceleration is None or abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z) < minimum_acceleration:
minimum_acceleration = abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z)
min_i = i
return min_i
def __solve_part_2(self):
particles = {}
for i, line in enumerate(self.input):
raw_position, raw_velocity, raw_acceleration, _ = line.split('>')
position = [int(n) for n in raw_position[len('p=<'):].split(',')]
velocity = [int(n) for n in raw_velocity[len(', v=<'):].split(',')]
acceleration = [int(n) for n in raw_acceleration[len(', a=<'):].split(',')]
particles[i] = {'position': position, 'velocity': velocity, 'acceleration': acceleration}
for tick in range(100):
occupied_positions = {}
to_destroy = set()
for particle_id, particle in particles.items():
serialized_position = ','.join([str(n) for n in particle['position']])
if serialized_position in occupied_positions:
occupied_positions[serialized_position] = particle_id
for i in range(3):
particle['velocity'][i] += particle['acceleration'][i]
particle['position'][i] += particle['velocity'][i]
for particle_id in to_destroy:
del particles[particle_id]
return len(particles)
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day19:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [line for line in input_str.split('\n')]
self.grid = []
self.position_x, position_y = None, None
self.speed_x, self.speed_y = 0, 1
def __build_grid(self):
for i, line in enumerate(self.input):
if self.position_x is None:
self.position_x = line.index('|')
self.position_y = i
except ValueError:
self.grid.append([c for c in line])
def __see_position(self, x, y):
return self.grid[y][x]
def __update_speed(self, character):
if character == '+':
if self.speed_x != 0: # moving horizontally
self.speed_x = 0
if self.__see_position(self.position_x, self.position_y+1) == ' ': # below is empty
self.speed_y = -1 # start moving up
self.speed_y = 1
except IndexError: # is at the bottom
self.speed_y = -1
elif self.speed_y != 0: # moving vertically
self.speed_y = 0
if self.__see_position(self.position_x+1, self.position_y) == ' ': # right is empty
self.speed_x = -1 # start moving left
self.speed_x = 1
except IndexError: # is at the the far right
self.speed_x = -1
def __update_position(self):
self.position_x += self.speed_x
self.position_y += self.speed_y
def __walk_path(self):
checkpoints = []
distance_traveled = 0
while (0 <= self.position_x < len(self.grid[0])) and (0 <= self.position_y < len(self.grid)):
distance_traveled += 1
current_character = self.__see_position(self.position_x, self.position_y)
if current_character in string.ascii_uppercase:
if current_character == ' ': # end of line
return ''.join(checkpoints), distance_traveled
def solve_all(self):
part1, part2 = self.__walk_path()
return [part1, part2]
class Day18:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [line for line in input_str.split('\n')]
def __program(code: [str], register_p=0):
registers = {letter: 0 for letter in string.ascii_lowercase}
registers['p'] = register_p
sending = [] # buffer of values to send
program_counter = 0
while 0 <= program_counter < len(code):
instruction, argument_1, *other_arguments = code[program_counter].split(' ')
if other_arguments: # might as well convert argument 2 here instead of repeating it for all instructions
argument_2 = registers[other_arguments[0]] if other_arguments[0] in registers.keys() else int(other_arguments[0])
if instruction == 'snd': # no need to yield immediatelly, just makes things complicated (trust me)
sending.append(registers[argument_1] if argument_1 in registers.keys() else int(argument_1))
if instruction == 'set':
registers[argument_1] = argument_2
if instruction == 'add':
registers[argument_1] += argument_2
if instruction == 'mul':
registers[argument_1] *= argument_2
if instruction == 'mod':
registers[argument_1] = registers[argument_1] % argument_2
if instruction == 'rcv': # send own values and wait for a new one
registers[argument_1] = yield sending
sending = []
if instruction == 'jgz':
condition_value = registers[argument_1] if argument_1 in registers.keys() else int(argument_1)
if condition_value > 0:
program_counter += argument_2
program_counter += 1
def __solve_part_1(self):
return next(self.__program(self.input))[-1]
def __solve_part_2(self):
program_0 = self.__program(self.input, register_p=0)
program_1 = self.__program(self.input, register_p=1)
# do an initial run because of the while loops below
to_1, to_0 = next(program_0), next(program_1)
sent_by_1_total = 0
while True:
while to_0:
yielded_by_0 = program_0.send(to_0.pop(0))
if yielded_by_0:
to_1 += yielded_by_0
while to_1:
yielded_by_1 = program_1.send(to_1.pop(0))
if yielded_by_1:
to_0 += yielded_by_1
sent_by_1_total += len(yielded_by_1)
if not (to_0 or to_1): # both are waiting but there are no new values
print('deadlock detected')
return sent_by_1_total
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day17:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = int(input_str)
def __solve_part_1(self):
circle = []
next_position = 0
for i in range(2018):
circle.insert(next_position+1, i)
next_position = (next_position + 1 + self.input) % len(circle)
return circle[(circle.index(2017) + 1) % len(circle)]
def __solve_part_2(self):
circle_size = 0
next_position = 0
for i in range(50*1000*1000):
if next_position == 0:
after_0 = i
circle_size += 1
next_position = (next_position + 1 + self.input) % circle_size
return after_0
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day16:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.initial_program_order = [program for program in string.ascii_lowercase[:16]]
self.input = [move for move in input_str.split(',')]
def __shut_up_and_dance(program_order, move_list):
for move in move_list:
if move[0] == 's':
X = int(move[1:])
program_order = program_order[-X:] + program_order[:-X]
elif move[0] == 'x':
A, B = [int(index) for index in move[1:].split('/')]
program_order[A], program_order[B] = program_order[B], program_order[A]
elif move[0] == 'p':
A, B = [program for program in move[1:].split('/')]
index_A, index_B = program_order.index(A), program_order.index(B)
program_order[index_A], program_order[index_B] = program_order[index_B], program_order[index_A]
return program_order
def __solve_part_1(self):
final_program_order = self.__shut_up_and_dance(self.initial_program_order[:], self.input)
return ''.join(final_program_order)
def __solve_part_2(self):
dance_until = 1*1000*1000*1000
current_program_order = self.initial_program_order[:]
previous_states = []
for i in range(dance_until):
if ''.join(current_program_order) in previous_states:
return previous_states[dance_until % i]
current_program_order = self.__shut_up_and_dance(current_program_order, self.input)
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day15:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [int(line[len('Generator A starts with '):]) for line in input_str.split('\n')]
def generator(start, factor, divisor, multiple=None):
value = start
while True:
value = (value * factor) % divisor
if (not multiple) or (value % multiple == 0):
yield value
def __count_matches(self, multipleA=None, multipleB=None):
startA, startB = self.input
factorA, factorB = 16807, 48271
common_divisor = 2147483647
iterations = 5*1000*1000 if multipleA and multipleB else 40*1000*1000
generatorA = Day15.generator(startA, factorA, common_divisor, multipleA)
generatorB = Day15.generator(startB, factorB, common_divisor, multipleB)
matches = 0
for i in range(iterations):
if next(generatorA) & 0xFFFF == next(generatorB) & 0xFFFF:
matches += 1
return matches
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__count_matches(), self.__count_matches(multipleA=4, multipleB=8)]
class Day14:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = input_str
self.grid_side = 128
def __solve_part_1(self):
occupied = 0
for i in range(self.grid_side):
row_hash = Day10.knot_hash(f'{self.input}-{i}')
row_nibbles = ''.join([f"{int(h_char,16):04b}" for h_char in row_hash])
bit_list = [int(bit) for bit in row_nibbles]
occupied += sum(bit_list)
return occupied
def __solve_part_2(self):
self.grid = [[None]*self.grid_side for _ in range(self.grid_side)]
self.groups = {} # dict of sets of nodes in each group
for y in range(self.grid_side):
row_hash = Day10.knot_hash(f'{self.input}-{y}')
row_nibbles = ''.join([f"{int(h_char,16):04b}" for h_char in row_hash])
for x, bit in enumerate(row_nibbles):
if bit == '1':
self.__mark_region(x, y)
return len(self.groups)
def __mark_region(self, x, y):
groups_to_join = []
if 0 < x and self.grid[y][x-1]: # check left
if 0 < y and self.grid[y-1][x]: # check above
if not groups_to_join: # create new group
new_group = set()
self.groups[(x,y)] = new_group
self.grid[y][x] = (x,y)
self.grid[y][x] = self.__join_group(x, y, groups_to_join)
def __join_group(self, x, y, groups_to_join,):
if len(groups_to_join) == 1 or (groups_to_join[0] == groups_to_join[1]):
# simple case, join one existing group
return groups_to_join[0]
# join and merge two existing groups
group_to_keep, group_to_delete = groups_to_join
for region in self.groups[group_to_delete]:
self.grid[region[1]][region[0]] = group_to_keep
del self.groups[group_to_delete]
return group_to_keep
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day13:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [[int(value) for value in scanner.replace(' ', '').split(':')] for scanner in input_str.split('\n')]
def __solve_part_1(self):
severity = 0
for scanner in self.input:
layer, s_range = scanner
scanner_period = (s_range-1)*2
if layer % scanner_period == 0:
severity += layer * s_range
return severity
def __solve_part_2(self):
i = 0
while True:
safe_tick = True
for scanner in self.input:
layer, s_range = scanner
scanner_period = (s_range-1)*2
if (layer+i) % scanner_period == 0:
safe_tick = False
if safe_tick:
return i
i += 1
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day12:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [[pipe_end for pipe_end in pipe.replace(' ', '').split('<->')] for pipe in input_str.split('\n')]
def __create_connection_graph(pipes_input):
connections = {}
for pipe in pipes_input:
left_program = pipe[0]
connections[left_program] = set()
for right_program in pipe[1].split(','):
return connections
def is_connected_to(connections, start_node, target_node, visited=None):
if visited is None:
visited = set()
if start_node == target_node:
return True
for node in connections[start_node]:
if node not in visited and Day12.is_connected_to(connections, node, target_node, visited):
return True
return False
def __solve_part_1(self):
connections = Day12.__create_connection_graph(self.input)
connected_to_0 = set()
for node in connections:
if Day12.is_connected_to(connections, node, '0'):
return len(connected_to_0)
def __solve_part_2(self):
connections = Day12.__create_connection_graph(self.input)
visited = set()
groups = {}
for target_node in connections:
if target_node not in visited:
connected_to_target = set()
for node in connections:
if node not in visited and Day12.is_connected_to(connections, node, target_node):
groups[target_node] = connected_to_target
return len(groups)
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day11:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [direction for direction in input_str.split(',')]
self.directions = {'n': (0,1,-1), 'ne': (1,0,-1), 'se': (1,-1,0),
's': (0,-1,1), 'sw': (-1,0,1), 'nw': (-1,1,0)}
def distance_a_b(a: list, b: list):
return max(abs(a[0]-b[0]), abs(a[1]-b[1]), abs(a[2]-b[2]))
def __walk_hexgrid(self):
coordinates = [0,0,0]
max_distance = 0
for direction in self.input:
coordinates[0] += self.directions[direction][0]
coordinates[1] += self.directions[direction][1]
coordinates[2] += self.directions[direction][2]
max_distance = max(max_distance, Day11.distance_a_b([0,0,0], coordinates))
return Day11.distance_a_b([0,0,0], coordinates), max_distance
def solve_all(self):
part1, part2 = self.__walk_hexgrid()
return [part1, part2]
class Day10:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = input_str
def knot_hash_iteration(lengths: list, numbers=[i for i in range(256)], current_position=0, skip_size=0) -> (list, int, int):
for length in lengths:
if current_position + length - len(numbers) < 0:
numbers[current_position:current_position+length] = list(reversed(numbers[current_position:current_position+length]))
r = list(reversed(numbers[current_position:len(numbers)] + numbers[0:(current_position + length) % len(numbers)]))
numbers[current_position:len(numbers)] = r[0:len(numbers) - current_position]
numbers[0:(current_position + length) % len(numbers)] = r[len(numbers) - current_position:]
current_position = (current_position + length + skip_size) % len(numbers)
skip_size += 1
return numbers, current_position, skip_size
def knot_hash(input):
lengths = [ord(c) for c in input] + [17, 31, 73, 47, 23]
numbers = [i for i in range(256)]
current_position, skip_size = 0, 0
for i in range(64):
numbers, current_position, skip_size = Day10.knot_hash_iteration(lengths, numbers, current_position, skip_size)
dense_hash = [reduce(lambda x, y: x^y, numbers[i*16:i*16+16]) for i in range(16)]
return ''.join([f'{n:0{2}x}' for n in dense_hash])
def __solve_part_1(self):
lengths = [int(n) for n in self.input.split(',')]
numbers, _, _ = Day10.knot_hash_iteration(lengths)
return numbers[0] * numbers[1]
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), Day10.knot_hash(self.input)]
class Day9:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = input_str
def __stream_processor(self):
scores = []
escaped, garbage = False, False
current_score = 0
garbage_count = 0
for character in self.input:
# deal with '!' escaping
if escaped == True: # was previously escaped
escaped = False
elif character == '!':
escaped = True
# deal with garbage groups
elif not garbage and character == '<':
garbage = True
elif character == '>':
garbage = False
# actual scored groups
elif not garbage and character == '{':
current_score += 1
elif not garbage and character == '}':
current_score -= 1
elif garbage:
garbage_count += 1
return sum(scores), garbage_count
def solve_all(self):
part1, part2 = self.__stream_processor()
return [part1, part2]
class Day8:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [line.split(' ') for line in input_str.split('\n')]
def __process_jumps(self):
registers = collections.defaultdict(int)
max_anytime = 0
for line in self.input:
if eval(f"registers['{line[4]}'] {line[5]} {line[6]}"):
if line[1] == 'inc':
registers[line[0]] += int(line[2])
if line[1] == 'dec':
registers[line[0]] -= int(line[2])
max_anytime = max(max_anytime, registers[line[0]])
return max(registers.values()), max_anytime
def solve_all(self):
part1, part2 = self.__process_jumps()
return [part1, part2]
class Day7:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [line.replace(',','').split(' ') for line in input_str.split('\n')]
def __solve_part_1(self):
nodes = set()
in_tower = set()
for line in self.input:
if '->' in line:
for node in line[3:]:
return (nodes - in_tower).pop()
def __tower_weight(self, disc):
total_weight = self.node_weights[disc]
for tower in self.towers[disc]:
total_weight += self.__tower_weight(tower)
return total_weight
def __solve_part_2(self):
self.towers = {} # {str: [str]}: dependency tree
self.node_weights = {} # {str: int} weights of single nodes
# make the dependency tree and take note of node weights
for line in self.input:
tower_base = line[0]
self.node_weights[tower_base] = int(line[1][1:-1])
self.towers[tower_base] = []
if len(line) > 2:
for node in line[3:]:
# find unbalanced towers
unbalanced_towers = set()
for tower in self.towers:
on_disc = self.towers[tower]
if len(on_disc) > 1:
disc_weights = set()
for node in on_disc:
if len(disc_weights) != 1:
# find the topmost unbalanced tower (since changing the ones below it won't balance it)
for tower in unbalanced_towers:
if len(set(self.towers[tower]) & unbalanced_towers) == 0:
offending_tower = tower
# make a dict of the children and their tower weights
children_weights = {}
for child in self.towers[offending_tower]:
children_weights[child] = self.__tower_weight(child)
# compute the unbalanced_child, the one with a weight that is only once in children_weights.values()
for child in self.towers[offending_tower]:
if list(children_weights.values()).count(children_weights[child]) == 1:
unbalanced_child = child
# get the balanced weight by first removing the unbalanced weight from the dict
unbalanced_weight = children_weights[unbalanced_child]
del children_weights[unbalanced_child]
balanced_weight = set(children_weights.values()).pop()
correction = unbalanced_weight - balanced_weight
#print(f'{unbalanced_child} has {self.node_weights[unbalanced_child]} but should have {self.node_weights[unbalanced_child] - correction}')
return self.node_weights[unbalanced_child] - correction
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day6:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [int(n) for n in input_str.split('\t')]
def __redistribute_memory(self):
memory, memory_size = self.input, len(self.input)
previous_states = []
while str(memory) not in previous_states:
max_i, max_bank = max(enumerate(memory), key=lambda entry: entry[1])
memory[max_i] = 0
for i in range(max_bank):
memory[(max_i+1+i) % memory_size] += 1
return len(previous_states), len(previous_states) - previous_states.index(str(memory))
def solve_all(self):
part1, part2 = self.__redistribute_memory()
return [part1, part2]
class Day5:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [int(offset) for offset in input_str.split('\n')]
def __general_jumps(offsets, advanced_mode=False):
offsets_length = len(offsets)
total_moves = 0
instruction_register = 0
while instruction_register >= 0 and instruction_register < offsets_length:
current_offset = offsets[instruction_register]
if advanced_mode == True and current_offset >= 3:
offsets[instruction_register] = current_offset - 1
offsets[instruction_register] = current_offset + 1
instruction_register += current_offset
total_moves += 1
return total_moves
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__general_jumps(self.input[:]),
self.__general_jumps(self.input[:], advanced_mode=True)]
class Day4:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [passphrase for passphrase in input_str.split('\n')]
def __count_unique(passphrase_list, transform=lambda word: word):
count = 0
for passphrase in passphrase_list:
word_list = passphrase.split(' ')
word_set = set()
for word in word_list:
if len(word_set) == len(word_list):
count += 1
return count
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__count_unique(self.input),
self.__count_unique(self.input, lambda word: ''.join(sorted(word)))]
class Day3:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = int(input_str)
def __in_loop(n):
return (sqrt(n-1)+1)//2
def __side_of_loop(L):
return 1+2*L
def __end_of_loop(L):
return (Day3.__side_of_loop(L))**2
def __solve_part_1(self):
n = self.input
if n == 1:
return 0
loop = self.__in_loop(n)
side_len = self.__side_of_loop(loop) - 1
start_of_loop = self.__end_of_loop(loop-1) + 1
on_side = (n - start_of_loop) // side_len
position_on_side = ((n - start_of_loop) % side_len) + 1
if on_side == 0:
x, y = loop, -loop + position_on_side
if on_side == 1:
x, y = loop - position_on_side, loop
if on_side == 2:
x, y = -loop, loop - position_on_side
if on_side == 3:
x, y = -loop + position_on_side, -loop
return abs(x)+abs(y)
def __real_positions(self, x, y):
return x+self.grid_side//2, y+self.grid_side//2
def __get_grid(self, x, y):
real_x, real_y = self.__real_positions(x, y)
return self.grid[real_y][real_x]
def __set_grid(self, x, y, value):
real_x, real_y = self.__real_positions(x, y)
self.grid[real_y][real_x] = value
def __get_next_position(self, x, y):
if (x >= 0 and y >= 0) and x == y: # upper right corner
self.speed_x, self.speed_y = -1, 0
if (x <= 0 and y >= 0) and -x == y: # upper left corner
self.speed_x, self.speed_y = 0, -1
if (x <= 0 and y <= 0) and x == y: # lower left corner
self.speed_x, self.speed_y = 1, 0
if (x >= 0 and y <= 0) and x == -y+1: # lower right corner
self.speed_x, self.speed_y = 0, 1
return x + self.speed_x, y + self.speed_y
def __sum_adjacent(self, x, y):
sum = 0
sum += self.__get_grid(x-1, y-1)
sum += self.__get_grid(x-1, y)
sum += self.__get_grid(x-1, y+1)
sum += self.__get_grid(x, y-1)
sum += self.__get_grid(x, y+1)
sum += self.__get_grid(x+1, y-1)
sum += self.__get_grid(x+1, y)
sum += self.__get_grid(x+1, y+1)
return sum
def __solve_part_2(self):
self.grid_side = int(sqrt(self.input))
self.grid = [[0]*self.grid_side for i in range(self.grid_side)]
x, y = 0, 0
self.speed_x, self.speed_y = 1, 0
current = 1
while current < self.input:
self.__set_grid(x, y, current)
x, y = self.__get_next_position(x, y)
current = self.__sum_adjacent(x, y)
return current
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day2:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [[int(n) for n in input_row.split('\t')] for input_row in input_str.split('\n')]
def __solve_part_1(self):
checksum = 0
for row in self.input:
checksum += max(row) - min(row)
return checksum
def __solve_part_2(self):
checksum = 0
for row in self.input:
for i, n1 in enumerate(row):
for n2 in row[i+1:]:
if max([n1, n2]) % min([n1, n2]) == 0:
checksum += max([n1, n2]) // min([n1, n2])
return checksum
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_part_1(), self.__solve_part_2()]
class Day1:
def __init__(self, input_str: str):
self.input = [int(n) for n in input_str]
def __solve_general(self, step_size: int):
total = 0
for position, number in enumerate(self.input):
lookahead_position = (position + step_size) % len(self.input)
if number == self.input[lookahead_position]:
total += number
return total
def solve_all(self):
return [self.__solve_general(-1), self.__solve_general(len(self.input)//2)]
import requests
import datetime
import json
import sys, inspect
# Put all 'SOLVER_CLASS_PREFIX{N}' classes into a SOLVER_CLASSES list
class_list = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
ordered_class_list = sorted(class_list, key=lambda class_obj: int(class_obj[0][len(SOLVER_CLASS_PREFIX):]))
for class_object in ordered_class_list:
if class_object[0].startswith(SOLVER_CLASS_PREFIX):
SOLVER_CLASSES[class_object[0]] = class_object[1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get the session cookie
with open(SESSION_FILE, 'r') as session_file:
SESSION_COOKIE = session_file.readline().rstrip()
except FileNotFoundError:
print('Please login to "", and get your session cookie from developer tools -> storage -> session cookie -> value')
print('You can also store it in a file and run "python3 < session.txt"')
SESSION_COOKIE = input('Session cookie value: ')
# Calculate the daily puzzles already released
latest_day = if <, 12, 25) else 25
# Check for existing inputs
with open(INPUTS_FILE, 'r') as inputs_file:
inputs = json.load(inputs_file)
except Exception:
print(f'No input file found at {INPUTS_FILE}')
inputs = {}
have_until_input = len(inputs)
# Fetch all missing puzzle inputs
if latest_day > have_until_input:
for i in range(have_until_input + 1, latest_day + 1):
print('fetching input for day ', i)
url = f'{i}/input'
inputs[f'{SOLVER_CLASS_PREFIX}{i}'] = requests.get(url, cookies={'session': SESSION_COOKIE}).text.rstrip()
# Check for existing solutions
with open(SOLUTIONS_FILE, 'r') as solutions_file:
solutions = json.load(solutions_file)
except Exception:
print(f'No solutions file found at {SOLUTIONS_FILE}')
solutions = {}
# Solve all released days without a solution + the current day
for name, solver in SOLVER_CLASSES.items():
if name not in solutions:
solutions[name] = solver(inputs[name]).solve_all()
# Print solutions
for name, solution in solutions.items():
if solution:
print(f'{name}:\n - part 1: {solution[0]}\n - part 2: {solution[1]}')
# Update the inputs and solutions files
with open(INPUTS_FILE, 'w') as inputs_file:
json.dump(inputs, inputs_file)
with open(SOLUTIONS_FILE, 'w') as solutions_file:
json.dump(solutions, solutions_file)
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ric2b commented Dec 6, 2017

If I want to make an auto submit later:
already completed: You don't seem to be solving the right level. Did you already complete it?
wrong answer: That's not the right answer.
wrong level+url: You don't seem to be solving the right level. Did you already complete it?
wrong session key or logged out: To play, please identify yourself via one of these services:
too fast: You gave an answer too recently; you have to wait after submitting an answer before trying again.
right answer: That's the right answer!

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Yeah that level POST param is really confusing. Does it mean there will at some point be another set of days as a separate level?

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..Actually the level seems to be the part of the question for that day.

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